• Despite the decision a ceasefire after the mini-Summit held in Angola fighting continue in the western part of Rutshuru territory, causing additional population displacements

• Over 370,000 persons, including 228,000 women, have been displaced since the start of the conflict 49% live in sites and collective shelters, 92% of the sites are in Nyragongo territory

• 36 suspected cholera cases have been reported in Nyragongo territory including 29 from the Kanyaruchinya health area • UNICEF and partners continue aiding the most vulnerable households through NFI-kits distributions and WASH, child protection, health, education, and nutrition interventions in this volatile and unpredictable environment

Situation Overview

Fighting continue in the western part of Rutshuru territory towards Bwito’s chiefdom in Tongo and Bambo area. The M23 reportedly extended is control over the villages of Buhambi, Bambo, and Kishishe.

A mini summit on “peace and security in eastern DRC” (Luanda, November 23) was organized by Angola’s President in his role as mediator between the DRC and Rwanda. Participants included the President of the DRC, Burundi and Kenya. Rwanda was represented by its Minister of Foreign Affairs. Among the conclusions, a cessation of hostilities between M23 and FARDC was decided for Friday 25 November. However, no cease-fire has yet been observed. Clashes continued after 25 November in the west Rutshuru towards the areas bordering Masisi territory and on the Nyamilima – Ishasha axis north of Rutshuru causing further population movements.

A worrying 65% increase of suspected cholera cases is being reported, from 62 suspected cases in the province in during the epidemiological week (EW) 46 (14-20 november) to 102 suspected cases in EW47 (21-27 november). 36 of these suspected cases are from Nyiragongo territory including 29 from the Kanyaruchinya health area where 168,000 people are displaced in overcrowded and precarious sites and collective shelters.

IOM estimates that over 370,000 persons, including 228,000 women, have been displaced since the start of the conflict 49% live in sites and collective shelters, 92% of the sites are in Nyragongo territory. (DTM – IOM, 28 November 2021).

Source: UN Children’s Fund

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