The Christians of Burundi joined those of the world to celebrate the feast of the Ascension, that is to say the rise of Jesus Christ to heaven.
In different Christian Churches, the servants of God gave teachings on the meaning of this feast. For some, when Jesus ascended to heaven, at the Ascension, it was a solemn day when he went to report to his Father, to tell him that he had indeed accomplished the work of freeing human beings. from sin through the blood sacrifice he had given.
For others the Ascension means victory, the fulfillment of promises. Jesus has gone to heaven publicly to show that he has gone to prepare places for us, so this is a time to remember that Jesus is coming back to reclaim his Church,
The President of the Senate Emmanuel Sinzohagera and legal representative of the United Methodist Church of Burundi in the company of his wife joined Thursday, May 26, 2022 the Christians of the parish of the Kiramvya Methodist Church in Muzye zone, Giharo commune of the province Rutana in a prayer of celebration of the feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ.
In his message of solutions to Christians, the President of the Senate wished a happy feast of the Ascension of Christ to all the people of Burundi. He asked the people to do things that will allow them to come to the Kingdom of God.
The Honorable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, Legal Representative of the United Methodist Church of Burundi called on the pastors of this Church in the Giharo district to exploit the land properties that belong to the parishes in order to increase agricultural production and develop these parishes.
Source: Radio Television Burundi