Sourabh Chandrakar Vehemently Denies Accusation in the Mahadev App Scam

Sourabh Chandrakar urges media outlets to rectify the prevailing narrative and is offering complete cooperation to ensure justice is served

DELHI, India, Oct. 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mr. Sourabh Chandrakar, who has recently faced grave accusations related to the Mahadev Application, strongly asserts that he has no involvement whatsoever in the alleged financial fraud scheme. He deeply regrets being wrongly implicated and depicted as the orchestrator behind this operation.

He firmly states that these allegations lack any foundation and are an effort to smear the good standing of an upstanding citizen. He emphasizes that enjoying a comfortable lifestyle should not be misconstrued as evidence of his engagement in unlawful activities.

The individuals urge all media outlets to consider these facts, rectify the prevailing narrative, and direct resources toward the actual wrongdoers. He is committed to offering his complete cooperation to the authorities to ensure justice is served and the truth prevails untarnished. He urges a fair and unbiased investigation into the matter, emphasizing his commitment to cooperating fully to bring the actual perpetrators to justice.

About Sourabh Chandrakar

In India, Saurabh Chandrakar’s business “Juice Factory” has 25 branches all over Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.

He hails from a humble background and has been running various FMCG, construction, sub-contracting and development-related businesses in the Middle East along with various partners and brands.

His entrepreneurial stint in the Middle East is ‘Empire One Global Real Estate’ wherein he enjoys the position of Co-Managing Director. Both Mr. Uppal and Mr. Chandrakar have been creating value beyond real estate for their clients based out of the Middle East and globally.

*Source: NewsBeatWire

Saurabh Chandrakar

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000843938

Deriv Embarks on a Purpose-Driven CSR Journey

The fintech company amplifies its commitment to social and environmental causes.

Stepping forward: Deriv’s pioneering CSR initiative with Ellie

Deriv team members gather at an elephant sanctuary in Malaysia, championing CSR by sponsoring a prosthetic limb for Malaysia’s youngest elephant amputee.

CYBERJAYA, Malaysia, Oct. 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deriv, a leading online trading company with a global presence spanning 20 offices, is strengthening its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Through its CSR programme ‘Deriv Life’, the company is dedicated to making a real difference in society and the environment, driven by its collective sense of purpose.

In its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Deriv recently sponsored a prosthetic limb for Malaysia’s youngest elephant amputee. Seema Hallon, Chief Human Resources Officer at Deriv, emphasised, “Our approach to CSR goes beyond financial contributions. It’s woven into who we are as an organisation. We envision Deriv Life as a platform for championing causes that resonate with our values and the personal beliefs of every member of the Deriv family. It’s about collective action, making a real difference.”

Over the past year, Deriv has embarked on various impactful initiatives, including sponsoring a team in the 4L Trophy rally, which raised funds and provided essential school supplies to underprivileged children in Morocco. These initiatives reflect Deriv’s unwavering commitment to CSR as an integral part of its identity and purpose.

In collaboration with a Malaysian prosthetics firm, Deriv engineered a state-of-the-art artificial leg for Ellie, a 7-year-old elephant who lost her front leg at the age of one. Crafted with precision from durable carbon fibre and featuring a robust ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) base, this innovative prosthetic not only supports Ellie’s considerable weight but also significantly enhances her natural gait. Designer Yarham Hadeng remarked, “Deriv’s sponsorship made this vital upgrade possible, and we’re proud to be part of Ellie’s remarkable journey to recovery.”

Deriv’s dedicated workforce is actively engaged in expanding CSR efforts across the company’s global offices, with a specific focus on addressing local needs and fostering positive social and environmental impacts. The company recognises that effective CSR is an ongoing and evolving journey, mirroring Deriv’s own path of innovation and growth. In the words of Jean-Yves Sireau, Deriv CEO, “CSR at Deriv represents a long-term commitment to social responsibility and global betterment. Our aim is to drive sustainable change as we progress forward, guided by our shared purpose.”

To learn more, visit Deriv Life and the company website.

About Deriv

For over two decades, Deriv has been committed to making online trading accessible to anyone, anywhere. The company offers an expansive range of trade types and boasts over 200 assets across markets like forex, stocks, and cryptocurrencies on its intuitive trading platforms. With a workforce of more than 1,300 people globally, Deriv has cultivated an environment that focuses on employee well-being, celebrates achievements, and encourages professional growth.

Aleksandra Zuzic

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A Deriv embarca numa jornada de Responsabilidade Social Empresarial (RSE)

A empresa de fintech reforça o seu compromisso com causas sociais e ambientais.

Um passo em frente: A iniciativa pioneira de RSE da Deriv com a Ellie

Membros da equipa da Deriv reuniram-se num santuário de elefantes na Malásia, para promover a RSE através do patrocínio de uma prótese para a mais jovem elefanta amputada da Malásia.

CYBERJAYA, Malásia, Oct. 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Deriv, uma empresa líder de negociação online com presença global em 20 escritórios, está a fortalecer o seu compromisso com a Responsabilidade Social Empresarial (RSE). Através do seu programa de RSE “Deriv Life”, a empresa dedica-se a fazer a diferença na sociedade e no ambiente, impulsionada pelo seu sentido coletivo de propósito.

No seu compromisso com a Responsabilidade Social Empresarial (RSE), a Deriv patrocinou recentemente uma prótese para a mais jovem elefanta amputada da Malásia. Seema Hallon, Chefe de Recursos Humanos da Deriv, salientou: “A nossa abordagem à RSE vai para além das contribuições financeiras. Está enraizado no que somos enquanto organização. Idealizamos a Deriv Life como uma plataforma para defender causas que refletem os nossos valores e as crenças pessoais de cada membro da família Deriv. Consiste numa ação colectiva, que faz uma verdadeira diferença”.

Ao longo do último ano, a Deriv embarcou em várias iniciativas impactantes, incluindo o patrocínio de uma equipa no rali 4L Trophy, que angariou fundos e ofereceu material escolar para crianças desfavorecidas em Marrocos. Estas iniciativas refletem o compromisso firme da Deriv com a RSE como parte integrante da sua identidade e propósito.

Em colaboração com uma empresa de próteses da Malásia, a Deriv projetou uma perna artificial de última geração para a Ellie, uma elefanta de 7 anos que perdeu a pata da frente com apenas um ano de idade. Moldada com precisão a partir de fibra de carbono resistente e com uma base robusta de acetato de etileno vinilo (EVA), esta prótese inovadora não só suporta o peso considerável da Ellie, como também melhora significativamente o seu andar natural. O designer Yarham Hadeng referiu: “O patrocínio da Deriv tornou possível esta otimização vital e estamos orgulhosos por fazer parte do incrível percurso de recuperação da Ellie.”

A equipa responsável da Deriv está ativamente empenhada em alargar os esforços de RSE nos escritórios globais da empresa, com especial foco na resposta às necessidades locais e ambientais. A empresa reconhece que uma RSE eficaz é uma jornada contínua em evolução, refletindo o próprio percurso de inovação e crescimento da Deriv. Segundo Jean-Yves Sireau, CEO da Deriv, “A RSE na Deriv representa um compromisso a longo prazo com a responsabilidade social e a melhoria global. O nosso objetivo é promover uma mudança sustentável à medida que avançamos, guiados pelo nosso objetivo comum.”

Para saber mais, visite a Deriv Life e o site da empresa.

Sobre a Deriv

Há mais de duas décadas, a Deriv tem o compromisso de tornar a negociação online acessível a qualquer pessoa, em qualquer lugar. A empresa dispõe de uma vasta gama de tipos de negociação e apresenta mais de 200 ativos em mercados como forex, ações e criptomoedas nas suas plataformas de negociação intuitivas. Com mais de 1300 funcionários em todo o mundo, a Deriv tem cultivado um ambiente que se concentra no bem-estar dos funcionários, celebra as conquistas e incentiva o crescimento profissional.

Aleksandra Zuzic

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000843796

Deriv s’engage dans une démarche de RSE axée sur les objectifs

L’entreprise fintech renforce son engagement en faveur des causes sociales et environnementales.

Deriv fait le premier pas en matière d’initiative de RSE avec Ellie

Le personnel de Deriv se réunit dans un sanctuaire d’éléphants en Malaisie pour promouvoir la RSE en parrainant un membre artificiel pour le plus jeune éléphant amputé de Malaisie.

CYBERJAYA, Malaisie, 12 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deriv, l’entreprise de trading en ligne de premier plan représentée dans 20 bureaux dans le monde, renforce son engagement en matière de responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE). À travers son programme RSE « Deriv Life », l’entreprise est déterminée à faire une réelle différence dans la société et sur l’environnement, animée par son sens collectif de l’objectif.

Dans le cadre de son engagement en faveur de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE), Deriv a récemment parrainé une prothèse pour le plus jeune éléphant amputé de Malaisie. Seema Hallon, directrice des ressources humaines chez Deriv, a souligné : « Notre approche de la RSE va au-delà des contributions financières. Elle fait partie intégrante de notre organisation. Nous envisageons Deriv Life comme une plateforme pour défendre des causes qui cadrent avec nos valeurs et les convictions personnelles de chaque membre de la famille Deriv. Il est question d’agir collectivement, de faire réellement la différence. »

Au cours de l’année écoulée, Deriv a lancé diverses initiatives à fort impact, notamment en parrainant une équipe participant au rallye 4L Trophy, ce qui a permis de collecter des fonds et d’offrir des fournitures scolaires de première nécessité aux enfants défavorisés du Maroc. Ces initiatives reflètent l’engagement inébranlable de Deriv en faveur de la RSE, qui fait partie intégrante de son identité et de sa raison d’être.

