‫J&T Express تطلق حملة ” معا، دائما /Together, 4ever” احتفالاً بالذكرى الرابعة لتأسيسها في ماليزيا

كوالالمبور، ماليزيا، 18 غشت/آب 2022 / PRNewswire / — أطلقت شركة J&T Express للخدمات اللوجستية العالمية حملة “معا، دائما / Together, 4ever ” اليوم احتفالاً بالعام الرابع للشركة في تقديم خدمات متميزة تركز على العملاء في ماليزيا.

J&T Express celebrates its fourth anniversary in Malaysia

يجسد موضوع ” معا، دائما/ Together, 4ever ” إيمان J&T Express الراسخ في دمج الاهتمامات عبر أصحاب المصلحة وشركاء الأعمال والموظفين والمستهلكين النهائيين لتعزيز تآزر أكبر وتطوير علاقات مربحة للجانبين. ستستمر هذه الحملة في الفترة الممتدة من 15 غضت/آب إلى 15 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2022، وستنتشر عبر خمس فئات من الأحداث، كل منها مصمم خصيصًا للتعبير عن امتناننا لشركاء الأعمال والمستهلكين الداعمين. يمكن العثور على تفاصيل الحملة  هنا .

قال تشارلز هو، نائب رئيس مجموعة J&T Express : “كانت ماليزيا واحدة من أولى أسواقنا وأنا فخور للغاية بما حققناه في السنوات الأربع الماضية. لقد تطورنا من مزود خدمة إقليمي إلى شبكة تغطي 13 دولة في جميع أنحاء العالم ولم يتغير التزامنا تجاه العملاء المحليين أبدًا. للمضي قدمًا، ستكرس J&T ، جنبًا إلى جنب مع الشركاء المحليين، لتقديم خدمات أكثر محلية وفعالة لعملائنا الماليزيين والعالميين “.

منذ إطلاقها في فيتنام في يوليوز/تموز 2018، سعت J&T Express إلى تكييف عروضها باستمرار لتلبية احتياجات السوق المحلية. من تقديم خدمة التوصيل القياسية، توسعت الشركة منذ ذلك الحين لتشمل خدمات أوسع مثل J&T VIP و J&T International Shipping و J&T Next Day Delivery و J&T Express Document و J&T Fresh Delivery .

“بينما ننظر إلى الوراء في السنوات الأربع الماضية، أشعر بالارتياح لما وصلنا إليه. في الوقت نفسه، ما زلت متفائلًا وواثقًا من نمو الخدمات اللوجستية والتجارة الإلكترونية في ماليزيا. نتطلع في J&T Express إلى المساهمة كأحد أهم الجهات الفاعلة في ماليزيا.” قال يوان كاي جين، مدير المبيعات والتسويق في J&T Express Malaysia .

بالإضافة إلى الحملة، ستعمل J&T Express أيضًا على ترقية 30 من منافذها على مستوى الدولة إلى نقاط البريد السريع المتميزة. يمكن للعملاء أن يتوقعوا الاستمتاع بتجربة خدمة محسنة تبدأ بجو أكثر ودية وراحة في مستودعات البريد السريع هذه. تشمل الميزات الجديدة اللوحات الإعلانية التفاعلية LED والبضائع ومحطة تغليف مخصصة.

نبذة عن شركة J&T Express

شركة J&T Express هي مزود عالمي للخدمات اللوجستية، وتحتفظ بشركات رائدة في مجال التوصيل السريع في جنوب شرق آسيا والصين، وهو السوق الأكبر والأسرع نموًا في العالم. تأسست شبكة J&T Express سنة 2015، وتمتد أعمالها إلى 13 دولة، بما في ذلك إندونيسيا وفيتنام وماليزيا والفلبين وتايلاند وكمبوديا وسنغافورة والصين والمملكة العربية السعودية والإمارات العربية المتحدة والمكسيك والبرازيل ومصر. وإذ تلتزم بمهمتها “الموجهة نحو العملاء والقائمة على الكفاءة”، تلتزم J&T Express بتزويد العملاء بحلول لوجستية متكاملة من خلال بنية أساسية ذكية وشبكة لوجستية رقمية، كجزء من استراتيجيتها العالمية لربط العالم بكفاءة أكبر وتحقيق فوائد لوجستية للجميع.

