Press conference by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, Geneva, 25 August 2022

Good morning. Thank you all for joining us today – in the room and online.

As you know, after four years as the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, my mandate ends next week, on 31 August.

The world has changed fundamentally over the course of my mandate.

I would say the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ever-increasing effects of climate change, and the reverberating shocks of the food, fuel and finance crisis resulting from the war against Ukraine have been the three major issues.

Polarization within and among States has reached extraordinary levels and multilateralism is under pressure.

Important protest movements occurred in every region of the world demanding an end to structural racism, respect for economic and social rights, and against corruption, governance deficits and abuse of power – in many instances accompanied by violence, threats and attacks against protesters and human rights defenders, and at some times against journalists. Some led to real change in the country. In other cases, rather than listening to the voices of the people, governments responded by shrinking the space for debate and dissent.

Over the past few months – once the COVID situation allowed me to resume official country visits – I have been to Burkina Faso, Niger, Afghanistan, China, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Peru and Bangladesh. I have been able to see first-hand the impact of climate change, armed conflict, the food-fuel-finance crisis, hateful rhetoric, systematic discrimination, and the human rights challenges around migration, among other issues.

The UN Human Rights Office has worked, in a myriad of ways, to help monitor, engage and advocate for the protection and promotion of human rights. As I have said before, at the UN, dialogue, engagement, cooperation, monitoring, reporting and public advocacy must all be part of our DNA. We have worked to try to help bridge the gap between government and civil society, to support national implementation of human rights obligations and advise on reforms to bring laws and policies into compliance with international standards, to expand our presences in-country so we are a in a better position to work closely with the people on the ground. We have spoken out in private and public on country-specific and broader issues. And we have seen some progress.

The recognition of the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment by the UN General Assembly last month marked the culmination of many years of advocacy by civil society. I am proud of my Office’s support and strong backing of this movement throughout the course of my mandate. The extreme weather events of the past few months have again driven home, powerfully, the existential need for urgent action to protect our planet for current and future generations. Meeting this need is the greatest human rights challenge of this era – and all States have an obligation to work together on this, and to walk the talk, to fully implement the right to a healthy environment. The response to the triple planetary crisis of pollution, climate change and biodiversity loss must be centred in human rights, including the rights to participation, access to information and justice, and by addressing the disproportionate impact of environmental harms on the most marginalized and disadvantaged.

There has also been steady progress towards abolition of the death penalty – some 170 States have abolished or introduced a moratorium, in law or in practice, or suspended executions for more than 10 years. The Central African Republic, Chad, Kazakhstan, Sierra Leone and Papua New Guinea are among those who have taken steps to fully abolish the death penalty. Other States, including Liberia and Zambia are also actively considering abolition. Malaysia announced that it will abolish the country’s mandatory death penalty, including for drug related offences. As of today, 90 States have ratified the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the key international treaty prohibiting the use of the death penalty. Concerns remain, however, about the increased use or resumption of capital punishment in other countries, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar and Singapore, and others like China and Viet Nam continue to classify data on its use as a State secret, limiting the possibility of scrutiny.

I have – from the beginning of my mandate – pushed for greater recognition of the indivisibility and interdependence of economic, social and cultural rights with civil and political rights. The effects of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine have brought into stark focus this interdependence.

States must draw lessons from the pandemic and the current food-fuel-finance crisis by designing long-term measures to build better and stronger universal public health and social protection systems. Social protection coverage must facilitate access to health care, protect people against poverty and ensure essential economic and social rights, including food, water, housing, health and education. I also call on States to adopt proactive measures, including food, agriculture and fuel subsidies, to mitigate the impact of the crises.

All of this needs to be designed with people as part of the solution, through investment in inclusive, safe and meaningful channels for debate and participation at all levels.

Governing is tough – I know because I have twice been President of my country, Chile. There are always many pressing demands, challenges and problems to address. But governing is about prioritizing – and human rights must always be a priority. In many situations my Office has been covering, there is a lack of political will to take the necessary steps to really tackle a situation head on. Political will is key – and where there is a will, there is a way.

States often invoke their own particular context when faced with allegations of human rights violations and when called upon to take steps to address them. Context is indeed important – but context must never be used to justify human rights violations.

