BALI NGYONGA, North West Region (CNA) – A sudden and severe lightning strike proved fatal for 28 cows in Bosa – Bali Ngyonga, underscoring the dangers posed by thunderstorms in rural areas. The incident took place early Saturday around 6AM.

The incident occurred June 23, 2024 during adverse weather conditions, when a bolt of lightning struck a grazing herd, resulting in immediate casualties among the livestock. Opinion leaders have cautioned residents against consuming beef from the affected animals to prevent potential health risks.

Farmers in the region, heavily reliant on cattle farming for livelihoods, expressed deep distress over the loss. Efforts are underway to assess the economic impact and provide support to affected families.

The cows belonged to a certain Abdul Karim.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

BALI NGYONGA, North West Region (CNA) – A sudden and severe lightning strike proved fatal for 28 cows in Bosa – Bali Ngyonga, underscoring the dangers posed by thunderstorms in rural areas. The incident took place early Saturday around 6AM.

The incident occurred June 23, 2024 during adverse weather conditions, when a bolt of lightning struck a grazing herd, resulting in immediate casualties among the livestock. Opinion leaders have cautioned residents against consuming beef from the affected animals to prevent potential health risks.

Farmers in the region, heavily reliant on cattle farming for livelihoods, expressed deep distress over the loss. Efforts are underway to assess the economic impact and provide support to affected families.

The cows belonged to a certain Abdul Karim.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

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