Dr. Alvaro Bermejo, Director General of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), is set to visit Ghana on a high-level mission from February 10 to 13, 2024.

A statement issued by the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG) said Dr. Bermejo would be accompanied by Ms. Marie-Evelyne Pétrus-Barry, Regional Director for Africa.

IPPF is the leading global provider of sexual and reproductive health services worldwide and PPAG is an affiliate of the Federation.

The IPPF supports African national associations in their field actions for vulnerable people and implements regional initiatives that promote sexual and reproductive rights and health across the continent.

According to the statement, during his visit, Mr Bermejo will meet with PPAG teams in Accra to discuss the Association’s priorities and issues in sexual and reproductive health and rights.

He would also undertake a field visit to Cape Coast for first-hand experience with PPAG’s frontline work.

‘In addition, there will be media en
gagements, high-level courtesy calls and meetings with top Ghanaian authorities, including relevant Cabinet Ministers and private organisations working in the Reproductive Health sector in Ghana,’ it said.

The PPAG envisions a Ghana in which young people and disadvantaged groups have unrestricted access to sexual and reproductive health and rights.

The statement said Mr Bermejo’s visit ‘will provide an opportunity to review progress made and challenges that are left to be surmounted.’

It said the visit demonstrated the IPPF’s and PPAG’s continued commitment to defending the rights and health of women, men, young people, and vulnerable groups.

The statement said the PPAG and IPPF were determined to strengthen their collaboration to improve universal access to quality sexual and reproductive health services.

‘For PPAG, it has been almost 60 fulfilling years of influencing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights policies, service delivery and shifting norms and looking forward to more years of impactful e
xistence,’ it said.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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