In many instances, sustained advocacy on key human rights issues, grounded in international human rights laws and standards, bears fruit. In Colombia this month, the incoming administration has pledged a shift in its approach on drug policy – from a punitive to a more social and public health approach. By addressing one of the deep-rooted causes of violence in Colombia, this approach could be instrumental to better protect the rights of peasants, indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities and of people who use drugs, both in Colombia and globally. My Office has been advocating – globally – for a human rights-based approach on drug policy, and is ready to assist.

The worldwide mobilization of people for racial justice, notably in 2020, has forced a long-delayed reckoning with racial discrimination and shifted debates towards a focus on systemic racism and the institutions that perpetrate it. I call on all States to seize this moment to achieve a turning point for racial equality and justice. My Office is working on its second report to the UN Human Rights Council on this issue, to be presented next month.

I have always sought – even on the most challenging issues – to encourage dialogue, to open the door for further exchanges. This means listening as well as speaking, keeping our eyes and ears to the context, identifying entry points and roadblocks, and trying to build trust incrementally, even when it seems unlikely.

During my four years as High Commissioner, I had the privilege of speaking to so many courageous, spirited, extraordinary human rights defenders:

The brave, indomitable women human rights defenders in Afghanistan;

The determined mothers of the disappeared in Mexico;

The inspirational staff working at a health centre in Bunia in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, serving victims of sexual violence;

The wisdom and strength of indigenous peoples in Peru, who are on the frontlines of the impact of climate change, illegal mining and logging, and defend their rights in the face of serious risks;

And the empathy and generosity of communities hosting internally displaced people in Burkina Faso.

I found allies in traditional village leaders in Niger, who were working in their own ways to advance human rights in their communities; I met young people from Malaysia, Sweden, Australia, Costa Rica and elsewhere whose resourcefulness, creativity and ambition was palpable;

I shared the pain of the father in Venezuela who showed me the sports medals his teenage son had won, before he was killed during protests in 2017;

And I shared the tears of the mother I met in Srebrenica who carried hope that 27 years after her son disappeared, she will one day find his remains and lay him to rest next to his father’s grave.

Last week, I spoke with Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar.

One teacher I met told me he had earned distinctions in all his classes at school in Myanmar and had dreamed of being a doctor. Instead, he has spent the past five years in a refugee camp, having had to flee his country – because he is Rohingya. “I still cry at night sometimes when I remember my dream,” he told me, adding that “my Buddhist friends are now doctors in Myanmar.”

My own experience as a refugee was much more comfortable, with the means to continue my education and with a good standard of living – but the yearning for one’s homeland, the desire of so many of the Rohingya to return home resonated deeply with me. Sadly, the conditions needed for them to be able to return to their homes in a voluntary, dignified and sustainable way are not there yet.

Today marks five years since more than 700,000 Rohingya women, children and men were forced to flee Myanmar for Bangladesh – and Myanmar’s human rights catastrophe continues to worsen, with the military (the Tatmadaw) maintaining military operations in Kayah and Kayin in the southeast; Chin state in the northwest; and Sagaing and Magway regions in the Bamar heartland. The use of air power and artillery against villages and residential areas has intensified. Recent spikes in violence in Rakhine State also seemed to indicate that the last fairly stable area of the country may not avoid a resurgence of armed conflict. Rohingya communities have frequently been caught between the Tatmadaw and Arakan Army fighters or have been targeted directly in operations. Over 14 million need humanitarian assistance.

We continue to document gross human rights violations and serious violations of international humanitarian law on a daily basis, including repression against protesters and attacks  against civilians that may amount to crimes against humanity and war crimes.

I urge the international community to intensify pressure on the military to stop its campaign of violence against the people of Myanmar, to insist on prompt restoration of civilian rule, and accountability for violations committed by security forces.

Yesterday marked six months since Russia’s armed attack. Six unimaginably terrifying months for the people of Ukraine, 6.8 million of whom have had to flee their country. Millions others have been internally displaced. We have documented at least 5,587 civilians killed and 7,890 injured. Of these casualties, nearly 1,000 are children.

Six months on, the fighting continues, amid almost unthinkable risks posed to civilians and the environment as hostilities are conducted close to the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.

I call on the Russian President to halt armed attack against Ukraine.

The Zaporizhzhia plant needs to be immediately demilitarized.

Both parties must respect, at all times and in all circumstances, international human rights law and international humanitarian law.

The international community must insist on accountability for the many serious violations documented, some of which may amount to war crimes.

