The Global Media Foundation (GloMeF) has secured 300,000 pounds sterling from the United Kingdom (UK) Botnar Fondation for the implementation of a project to promote adolescent health and general well-being in the Sunyani municipality.

It would also inspire the adolescent to contribute towards decision-making processes for holistic development.

The GloMeF is a not-for-profit organisation which specialises in using right-based; social and behaviour change communication and evidence-based research approaches to facilitate inclusive development targeting young people, women and children in the society.

According to Mr Raphael Godlove Ahenu, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Foundation, the project was in line with Botnar’s Healthy Cities for Adolescents through Ecorys UK.

The Healthy Cities for Adolescents programme is a multi-year initiative to promote the health and well-being of adolescents in intermediary cities across the global south.

Six countries comprising Colombia, Ghana, Senegal, Vietnam, India and Ecuador are benefiting from the initiative which promotes young people as important contributors and equal partners in creating sustainable solutions for their growing cities.

Taking a broad focus on their needs, including both primary health and socio-economic factors that impacted physical and mental well-being, Fondation Botnar provided grants to help test, scale and enable projects that work with young people to tackle the issues they faced in their cities.

The Sunyani City Project dubbed ‘Resilient City for Adolescents (RCA), Mr Ahenu said, would be officially launched on Wednesday, September 20, 2023.

Giving an overview of the project’s implementation in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA), he explained the 36-month project also aimed at empowering adolescents in the municipality socially, politically and economically to be active citizens and empower them to demand their rights and actively engage in decision-making processes.

The project would be implemented by a consortium of partners and civil society organisations including Citizens Watch Ghana, Indigenous Women Empowerment Network as primary partners.

Other project implementation partners included the Ghana Health Service, Ghana Education Service, Catholic University of Ghana, National Youth Authority, Sunyani Municipal Assembly, Sunyani West Municipal Assembly, Ghana Enterprise Agency and the Ghana-India Kofi Annan Center of Excellence.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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