Mr Sylvanus Tettey, South Dayi District Planning Officer, has extended a call to investors to explore the opportunities available in the district for development and growth.

He said the three major investment opportunities were honey production and processing at Peki Agbateh, fish processing at Dzemeni and Abui, and commercial cassava plantation and processing at Sanga, Agbateh and Tsatee.

Mr Tettey speaking during the sixth Volta Trade and Investment Fair in Ho, said the district was also developing the ‘one area one product’ initiative to help explore and utilise available resources in the areas within the district.

He said other products being produced in the district included cosmetics and artifacts.

Mr Tettey said the Assembly had vast lands that investors could acquire for commercial purposes without issues.

He said the district’s focus in agricultural development remained the planting of cash crops in commercial quantities with crops such as cashew, oil palm, cassava, and sweet potato under consi

‘The goal is to create a high raw material base for the district thus creating opportunities for processing factories to add value for local consumption and export’.

Mr Tettey said the Volta Lake offered opportunities for aquaculture development adding that there were some investors along the lake who were into fish farming.

He said some tourist sites in the district were plateaus and conical hills that had the potential to develop paragliding sites while developing resorts along the lake and on the lake for leisure.

Mr Tettey noted that the rich types of soil in the District was good for agricultural production and positioned it to benefit from government’s food and jobs export programmes.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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