Ghanaian youth have been urged to uphold truthfulness in all their activities since it remains the most powerful weapon to defeat the enemy. Mr Kofi Owusu, former Youth President of the Ayigya branch of the Calvary Charismatic Church, in the Oforikrom Municipality, who made the call, said the youth should always be bold to speak the truth at home, workplace and any other place no matter the situation they encounter. ‘As a Ghanaian youth, you must have a plan for your life, do not be afraid of the truth, be bold to speak the truth at home, office or any other place you find yourself no matter the situation at hand’. Speaking at a ceremony to kick-start a week-long youth revival programme at the Calvary Temple, Assemblies of God (A/G) Church at North Suntreso, in Kumasi, he said God always protects the one who stayed with the truth. The week-long revival is on the theme ‘Building the next generation through holiness.’ According to the speaker, without the truth, it would be difficult for the nation and the youth to have a decent livelihood to help enhance standards of living. He asked the congregation to co-operate with each other and help weed out the bad nuts among them, with a view to protect the image of the church and the country. Mr Owusu urged the youth to be law-abiding and work vigorously to protect a good image of themselves and also cautioned them to be resolute and say ‘no’ to any form of actions that would mar their future career. He again cautioned the youth of the church to stay away from violence and remain resolute and not to allow themselves to be used to foment trouble but live exemplary lives for their peer groups to emulate.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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