Some residents in the Makepe Missoke neighborhood in the Douala 5 subdivision have sent a distress call to municipal authorities alerting them of a mess from the septic tank of an individual that puts their health at risk.

Excrement from poorly connected septic tank pipes flows into their homes. A family said they have been living in the mess for over a year now.

‘The stinking waste from the septic tank drains into my house unceasingly. All the rooms including that of the children stink. The situation has been like this for over a year. We are forced to sleep in the parlor. We are still here because there is no money to go and rent a house elsewhere.’ Akana Cynthia, a housewife said.

They have spent enormously on hospital bills given their children fall sick often.

‘Every month I spend about 50,000frs for my health including that of my wife and children. ‘ David Tiomagnou, the family head revealed.

Efforts to implore the owner to address the problem went in vain.

‘He paid deaf ears and showed no zeal to
repair the septic tank.’ Added David.

The victims of this environmental pollution who have also tabled the problem to the quarterhead with fruitless results now look up to the Douala 5 authorities for intervention and immediate action taken against the owner of the septic tank who is adamant about not repairing it despite a series of complaints.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

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