الموقع الرسمي للمجموعة:  www.jtexpress.com

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Clear water, blue sky, lush mountain: Guizhou’s efforts in environmental protection pay off

GUIYANG, China, Aug. 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — A news report by Huanqiu.com:

According to the Environmental Protection Department of Guizhou, in 2021, the overall quality of surface water of Guizhou is “excellent”, and 97.7% of the major river monitoring sections are of good quality. However, the current achievement requires a concerted effort from Guizhou Provincial Government.

Guizhou’s efforts made in the area of ecological protection and governance has left great impression on foreigners. Rafael Dezcallar, ambassador of Spain to China, said that Guizhou has proposed innovative solutions to environmental governance and green development, and has achieved remarkable results.

In Kaiyang, Guizhou, Southwest China, phosphorus rock mining companies and manufacturing enterprises have currently disappeared. “The local ecological environment has improved to a large extent. Now there is no smell of phosphorus, and the dust and noise have also reduced.” Gou Qianshuang, a resident of Kaiyang has witnessed remarkable changes in his hometown, especially the Yangshui River.

The Yangshui River is the second-level tributary of the Wu River. At the end of the last century, the nearby companies discharged wastewater into the river, which led to dramatically high phosphorus levels and a contaminated river.

To improve the water quality of the Yangshui River, Guizhou strictly implemented the River Chief System (RCS), proposed new regulations and optimized sewage treatment systems.

After effective pollution treatment, the total phosphorus level of the Yangshui river dropped from about 8.0mg/L to 0.2 mg/L, and the water quality reaches Grade Ⅲ. The increasingly clean Yangshui River reflects the positive attitude of Guizhou towards ecological civilization.

In addition to water conservation, Guizhou has promoted innovation in plant protection. In Anshun, Guizhou, the department concerned has applied big data to record information on the ancient trees, and accordingly made QR code plates.

“As long as people scan the QR code, we can view the basic information of these ancient trees, such as geographical location, growth status and high-definition pictures. In this way, we can better understand and protect plants.” Fang Ming, a local citizen said. At present, over 1,300 ancient trees have their Electronic ID, which enables efficient plant protection.

Moreover, in terms of environmental preservation, Guizhou has also paid attention to residents’ daily routines. Walking into a food street in Zhongshan District, Liupanshui, customers can find that each restaurant has installed a new oil mist eliminator.

So far the Zhongshan District has formed a full-covered air quality monitoring system. If the air pollution levels exceed safe limits, the alarm will automatically go off. And the related departments will then notify the enterprises in time and take dust control measures.

It can be seen that ecological priority is leading the charge in Guizhou’s pursuit of sustainable development. In fact, during China’s 13th Five-Year Plan period, President Xi Jinping has paid great attention to the construction of ecological civilization in Guizhou and issued a series of important instructions. The concept of “clear waters and green mountains are as good as mountains of gold and silver” has reshaped the development process of Guizhou.

In recent years, Guizhou has given equal value to economic advancement and environmental protection. According to the Environmental Protection Department of Guizhou, the ecological environment quality is generally good and stable in 2021.

In addition to water quality, Guizhou also witnessed ideal air quality, and the average number of days with AQI (air quality index) in 9 central cities is 98.4%.

More importantly, the forest coverage growth rate and amount of reforested farmland of Guizhou rank first in China. In the past 10 years, Guizhou completed afforestation of 50.97 million mu (3.4 million hectares), with an increase in forest coverage rate from 47 percent to 62.12 percent.

According to the Forestry Department of Guizhou Province, Guizhou has set up 314 natural reserves of various types, and biodiversity richness ranks among the top in the country. The total forestry output value increased from 40.1 billion yuan to 371.9 billion yuan, with an increase of more than 9 times in ten years.

