The Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) has held its end-of-year thanksgiving and carols service to celebrate God’s protection and blessings despite a challenging year.

The service was an occasion for the CAGD to reflect, cherish and thank God for His provision, protection and faithfulness.

The service was on the theme: ‘In everything give thanks to God, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.’

It saw members of the CAGD, most of whom were in white attires, filling the forecourt of the Department with their guests.

In a joyful and ecstatic mood, they danced and worshiped God for His goodness.

Delivering his end-of-year message, Mr Kwasi Kwaning-Bosompem, the Controller and Accountant General, said the theme for the occasion reminded all of the power of gratitude and the importance of giving thanks in all circumstances.

He said gratitude was not merely an emotion, but a transformative attitude that shaped perspectives and empowered people to face challenges with resilience
and hope.

‘I stand before you today with a heart full of gratitude for the blessings we have received throughout the year,’ he added.

Mr Kwaning-Bosompem said this year the Department encountered unforeseen obstacles, both on personal and professional fronts but despite the difficulties, the staff continued to excel in the delivery of their mandates.

‘As a Department, we continue to strive towards excellent service delivery, consistent with our mission of providing public financial management services to the Government and the public,’ he said.

‘We also continue to promote the development of efficient accounting systems in all Government Departments,’ he stressed.

Apostle Samuel Amponsah-Frimpong, the Chairman of the Christ Apostolic Church, delivering the sermon, acknowledged the spread of violence across Africa, pointing to Chad, Mali, and Burkina Faso among other countries, but Ghana had been peaceful, giving every cause to give thanks to God.

He urged Ghanaians to utilise their gifts and talents to
ensure the country’s growth.
Source: Ghana News Agency

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