I am alarmed by the resumption of hostilities in northern Ethiopia. Civilians have suffered enough – and this will only exacerbate the suffering of civilians already in desperate need. I implore the Government of Ethiopia and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front to work to de-escalate the situation and immediately cease hostilities.

I also urge a renewed focus by the international community on protracted – often forgotten – crises including the situation in Yemen, Syria, the Sahel and Haiti.

And I urge continued support for the UN Human Rights Office, the UN human rights treaty bodies, and the UN Special Procedures mechanism, all of which work tirelessly in defence of international human rights laws and standards.

The journey to defend human rights never ends – and vigilance against roll-backs of rights is vital. I honour all those who, in their own ways, are working to defend human rights. As a woman and a lifelong feminist, I want to pay particular tribute to women human rights defenders, who have been at the forefront of social movements that have benefitted all of us. They have often been the ones bringing to the table the unheard voices of the most vulnerable. I will continue to stand with you as I return home to Chile.

To end, I would like to thank you journalists, based here in Geneva and across the globe, for the indispensable work that you do. When we in the UN Human Rights Office raise the alarm, it is crucial that it rings loudly, and this is only possible when the world’s media gets the stories out there.

I thank you.

Source: United Nations Human Rights

‫مستشفيات أمريتا: جعل الرعاية الطبية عالية الجودة في متناول الجميع 

فريد أباد، الهند، 25 أغسطس 2022 / PRNewswire / — تم بناء مستشفيات أمريتا في الهند على الفلسفة المحبة لماتا أمريتاناندامايي ديفي، والتي تسمى باعتزاز Amma . وباعتباره قائدًا إنسانيًا وروحانيًا ذائع الصيت على مستوى العالم، يعتقد أمريتانانداماي ديفي أن الرعاية الصحية المتقدمة وعالية الجودة يجب أن تكون في متناول الجميع، ويجب أن يقدر المستشفى التعاطف بقدر التكنولوجيا.

Amrita Hospitals, a high-quality medical care facility in Faridabad

 مع هذه الرؤية، سيتم افتتاح مستشفى أمريتا، في فريد أباد كواحدة من أكبر المستشفيات الخاصة في الهند. افتتح رئيس وزراء الهند الموقر، شري ناريندرا مودي، المستشفى في 24 أغسطس. بالترحيب بالمرضى من جميع أنحاء العالم، سيكون لديها 81 تخصصًا، و 64 غرفة عمليات نموذجية كاملة الشبكة، ووحدات العناية المركزة الذكية مع 534 سريرًا للرعاية الحرجة.

 “أتمنى أن يصبح هذا المستشفى الجديد مكانًا لخدمة البشرية ومكان عزاء للمرضى. وقالت عماه: “أتمنى أن تكون هذه المؤسسة مستشفى ومعبدًا، حيث يتم توفير الشفاء الخارجي والداخلي”.

 وللمستشفى ثمانية مراكز امتياز، بما في ذلك علم الأورام الإشعاعية، وعلوم القلب، وعلوم الأعصاب، وعلوم المعدة، وأمراض وصدمات العظام، وعمليات الزرع، وعلوم الكلى، ورعاية الأم والطفل. كما سيكون لها أحد أكبر مراكز طب الأطفال التخصصية الفائقة في الهند، وواحدة من أكثر خدمات التصوير الطبي تقدمًا، وواحدة من أكبر المرافق للتعامل مع الأمراض المعدية.

البحث هو مجال تركيز آخر للعثور على حلول منخفضة التكلفة لاحتياجات الرعاية الصحية ويتضمن مركزًا لأحدث الروبوتات، والحساسية، والمحاكاة الجراحية الطبية. وسيقوم المستشفى أيضا بتشغيل كلية للطب وأحد أكبر حرم جامعي للعلوم الصحية المتحالفة في البلد.

 قال الدكتور سانجيف ك. سينغ، المدير الطبي المقيم لمستشفى أمريتا في فريد أباد: “ستكون هذه مؤسسة عالمية المستوى حقًا، لم تشهدها البلاد من قبل، سواء من حيث حجمها أو من حيث التميز الطبي”.

بدأت المؤسسة بمستشفى أمريتا في كوتشي، كيرالا، الذي كان حصنًا لنظام الرعاية الصحية في جنوب الهند لمدة 25 عامًا. تم افتتاح المرفق من قبل رئيس وزراء الهند آنذاك، شري أتال بيهاري فاجباي، في 17 مايو 1998. وما بدأ كمرفق يضم 125 سريرًا أصبح مؤسسة تضم 1350 سريرًا يعالج 800000 مريض خارجي و 50000 مريض داخلي كل عام.