“A good ecological environment is Guizhou’s greatest competitive advantage. Therefore, we must continue to preserve the environment,” says Shen Yiqin, secretary of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee and chairwoman of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Guizhou Province.

WFP welcomes Japanese contribution to support critical emergency food assistance in Libya

Tripoli – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Libya has welcomed a contribution of JPY 200 million (approx.US$1.53 million) from Japan to implement its food distribution in the West and the East of the country. This project aims to provide food assistance to more than 10,000 beneficiaries, including vulnerable and food-insecure people, as well as schoolchildren.

Furthermore, the Government of Japan has recently confirmed a new contribution of US$ 0.5 million to provide general food assistance to some 8,500 vulnerable IDPs, host communities and returnees in the South of the country who are suffering from high food prices caused by the war in Ukraine. “WFP is extremely grateful to the Government of Japan for these generous contributions coming at a crucial time in a world struggling with the impact of COVID-19 and the conflict in Ukraine,” said Maysaa AlGhribawy, WFP’s Representative and Country Director in Libya.

Both Japanese contributions will allow WFP Libya to support thousands of people in need who are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and rising food prices, with monthly in-kind nutritious and unconditional food assistance in the targeted districts across the country, where the market functionality has been greatly affected by global supply chain disruptions.

“Food security is one of the key sectors that Japan is tackling, in line with the ‘Food Security in Africa’ initiative,” launched at the sixth round of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development held in Nairobi in 2016 said Mr. Masaki Amadera, Chargé d’Affaires of Japan to Libya/Special Coordinator for Libya.

“Japanese contributions will not only support general food assistance to vulnerable communities but also the School Feeding Programme which will contribute to achieving three other goals; supporting the education of school children, stimulating local markets and agriculture, as well as creating job opportunities for the local communities, which we believe would contribute to the stability of the country,” Amadera added.

The Japanese support will also enable WFP Libya to lay the foundation for a more targeted social safety net system in the country. WFP plans to use part of the funds received from the Government of Japan towards the continuation of the central kitchen school feeding programme, targeting schoolchildren aged between 6 to 14 years in Benghazi city, in the eastern part of the country. WFP will provide these children with ready-to-eat meals such as canned tuna fish donated by Japan.

Source: World Food Programme

Radio Ergo audience feedback report, 18 August 2022

Brief Analysis

Ongoing drought and water shortage, displacement, livelihood losses, escalation of food prices, and lack of support or aid, continued to preoccupy most callers this week (11-18 August 2022) to Radio Ergo’s audience feedback platform. Whilst there are many variables affecting usage of this call-in platform, in terms of numbers of calls this week Togdher, Sanag, and Galmudug stood out. Concerns over high prices were widespread across the country. Conflict in some areas exacerbated people’s drought challenges. Questions about COVID19 continued for the Radio Doctor to answer, as well as questions for other experts on the radio shows about livestock disease and farming issues. The following summarises the calls by theme.

Drought and water shortage – among the callers from Togdher there were many from Buhodle. They complained of severe water shortage affecting livestock and people and asked for water aid and assistance. A caller in Bhallidig said they luckily still had some water, whilst another in nearby Awdanle said they had no water. Callers in Burao prayed for rain and asked Somaliland government to help. Callers in Qorilugud, Sahil, and Sheikh said the drought was harsh and spoke of water shortage, affected livestock, and lack of vegetation. A caller in Talabur said their livestock could barely get any water at all now. In Gabiley, a caller said they were facing drought. Among Sanag callers, a caller in Badhan said they were suffering drought, water shortage, and malnutrition and they needed water, medicines, and other items from Somaliland government. Callers in El-afweyne, Erigabo, and Hingalol complained of severe drought and water shortage. A caller in Ragadeye said their well had been destroyed by the last heavy ‘Gu rains and they needed help to rebuild it. In Mudug, callers in Galkayo and Jariban said they were suffering from water shortage. Calls from Galgadud included Adado, Abudwak, Balanbale, Dusamareb, Dalsan, Marere, and Guriel. A female caller in Guriel said they needed aid agencies to bring them generators to be able to access water. A caller in Dusamareb said the main well supplying the area had dried up. In Hiran, a caller in Beletweyne said they had been displaced to rural areas after losing their livestock and needed help. A caller in Mahaday, M. Shabelle, said they had lost their livestock, inflation was high, and they had been neglected by aid agencies. A caller in Baidoa said more displaced people were joining the IDP camps and they needed aid.

