In Numbers

195.3 mt food assistance distributed in July 2022

US$ 30,653 cash-based transfers made in July 2022, for cash for work.

US$ 1 million six-month (August 2022 – January 2023) net funding requirements

83,470 people received food assistance in July 2022

Operational Updates

• WFP provides social safety nets for 59,000 orphans and vulnerable children under 5 years at the 1,700 Neighbourhood Care Points (NCPs) in Eswatini through access to food. NCP partners continued with monthly monitoring, captured distributors reports in COMET and shared their monthly narrative reports.

• Under NCP food production, the harvesting season continues. Some NCPs have also received fruit trees, vegetable seedlings and fertilizers. Smallholder farmers continue to receive trainings and practice of conservation agriculture (CA) concepts at NCPs and household level, to ensure the provision of diverse and nutritious meals to the children.

• WFP works with the Government, through the Ministry of Education and Training in implementing a sustainable, nutrition-sensitive, and national school feeding programme. The Home-Grown School Feeding (HGSF) project started in September 2019, targeting 50 schools and 24,392 students. WFP works with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to empower local smallholder farmers to provide schoolchildren with food that is safe, diverse, nutritious, and local. The basket now compromises rice, maize, beans, vegetables and eggs. WFP is currently undertaking an evaluation of the pilot

• Staff members, alongside cooperating partners conducted a field visit to beneficiaries of poultry and cash crop production livelihood project for People Living with HIV (PLHIV), Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) and Key Populations, supported by UNAIDS.

• WFP together with the Government under the Ministry of Agriculture is supporting a project titled “Eswatini Integrated Agricultural Information Management System” (IAMIS). The IAMIS is designed to improve the performance management information systems for monitoring, evaluation and performance of food systems and livelihood programmes, through the design and development of an integrated online (webenabled) system. The pilot support has been extended to December 2022.

• Staff and implementing partners were trained on mainstreaming gender across all their activities.
Implementing partners were also trained on the WFP gender policy, protection and accountability to affected populations, protection from sexual exploitation and abuse, and monitoring approaches.

Source: World Food Programme

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