 “الهند هي ثاني أكثر البلدان اكتظاظًا بالسكان، وهذا يجعل مشاكل الهند الصحية مشاكل العالم. الأرقام مذهلة حقًا، مع أكثر من 60 في المئة من مرضى السكري في العالم ونصف العمى في العالم. هذه الأعداد الكبيرة من الناس في كل من المناطق الريفية والحضرية تتطلب رعاية صحية بأسعار معقولة ذات جودة عالية لبقائهم على قيد الحياة”، هذا ما قاله الدكتور بريم ناير، المدير الطبي للمجموعة، مستشفيات أمريتا.

 حقق جراحو كوتشي في مستشفى أمريتا إنجازات بارزة، بما في ذلك أول عملية زرع لليدين في أعلى الذراع وأول عمليتي زرع لليدين في الهند. وأجرى المستشفى أيضًا أول عملية جراحية ناجحة في البلد على جنين في الرحم وأول عملية إعادة بناء لعظم ثدي يبلغ من العمر تسعة أشهر مدعومة بطباعة ثلاثية الأبعاد.

 كما قدمت رعاية صحية جيدة للفقراء، لا سيما في المناطق الريفية في الهند. اعتبارًا من ديسمبر 2020، قدمت مستشفى أمريتا والمؤسسات الطبية المرتبطة بها علاجًا مجانيًا تمامًا لـ 5.1 مليون مريض ورعاية مدعومة لـ 300000 مريض آخر، أي ما مجموعه 104 مليون دولار أمريكي في الرعاية الخيرية.

نبذة عن مستشفيات أمريتا

مستشفيات أمريتا هي مرافق رعاية صحية ومراكز تميز عالمية المستوى مكرسة لتحسين صحة المجتمعات من خلال برامج عالية الجودة للطب الوقائي والعلاجي والتعليم الطبي والبحث.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول مستشفيات أمريتا، يرجى زيارة:

الموقع الإلكتروني:


Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group Fecha Vários Contratos de Estação de Abastecimento de Hidrogênio na Califórnia e na Coreia do Sul

TEMECULA, Califórnia, Aug. 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (“CE&IG”), parte do grupo de empresas da Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japão), tem o orgulho de ter fechado vários contratos de fornecimento de mais de 12 Hydrogen Fueling Stations (Estações de Abastecimento de Hidrogênio – HFS) para clientes na Califórnia e na Coreia do Sul. Essas estações, destinadas a entrar em operação entre o quarto trimestre de 2023 e o segundo trimestre de 2024, são de abastecimento de veículos leves, pesados e de células de combustível de trânsito que precisam de abastecimento de H35 e H70.

“Como membro embaixador da California Fuel Cell Partnership (Parceria de Célula Combustível da Califórnia – CaFCP) e líder em tecnologia criogênica, a Nikkiso é fundamental para a conexão do ecossistema de hidrogênio e avanço da agenda de energia limpa”, disse Peter Wagner, CEO da Nikkiso CE&IG.

“Temos prazer em oferecer produtos comerciais e técnicas flexíveis e escaláveis onde nossos clientes mais precisam de nós: do fabricante do equipamento às soluções turnkey de EPC”, disse Joseph Pak, Presidente da Nikkiso Integrated Cryogenic Solutions.

Os pedidos de compra têm um valor de quase US$ 60 milhões. A Nikkiso dedicou mais de 150.000 pés2 (14.000 m2) de área útil para a as estações de produção em massa de abastecimento de hidrogênio em Murrieta, CA, Escondido, CA, Busan, Coreia do Sul e Neuenbürg, Alemanha. Todas as estações estarão em conformidade com os requisitos de conteúdo local, incluindo a Buy America Act (Lei Comprar na América) do mercado de Hub de Hidrogênio dos EUA.

Com esses projetos de estações de hidrogênio, o Grupo Nikkiso visa expandir ainda mais seus negócios relacionados ao hidrogênio, fortalecendo sua participação na cadeia de suprimentos de hidrogênio e expansão para o mercado global.