Prices – callers in Buhodle and Sarar spoke of steep price rises and the need for the government agencies to intervene. A caller in Lasanod called on local businessmen to lower their prices. A female caller in Garowe said it was becoming harder to afford basic items. A caller in Mogadishu said the price rises were hefty, whilst a caller in Kismayo said they had been suffering a shortage of supplies. A female caller in Dobley, Gedo, said life was becoming hard due to high food prices. Another female in an unidentified area said profits from her shop had dwindled due to the high prices.

COVID19 – there were calls for the Radio Doctor about COVID19 from Gedo and Bossaso, among other places.

Source: Radio Ergo

West and Central Africa: Weekly Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (9 -15 August 2022)

Concerns are growing over the food and nutritional needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the Barsalogho commune in Burkina Faso’s Centre Nord region. Humanitarian partners have been experiencing increasing constraints in accessing areas in Barsalogho as Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) in the area have been reinforcing their presence in recent months and imposing irregular controls. Aid organizations noted that food aid deliveries have been delayed up to three months due to the persistent blockage of main roads since the beginning of 2022. Since the end of April, about 93,400 IDPs have sought refuge in Barsalogho commune, equivalent to 14 per cent of the total 657,000 IDPs in the Centre Nord region, which is the largest IDPhosting region in the country.



As of 11 August, at least 27 people had died in anti-government protests and clashes in Sierra Leone, including 21 civilians and six police officers, as hundreds took to the streets in frustration at economic hardship and a perceived failure by the government to cushion the impact of rising prices. To address the deteriorating security situation, the government imposed a nationwide curfew on 10 August. No violent events have been reported since 10 August. UN and non-governmental organizations have been monitoring potential humanitarian impacts of the situation and working with partners and the government to deescalate the situation, calling for a calm and peaceful dialogue, especially as the legislative and presidential elections are approaching and planned to take place in 2023.



Heavy rains in the capital Dakar caused floods that killed at least one person and injured many. On 5 August, the rain was significantly heavy with 127 mm recorded. Flood water over one-meter-deep covered city streets, severely disrupting traffic. A man died in his car in the Mermoz neighborhood in Dakar, according to a statement from Senegal’s Ministry of Interior. Another person was saved and sent to the hospital in critical condition, according to the police. The rainy season in Senegal typically lasts from July through October



On 30 and 31 July, the Gambia experienced the highest amount of rainfall in 34 years, causing significant floods, killing 11 persons, and affecting another 42,000 people according to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). About 5,407 persons have been displaced and currently live in temporary shelters as their houses were inundated, in addition to losing their food stock and their livelihood, which is increasing acute food insecurity risks.

Sanitation facilities have been damaged, exacerbating water-borne disease risks. IFRC and the government have provided food, nonfood, and logistics support. At the request of the government, UN organizations have deployed teams to support a government-led rapid needs assessment launched on 16 August.

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

UNHCR Regional Operational Update – West and Central Africa Operational Update (April – June 2022)


Thousands of Ivorians were able to return home and access durable solutions with UNHCR’s support, as refugee status for Ivorians officially ended on 30 June.

UNHCR is working to mitigate the effects of worsening food insecurity on people forced to flee throughout the region, and completed a Joint Assessment Mission with WFP in Chad in May.

Throughout West and Central Africa, World Refugee Day on 20 June was marked by celebrations highlighting refugee’s contributions to their host countries.

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees