During the Council of Ministers of June 1, the Minister of National Education and Scientific Research, François Havyarimana, indicated that certain fundamental, post-basic and university education establishments, in bad faith or ignorance, do not respect not the legal texts.

“The application of the sanctions provided for in these texts works to the detriment of pupils and students. This creates conflicts either between the pupils/students and their establishments, or between the ministry and these establishments. »

The problems observed at the level of fundamental and post-basic education, according to the Minister, are among others: the opening of schools without authorisation, the enrollment of pupils at all levels while the order of opening only provides for enrollment in the first years (1st kindergarten, 1st fundamental and first post-fundamental) and the reception of pupils in the middle of the year without authorisation. “All these three cases are frequently observed in private schools located in urban centers and especially in the town hall of Bujumbura. »

Minister Havyarimana also indicates that there are irregularities in higher education institutions, particularly private ones, in relation to non-compliance with the legal framework governing higher education. “The challenges related to graduation in these institutions are mainly due to non-compliance with the legal framework. As challenges, the minister underlines the non-respect of the conditions of access to higher education, the opening of training programs and organization of lessons without a ministerial order authorizing the opening, graduation without having the order accreditation of programs, non-compliance with the regulations on the organization of administrative and academic governance as well as the lack of financial resources.

Closing as one of the solutions

Among other solutions, the Council of Ministers recommended closing, from the 2022/2023 school year, all establishments that opened their doors without authorization and sanctioning establishments that committed faults in accordance with the texts in force. He urges the Minister to review the ordinance prohibiting the enrollment of students at all levels while the establishment is regular and has sufficient reception capacity. “It is necessary to identify at the level of the services of the State those which are last this situation and to sanction them. »

With regard to higher education establishments, the Council of Ministers indicates that the diplomas of technical education graduates who were not entitled to the national test and who began their university studies after the entry into force of Law No. 1 /22 of December 30, 2011 on the Reorganization of Higher Education in Burundi will not be recognized. “They will have to pass the State Examination to start university again if they want to. »

In addition, the council decided that it is necessary to grant the diploma of Technician Superior of level A1 by derogation to the students not holders of the State diploma who followed the programs of professional level not authorized nor approved and were enrolled in the against Decree No. 100/140 of June 6, 2013 on the organization of Higher Professional Medical and Paramedical Education in Burundi. “The educational institutions at various levels responsible for these irregularities must be prosecuted.

Source: IWACU Burundi

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