Sobre o Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group
A CE&IG da Nikkiso faz parte do grupo de empresas Nikkiso Co., Ltd. A Nikkiso Co. é uma empresa pública de US $ 1,4 bilhões. A CE&IG é composta por cinco unidades funcionais distintas: Bombas Criogênicas (ACD, Nikkiso Cryo), Sistemas de Processo (Cosmodyne), Sistemas de Troca de Calor (Cryoquip), Serviços Criogênicos (com 20 instalações globais) e Soluções Criogênicas Integradas (fornecendo gerenciamento centralizado de desenvolvimento de produtos e de projetos). Em 2020, a CE&IG expandiu ainda mais sua capacidade com a aquisição da antiga Divisão de Combustíveis Alternativos da GP-Strategies. Esta adição estabelece mais uma grande instalação de fabricação no sul da Califórnia. Reconhecida como líder do mercado em design, engenharia, fabricação, construção e manutenção de infraestrutura criogênica, esta instalação oferece recursos internos completos, desde engenharia e licenças até fabricação, construção e manutenção.

Há mais de 50 anos a Nikkiso é líder na indústria de Energia Limpa com a mudança para um mundo mais saudável. Com a nossa tecnologia de abastecimento de hidrogênio, a Nikkiso tornou-se líder na revolução do hidrogênio em evolução, incluindo um projeto na primeira instalação de abastecimento de LH2 do mundo. Para mais informação, visite

Para mais informação, visite e

Anna Quigley

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group remporte plusieurs contrats de stations de ravitaillement en hydrogène en Californie et en Corée du Sud

TEMECULA, Californie, 25 août 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (« CE&IG »), qui fait partie du groupe d’entreprises Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japon), est fière d’avoir remporté plusieurs contrats visant à fournir plus d’une douzaine de stations de ravitaillement en hydrogène (« HFS ») à ses clients en Californie et en Corée du Sud. Ces stations, qui devraient être opérationnelles entre le T4 2023 et le T2 2024, couvrent les stations de ravitaillement pour les véhicules utilitaires légers et lourds, ainsi que les véhicules de transport en commun à pile à combustible, qui ont besoin d’une distribution de H35 et H70.

« En tant qu’ambassadeur membre du California Fuel Cell Partnership (« CaFCP ») et chef de file de la technologie cryogénique, Nikkiso joue un rôle clé pour connecter l’écosystème de l’hydrogène afin de faire progresser le programme portant sur l’énergie propre », a déclaré Peter Wagner, PDG de Nikkiso CE&IG.

« Nous sommes ravis de proposer des offres commerciales et techniques flexibles et évolutives, là où nos clients ont le plus besoin de nous : du fabricant d’équipements aux solutions EPC clés en main », a ajouté Joseph Pak, président de Nikkiso Integrated Cryogenic Solutions.

Les bons de commande ont une valeur combinée de près de 60 millions de dollars des États-Unis. Nikkiso a dédié plus de 14 000 m² (150 000 pi²) d’espace au sol pour produire en masse des stations de ravitaillement en hydrogène à Murrieta et à Escondido en Californie, à Busan en Corée du Sud et à Neuenbürg en Allemagne. Chaque station sera fabriquée pour se conformer aux exigences de contenu local, y compris la loi Buy America Act pour le Hub Hydrogène du marché américain.

En commençant avec ces projets de stations d’hydrogène, le groupe Nikkiso vise à étendre davantage son activité liée à l’hydrogène en renforçant sa participation à la chaîne d’approvisionnement en hydrogène et en s’étendant sur le marché mondial.

À propos de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group
Nikkiso CE&IG fait partie du groupe d’entreprises Nikkiso Co., Ltd. Nikkiso Co. est une société publique de 1,4 milliard de dollars. CE&IG comprend cinq unités fonctionnelles distinctes : Pompes cryogéniques (ACD, Nikkiso Cryo), Systèmes de traitement (Cosmodyne), Systèmes d’échangeurs thermiques (Cryoquip), Services cryogéniques (via 20 installations mondiales) et Solutions cryogéniques intégrées (fournissant une gestion centralisée des produits et le développement de projets). En 2020, CE&IG a étendu ses capacités avec l’acquisition de ce qui était la Division carburants alternatifs de GP-Strategies. Cet ajout fournit une autre usine de fabrication majeure en Californie du Sud. Reconnue comme un leader du marché dans les domaines de la conception, de l’ingénierie, de la fabrication, de la construction et de la maintenance d’infrastructures cryogéniques, cette installation apporte des capacités internes complètes allant de l’ingénierie et des permis à la fabrication, la construction et la maintenance.

