Debate on Draft Law on Assembly, Demonstration adjourned

National Assembly (AN) decided Friday to postpone “sine die” the debate held in specialty around the duties of the police authorities, as part of the Draft Assembly and Demonstration Law.

The adjournment was confirmed by MP and chairperson of 1st Commission, dedicated to Institutional and Legal matters, Joaquim Reis Júnior, who alleged lack of consensus on the duties of the authorities responsible for guaranteeing the protection of demonstrators.

On Thursday, the MPs failed to overcome the impasse related to voting on the chapter.

The Friday’s session started with the contribution by MP Milonga Bernardo, who spoke of the role the authorities, essentially the police, in demonstrations.

The proposal indicates that the police officer who is responsible for maintaining public order and tranquility must act with proportionality, balance, weighting, moderation, precaution and control in the use of the resources made available to him.

He also suggests that the police officer act exclusively on behalf of the public service and in respect for legally protected rights.

While Olívio Calumbo defended the introduction of the ban on detention of demonstrators and the accompanying means and articles.

The position was contradicted by the Antonieta Baptista, who said that there are already instruments that regulate the actions of the police.

In turn, the MP Yolanda Sousa said that the basic police law establishes procedures for their staff.

Deputy Jorge Vitorino, on the other hand, insisted on the need to regulate police action in law to avoid excesses by the authorities and their agents.

Due to the lack of consensus, Joaquim Reis Júnior decided to postpone the discussions “sine die”, because it was found that the MPs were moving backward in their discussion

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)