The Forum for Natural Regeneration (FONAR), an environmentally focused non-governmental organization, has called on Government to

review current bushfire control and prevention Law (PNDC 229 of 1990) to reflect the needs of rural communities.

According to the organization, the law in its current form appeared to criminalise traditional use for fire, land and natural resource management rather than promoting safe and effective burning.

It added that the law also provided for the establishment of town, area or unit volunteer squads but did not give guidance on how they should be formed, their structure and functions, and reporting structure.

‘The law should be reviewed to reflect the needs of rural communities, facilitate the involvement of traditional authorities, and promote proper use of fire. At the same time, it should make provision for preventing unwanted fires and escapes and how to manage negative impacts of bushfires such as its effect on air quality’, it said.

Mr Sumaila Saaka, the Executive Di
rector of FONAR made this call when he addressed school children, community members and personnel from the Ghana National Fire Service at the launch of its 2023/2024 school kids and community bushfire awareness and preparedness campaign at Tongo-Balungu primary school in the Talensi District.

According to him, the best bushfire management approach was to introduce a system of incentives, sanctions, education and foster government or community partnerships that encouraged responsible uses of fire.

He reiterated that the law should be amended to align with the National Wildfire Management Policy (2006), the National Fire Service Act, 1997 (Act 537) and related polices and laws.

The launch of the campaign was to increase knowledge of school kids and community members on the impact of bushfire and build effective adult-youth partnership for bushfire prevention and control in their communities.

It was held on the theme: ‘Be bushfire ready: Bushfire prevention is everyone`s responsibility,’ with funding support
from Awaken Tress Foundation of Austria.

Mr Silas Mahama, FONAR Focal person, Ghana Education Service (GES), noted that the dire consequences of bushfire were devastating, and GES was happy to be partnering FONAR in helping the communities to fight bushfires.

‘We know that when we succeed in fighting it well, the impact on our children would be positive as nutritional levels will increase due to the availability of food which would have been lost to fires and they will come to school always to learn’, he added.

Naba Joseph Atiah, the Chief of Tongo Balungu, thanked FONAR for its effort in the fight against bushfires and assured the organization of his commitment.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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