Cela fait plus de 50 ans que Nikkiso est un leader de l’industrie de l’énergie propre et mène le changement vers un monde plus sain. Grâce à notre technologie de ravitaillement en hydrogène, Nikkiso est devenue un leader de la révolution en constante évolution de l’hydrogène, avec notamment un projet sur la première installation de soutage d’hydrogène liquide (LH2) au monde. Pour de plus amples informations, rendez-vous sur le site

Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez consulter les sites et

Contact auprès des médias :
Anna Quigley

‫تعزز Securrency Capital الخبرة التقنية وخبرة المنتج من خلال تعيينين لكبار الموظفين

أبوظبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة, 25 أغسطس / آب 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Securrency Capital وهي شركة وساطة للتمويل اللامركزي المؤسسي (DEFI) منظمة بالكامل تقدم خدمات مالية تقليدية ورقمية في سوق أبوظبي العالمي (ADGM)، أعلنت عن تعيينين لقيادة عليا، كجزء من استراتيجيتها الطموحة للنمو.

Securrency Capital new hires - Chris Pugh and Neal Coutear-foy

عينت الشركة نيل كروتار- فوي رئيسًا للتكنولوجيا ( CTO ) وكريس بوغ رئيسًا لتسليم المنتجات. وسيقدم كلاهما تقاريره إلى فيل لانغتون، رئيس العمليات ( COO ) في Securrency Capital .

نيل (الاسم المستعار “ساحر DeFi “) هي شركة رائدة في مجال التكنولوجيا والتحول حائزة على جوائز رقمية ولها خلفية عالمية واسعة في مجال الخدمات المصرفية والمالية، تمتد من المستوى الأول من البنوك الاستثمارية إلى البنوك الرقمية المتحدية.

بدءًا من مسيرته المهنية مع JP Morgan ، أكمل للتو تصميم وتطوير ونشر منصة مفتوحة رقمية للأعمال المصرفية والمدفوعات الرقمية للشركة لأول مرة رقميًا قبل الانضمام إلى Securrency Capital .

كريس مسؤول عن التسليم النهائي للمنتجات الجديدة في Securrency Capital . مع أكثر من 25 عامًا من الخبرة في التكنولوجيا وتحويل الأعمال عبر العديد من الصناعات، ركز في المقام الأول على القطاع المالي الرأسي مع التركيز بشدة على أسواق رأس المال والخزانة وإدارة الثروة الخاصة والمدفوعات الرقمية.

وقال فيل لانغتون: “مع هذه التعيينات، التي تم الإعلان عنها في الفترة التي تسبق الإطلاق الرسمي الوشيك للشركة، تحقق Securrency Capital هدفها المتمثل في زيادة تعزيز الفريق مع توازن الخبرة في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات جنبًا إلى جنب مع خبرة واسعة في مجال المنتجات”.

وتعليقًا على هذه التعيينات، قال أمير تابش، الرئيس التنفيذي ورئيس مجلس الإدارة في Securrency Capital : “يسعدني أن أرحب بنيل وكريس في لحظة محورية لـ Securrency Capital. يعكس هذان الموظفان الكبيران التزامنا بمواصلة البناء على نجاح Securrency Capital وإثبات أن رؤيتنا للإصدار الرمزي والتداول الرقمي يمكن أن تجذب خبراء السوق”. وأضاف أمير تابش “لقد حصلنا للتو على تصريح للخدمات المالية ( FSP ) من هيئة تنظيم الخدمات المالية ( FSRA ) التابعة لشركة أبوظبي للتعدين، مما مكننا من توفير تداول الأصول الرقمية لمجموعة متنوعة من العملاء، بما في ذلك عملاء التجزئة. وبهذه التعيينات الاستراتيجية، فإننا نضع أولويات واضحة لمستقبل الشركة”.

وتجدر الإشارة إلى أنّ شركة Securrency Capital هي شركة تابعة ومملوكة بالكامل لشركة Securrency ؛ وهي شركة متخصّصة في توفير تكنولوجيا البنية الأساسية للأسواق المالية العالمية ويقع مقرّها في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، وقد ابتكرت تكنولوجيا أصول رقمية مُسجّلة الملكية -تُعدّ الأفضل في فئتها- لدعم إصدار الرموز المميّزة وحوكمتها وإدارة دورتها الكاملة وفقًا للوائح التنظيمية، بما في ذلك استرداد القيمة في حالات السرقة أو الاحتيال.

