In Numbers

579 mt of food assistance distributed

USD 594,980 cash transferred under assistance to refugees and returnees

USD 14.81 m six months net funding requirements (October 2022 – March 2023)

216,388 people assisted in September 2022

Operational Updates

• Assistance to refugees: WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 55,363 refugees (24,360 males, 31,003 females, 14,948 children aged 0-59 months and 2,215 people with over 60 years of age) with the distribution of 311 mt of in-kind food and USD 552,263 in cash-based transfers (CBT).

• Assistance to returnees: WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 3,609 Burundian returnees (1,768 males or 49 percent and 1,841 females or 51 percent), distributing a combination of in-kind food and cash-based transfers (CBT). The assistance consisted of hot meals provided at transit centres, and a three-month in-kind food or CBT return package depending on availability. Thus, out of the 3,609 returnees assisted, 1,487 received a return assistance package in CBT for a total of USD 42,717, while the rest (2,122) received in-kind food. In total, 45 mt of in-kind food were distributed to these returnees in September.

• School Feeding Programme: On 12 September, schools reopened for the new 2022/2023 schoolyear after a two-month vacation, and school feeding activities resumed in schools assisted under the school feeding programme. However, WFP reached only 119,200 school children which is 20 percent of its target because of a pipeline break in cereals, vegetable oil and salt. The programme assisted the school children with 105 mt of food.

• Treatment of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM): In September, MAM treatment activities benefitted 3,853 children aged 6-59 months who received 15 mt of specialized nutritious foods in Cankuzo, Kirundo, Ngozi, and Rutana provinces. Pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls could not be treated due to lack of SuperCereal Plus (CSB++).

• Stunting prevention: Under the KfW-funded nutrition and resilience programme and BMZ-funded nutrition programme, WFP provided 103 mt of specialized nutritious food to 34,363 PLWGs and children aged 6-23 months (14,769 PLWGs and 19,594 children) for the prevention of stunting in Kirundo, Karusi, Ruyigi and Rutana provinces.

• Food insecurity Integrated Phase Classification (IPC): The projections of the August 2022 IPC indicate that during the projected period (Oct. to Dec. 2022) 12 percent of the population (1.404 million) is facing acute food insecurity (IPC phases 3 and above). During the current period (June to Sept. 2022), this proportion stood at 10 percent (1,185 million). The main factors of food insecurity are recurrent climatic hazards, displacement, the lingering effects of COVID-19, the Rift Valley Fever and the global inflation of food prices.

• Food price monitoring: The monthly increase in food prices observed since June 2022 continued in September 2022. The average price of beans and rice has increased by 16 percent and 4 percent respectively between August and September 2022 in all provinces of Burundi. This price increase will continue, particularly as we enter the lean season (October to December 2022) which, in addition to the normal depletion of household reserves, is also compounded by disruptions to market supplies caused by fuel shortages.

Source: World Food Programme

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