842 mt of food assistance distributed

USD 867,602 cash transferred under assistance to refugees, returnees, nutrition and resilience-building and forecast-based financing activities

USD 10.19 m six months net funding requirements (November 2022 – April 2023)

323,023 people assisted in October 2022

Operational Updates

• Assistance to refugees: WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 55,577 refugees (24,454 males, 31,123 females, 15,006 children aged 0-59 months and 2,223 people with over 60 years of age) with the distribution of 503 mt of in-kind food and USD 417,145 in cash-based transfers (CBT).

• Assistance to returnees: WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 3,638 Burundian returnees (1,783 males or 49 percent and 1,855 females or 51 percent), distributing a combination of in-kind food and CBT. The assistance consisted of hot meals provided at transit centres, and a three-month in-kind food or CBT return package depending on availability. Out of the 3,638 returnees assisted, 1,813 received a return assistance package in CBT for a total of USD 53,188, and the remaining (1,825) received in-kind food. In total, 28 mt of in-kind food were distributed to these returnees in October.

• Under the KfW-funded nutrition and resilience programme, WFP provided USD 108,304 in CBT to 2,500 people participating in resilience-building activities (12,500 beneficiaries) in Kirundo and Karusi provinces. The project is implemented in 4 provinces (Kirundo, Karusi, Ruyigi and Karusi).

• Forecast-based financing: In October, as part of its Forecastbased Financing approach, WFP and the Burundi Red Cross (BRC) distributed multipurpose cash amounting to USD 288,965 to 16,315 at-risk people in the vulnerable areas of Rumonge and Rutana provinces. The areas and communities were jointly identified with the International Office for Migration (IOM), who is leading a national disaster risk reduction project in an effort to seek complementarity with longer term preparedness initiatives. The amount distributed is to cover both immediate food needs as well as preparedness/prevention needs at community and household level.

• School Feeding Programme: The programme provided 210,590 school children with daily school meals prepared with 206 mt of food and 176 mt of UHT milk. Only 28 percent of school chilren were assisted because WFP faced procurement constraints linked to the quality of locally purchased cereals.

Source: World Food Programme

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