وتعمل شركة Securrency مع أقسام متخصّصة في مصارف عالمية وشركات رائدة في إدارة الأصول لتمكينها من نقل معاملاتها إلى فضاء الأصول الرقمية بطريقة سلسة. وتوفر الحزمة التكنولوجية الكبيرة لشركة Securency ، بالإضافة إلى خدمات تحديد الهوية المستندة إلى تقنية البلوك تشين الخاصّة بشركة Securrency Capital ، للعملاء امتلاك أصول مُشفرة بطريقة آمنة تتسم بالشفافية.

نبذة عن شركة Securrency Capital :

Securrency Capital هي شركة وساطة DeFi مؤسسية كاملة الخدمات تقدم خدمات مالية تقليدية ورقمية.

تتمثل مهمتنا في تقديم فوائد ترميز الأصول لعملاء التجزئة والمؤسسات من خلال توفير الوصول إلى العديد من المنتجات الرقمية وفئات الأصول من خلال سوق واحد يسهل الوصول إليه. نحن نقدم تجربة دورة حياة رقمية شاملة لعملائنا، بما في ذلك إصدار الأصول، وصيانة سجل الأسهم، وإجراءات الشركات على السلسلة، بالإضافة إلى تسهيل شراء وبيع الأصول والأوراق المالية الرقمية والتقليدية.

من خلال تبني تقنية البلوك تشين، نهدف إلى توفير سيولة أكبر، وتوزيع أوسع، واتصال أفضل، وأمن أفضل لعملائنا في إدارة محافظهم وقراراتهم الاستثمارية.

Securrency Capital مسجلة في سوق أبوظبي العالمي ( ADGM ) وخاضعة للرقابة من قبل هيئة تنظيم الخدمات المالية ( FSRA ).

تنشر Securrency Capital تقنية الأصول الرقمية المسجلة الملكية لإصدار الرموز المميزة المتوافقة مع اللوائح التنظيمية وإدارتها وتنظيم دورة حياتها، بما في ذلك استرداد القيمة في حالة السرقة أو الاحتيال. هذا، إلى جانب خدمات الهوية على السلسلة، يسمح بملكية آمنة وشفافة للأصول المميزة، ويمكّن حركة القيمة المنظمة في سرعة الغد.

الصورة: Group starts offering OTC Block Trading Service in Dubai after DMCC License

MAJURO, Marshall Islands, Aug. 25, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Group has announced the launch of its over-the-counter trading platform Gate OTC, which will provide fully-licensed OTC crypto trading services catered to institutions and high-net-worth individuals. Services are offered in various countries around the world, supporting several mainstream cryptocurrencies.

The launch of Gate OTC comes as Gate MENA DMCC acquired a license from the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) to engage in proprietary trading in crypto commodities. All services comply with United Arab Emirates regulations, including KYC, AML, and CFT regulatory standards.

Tom Yang, EVP at Group, said, “We’ve seen an increase in demand for high-quality OTC services, especially from big players entering crypto from traditional finance. To meet our existing and future clients’ ever-growing needs, we’ve launched a dedicated and robust OTC platform with security, comprehensivity, and convenience at its core.”

Gate OTC will facilitate large block trades while retaining privacy and minimizing the impact on market price. OTC trading offers an alternative to executing large trades on the buy/sell market order book. Large order book trades can have heavy price impacts, long execution times, and increased risk. By transacting directly with the OTC platform, investors can better avoid such risks, as trades are based on quotes with locked-in pricing and executed independently of the order books.

The new platform features 24/7 one-on-one professional advisor support and on-demand customer service. Additionally, to bolster the platform’s security and regulatory compliance measures, Gate OTC partners with leading firms such as Cynopsis Solutions and Coinfirm.

To learn more or to apply for a Gate OTC account, users can email

About Group

Established in 2013, Group is one of the pioneers in the crypto industry. It has established a comprehensive ecosystem, which includes a cryptocurrency exchange, public blockchain, decentralized finance, research and analysis, venture capital investing, wallet services, startup incubator labs and more. is a leading global cryptocurrency exchange under Group. offers services related to the trading of multiple leading digital assets, and it has grown to serve over 10 million users around the world. It has been consistently ranked as one of the top 10 cryptocurrency exchanges based on liquidity and trading volume on CoinGecko and has received a rating of 4.5 by Forbes Advisor, making it one of the Best Crypto Exchanges for 2021.

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