6.1 MILLION Estimated population in CAR United Nations (UN), December 2022

3.4 MILLION Estimated number of people in need of humanitarian assistance United Nations (UN), December 2022

3 MILLION Number of people in need of emergency food assistance through August IPC, November 2022

505,059 Number of displaced people in CAR UNHCR, October 2022

748,937 Number of CAR refugees in neighboring countries UNHCR, November 2022

According to the United Nations, nearly 3.4 million people in the Central African Republic (CAR) are expected to need humanitarian assistance in 2023.

An upsurge in armed group activity has led to an increase in displacement and protection of civilians violations in recent weeks.

According to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET), up to 990,000 people are likely to face acute food insecurity nationwide between June and August 2023.

Source: US Agency for International Development

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