In 2023, the 28th edition of the Mount Cameroon Race of Hope, which was also celebrating its 50th anniversary, took place amidst ongoing insecurity in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon.

Unfortunately, the event was marred by several explosions resulting in casualties among athletes, spectators, and others who required hospitalization.

Moreover, the race presented some challenges, including unfamiliarity with the area, according to Emmanuel Motomby Mbome, the President of the Cameroon Athletic Federation. Some athletes lost track, resulting in missed opportunities for podium positions.

Additionally, anonymous athletes articulated concerns about the logging process, which they felt was handled too close to the race day, not allowing for proper rest and preparation.

‘ The problem is that they only lodge use on the eve of the Race’

Nevertheless, the race persevered and 32-year-old Adamu Issa Bouba emerged victorious in the male category, while Adamou Issa Bouba triumphed in the female category.

ng ahead, the 2024 edition of the race is expected to be an improvement over the previous year, with a focus on security being a top priority.

The Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Professor Narcisse Mouelle Kombi, has assured athletes that all necessary precautions have been taken to ensure the security of participants and their belongings.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

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