Action Chapel International’s Annual Convention dubbed ‘IMPACT’ has ended with a call on believers to walk in the likeness and the image of Jesus Christ if they desire to experience a higher realm of God’s dominion. 

Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams, the Founder and General Overseer of the Church, speaking on the theme ‘Open Doors’, and with a final message titled ‘What Next’ reminded congregants that without walking in the image of Christ, any impartation they had received during the programme, would come to nothing.

He said, ‘the right or audacity to access dominion comes from being in His image and likeness.’

The Founder said no matter how powerful or great an individual become in this life, they could never access and walk in dominion until they were conformed to the image of Jesus, who was the express image of God.

He urged believers not to be conformed to this world, indicating that the reason why many believers struggle when it came to experiencing God’s dominion was because, ‘even though we ar
e born again, for whatever reason, we are not Christ-like, and until we become like Jesus, our Christianity is just sinking sand.’

Archbishop Duncan-Williams also urged attendees to make an impact on the lives of others, saying that if the blessings bestowed upon them could not impact others, then it was meaningless. 

‘So, we can either make a difference in the lives of others or remain as we are and keep saying we are blessed. The truth is, you cannot say you are blessed when your life is not impacting others,’ he added. 

Every day of the event saw thousands gathering, both at the venue (Action Chapel) and online, for the ‘IMPACT’ experience, which seeks to empower attendees spiritually.

Many surrendered their lives to Christ while others received healing and found answers to their breakthrough.

This year’s convention not only featured award-winning musicians from Ghana and beyond but also brought together great speakers, including Apostle Joshua Selman, Bishop Michael Pitts, and Bishop Gregory Toussain

Others are Pastor Paula White-Cain, Rev. Dr. David Antwi, and Apostle Isi Igenegba, each delivering a series of inspiring and power-packed sermons throughout the event.
Source: Ghana News Agency

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