As of 4 September 2022, a total of 235 million people in the African Region had completed the primary COVID-19 vaccination series, representing 20.3% of the Region’s population. Two countries in the African Region have surpassed the target of 70% of their population fully vaccinated: Mauritius (75.3%) and Seychelles (76.3%).
Following a quality control of data conducted at country level in Rwanda, the percentage of people who have completed the primary series has been found to be below 70%. Eight countries have recorded a percentage of between 40% and 70% of people who have completed the primary series: Mozambique (40.0%), Eswatini (41.1%), Sao Tome and Principe (46.1%), Comoros (46.5%), Botswana (53.1%), Liberia (56.8%), Cabo Verde (52.4%) and Rwanda (66.3%).

Six countries have fewer than 10% of their population who have completed the primary vaccination series: Burundi (0.1%), Democratic Republic of the Congo (3.0%), Cameroon (4.5%), Madagascar (5.1%), Senegal (6.5%) and Mali (7.5%).

Booster doses are being administered to fully vaccinated people (those who have completed the primary series) in 36 out of 46 countries in the African Region (78%). This figure includes 35 countries that have submitted reports on booster shots to the WHO Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO). Benin is the only country with no data on booster doses available at national level. In the 35 countries that submitted reports to WHO AFRO, 13.2% of people who have completed the primary series have received at least one booster dose.

Data from 26 countries show that 49.7% of health-care workers have completed the primary series.accounts for 3.5% of doses received in the 35 countries and 2.3% of doses received in the African Region. Senegal (25.4%), Madagascar (23.3%), Algeria (18.8%), Namibia (11.3%) and Sao Tome and Prince (10.9%) recorded the highest percentage of expired doses in relation to those received.

The WHO AFRO continued to provide technical and financial support to Member States to scale up COVID-19 vaccination with a special focus on the 14 priority countries to address equity gaps in COVID-19 vaccination coverage.
The support provided by WHO AFRO through its Vaccine Pillar and efforts made by countries to improve the quality and coverage of COVID-19 vaccination were recognized by the WHO Director-General and the Regional Director for Africa at the Seventy-second session of the Regional Committee for Africa held in Lomé, Togo, from 22 to 26 August 2022. They urged countries to focus on reaching 100% of the highest priority groups with the primary series and assured them of the commitment and support of WHO.

Source: World Health Organization

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