By Charity Nginyu

Tensions have escalated in the East Region, following the suspension of the Director of the Messamena District Hospital, Dr. Assamba Mpom Serge Auguste Paul.

The suspension comes amid allegations of boycotting work and preparations for the National Youth Day celebration on February 11.

The controversy traces back to a release issued by the Divisional Officer of Messamena, Minlo Yves Stanislas on January 23, 2024, where the Director was accused of absenteeism during a crucial preparatory meeting. The Divisional Officer demanded written explanations within a limited timeframe, sparking a heated exchange between the two parties.

Reacting to the accusations, Dr. Assamba Mpom Serge Auguste Paul vehemently denied any wrongdoing, alleging bad faith on the part of the Divisional Officer.

Despite his rebuttal, the Ministry of Public Health proceeded with disciplinary action, issuing a three-month suspension to Dr. Assamba Mpom Serge Auguste Paul on March 8, 2024. The suspension, effective immedi
ately, entails deprivation of basic salary until the Director’s reinstatement.


On January 23, 2024, the Divisional Officer of Messamena issued a release accusing the Director of the Messamena District Hospital of boycotting work and preparations for the celebration of National Youth Day on February 11 without permission. The Divisional Officer demanded written explanations within 148 hours for the perceived absence during the preparatory meeting.

In response, the Director expressed dismay at the accusation, citing the delayed notification of the summons and asserting bad faith on the part of the Divisional Officer. He emphasized his professional integrity and refuted claims of negligence, stating, ‘I am neither your serf, nor contempt, or even disdain, and I will NEVER say it!’

Over a month later, on March 8, 2024, the Ministry of Public Health issued a three-month suspension to the Director, citing breach of professional ethics and conduct.

The suspension entails deprivation of basic salary unti
l the Director’s return to service.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Professor De-Graft Owusu-Manu, President of Green Communities International, said developing countries including Ghana, must take environmental sustainability issues seriously.

By doing so, the countries would directly and indirectly be resolving climate issues, preserving the planet and natural resources such as water and air.

‘Building a sustainable future and cultivating sustainable ways of living will reduce pollution and protect habitats of plants,’ he said.

Speaking at the media launch of the first International Conference on Environment, Social Governance and Sustainable Development Agenda of Africa (ICESDA) in Kumasi, Prof Owusu-Manu said developing countries could achieve these through strong and effective collaboration between academia and industry.

He cited Rwanda and Cote d’Ivoire as countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, which were confronting sustainability issues hands-on in the right direction, adding that Ghana needed to emulate.

He said Ghana could conform to the Environment, Social and Gover
nance (ESG) factors to explicitly measure sustainability performance to ensure responsible investments and commit to a social impact agenda.

‘While businesses are making profits, they should take care of the people working in the business to thrive as well as protecting the planet through actions; our actions and inactions should not destroy the planet,’ he emphasized.

Prof. Owusu-Manu, who is the Chairman of the Conference dubbed ‘ICESDA 2024’ scheduled to take place on 26th-29th March 2024 in Kumasi, explained that the programme would offer participants the opportunity to showcase their sustainable lifestyles, contributions and pathways in addressing the Sustainable Development Goals.

The programme would be held on the theme ‘Enhancing Environment, Social, Governance and Sustainability for Africa’s Development’.

The conference would bring teams from across the globe to discuss actionable insights on how to engage stakeholders in resolving issues for sustainable solutions in their business value chain.

Topics to be discussed would bother on sustainable innovations in the built environment ecosystem, social entrepreneurship and indigenous knowledge management.

Other topics would include food security and climate-smart agricultural technologies (precision agriculture and greenhouse agriculture), urban mobility, sustainable innovations in marine plastics, and textile and microfibre technology.

Dr. Christian Mensah Sewordor, Co-Chairman of ICESDA 2024, called on stakeholders to act through research to protect ecosystems and enhance sustainability.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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