En collaboration avec une entreprise malaisienne de fabrication de prothèses, Deriv a conçu une patte artificielle ultramoderne pour Ellie, une éléphante de 7 ans qui a perdu sa patte à l’âge d’un an. Fabriquée avec précision en fibre de carbone durable et dotée d’une base robuste en éthylène-acétate de vinyle (EVA), cette prothèse innovante supporte non seulement le poids considérable d’Ellie, mais améliore aussi sa démarche naturelle de manière significative. Yarham Hadeng, le concepteur de cette prothèse, a déclaré : « Le parrainage de Deriv a rendu possible cette amélioration vitale, et nous sommes fiers de participer au remarquable processus de guérison d’Ellie. »

Le personnel dévoué de Deriv est activement engagé dans l’expansion des efforts de RSE dans les bureaux de l’entreprise dans le monde, en mettant particulièrement l’accent sur la satisfaction des besoins locaux et la promotion d’impacts sociaux et environnementaux positifs. L’entreprise reconnaît qu’une RSE efficace est un processus continu et évolutif, à l’image de la trajectoire d’innovation et de croissance de Deriv. Selon Jean-Yves Sireau, PDG de Deriv, « la RSE chez Deriv représente un engagement à long terme en faveur de la responsabilité sociale et de l’amélioration des conditions de vie dans le monde. Notre objectif est de favoriser un changement durable à mesure que nous progressons, guidés par notre objectif commun. »

Pour en savoir plus, visitez Deriv Life et le site Web de l’entreprise.

À propos de Deriv

Depuis plus de deux décennies, Deriv s’engage à rendre le trading en ligne accessible à tous, n’importe où. L’entreprise offre une large gamme de types de transactions et propose plus de 200 actifs sur des marchés tels que le Forex, les actions et les cryptomonnaies sur ses plateformes de trading intuitives. Avec un effectif de plus de 1 300 personnes réparties dans le monde, Deriv a cultivé un environnement axé qui met l’accent sur le bien-être des employés, célèbre les réussites et encourage le développement professionnel.

Aleksandra Zuzic

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000843796

GJA mourns with former President Kufuor

The Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) joined mourners from all walks of life Wednesday to condole with former President John Agyekum Kufuor, and his family, at the one-week observance of the passing of his wife, Theresa Kufuor, a former First Lady. The delegation was led by Mr Albert Kwabena Dwumfour, the GJA President, some national executives of the Association and senior media practitioners. On behalf of the GJA, Mr Dwumfour expressed his condolences to the former President and the bereaved family, and pledged the Association’s support to him in their difficult time. In an interaction with the media, thereafter, Mr Dwumfour lauded former President Kufuor for his role in expanding the frontiers of media freedom in Ghana. During his tenure (2001-2009), the Criminal Libel Law was repealed, Government funding to the public media saw significant improvement, while the GJA was given a property, which houses its present secretariat. Mrs Theresa Kufuor, will be given a state burial on Thursday, November 16, 2023. President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo, who announced this, said the former First Lady had paid her dues to the nation, therefore, the nation would accord her all the necessary respects. Mrs Kufuor, who was affectionately called Mother Theresa during her tenure as First Lady, died on Sunday, October 1, 2023. She was 87. The retired nurse and midwife, was born on October 25, 1935. As a First Lady, was very warm and kept a low profile, staying away from the political arena. In 2007, she advocated policy changes in the Government’s White Paper on Educational Reforms towards the implementation of UNESCO’s Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE) programme for kindergarten children. Mrs Kufuor established the Mother and Child Community Development Foundation (MCCDF), a non-governmental organisation, operating in Ghana and Canada. It supports work in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission. She began her basic education at the Catholic Convent, OLA, at Keta in the Volta Region of Ghana. She later went to London, where she was enrolled as a Registered General Nurse, in the Southern Hospital Group of Nursing, Edinburgh, Scotland. After further study at the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford and Paddington General Hospital, London, she qualified as a State Certified Midwife with a Certificate in Premature Nursing. She met Kufuor at a Republic Day Anniversary Dance in London in 1961. They got married in 1962. They have five children and eight grand children. A devout Catholic, she was awarded the Papal Award Dame of St Gregory the Great for her commitment to the plight of poor children and their families.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Increase Surveillance on the Girl Child-Education Officer

Ms Hawa Salifu, the Girls Education Officer of the Effia Kwesimintsim Municipal Assembly (EKMA), has called on parents to increase surveillance on the girl child to curb the surge in teenage pregnancy, drug abuse and other socially vices. She lamented that incidences of such bad behaviours had become high. ‘Though, we have been saying a lot, educating them about the bad effects of drugs and of premarital sex, they still do it, Parents should therefore make conscious effort to observe the girl child.’ Madam Salifu told the Ghana News Agency when the Department of Children together with the Ghana Education Service (GES) Girl Child Coordinator of EKMA organized a community sensitization programme for selected schools within EKMA at Anaji in the Western Region, to mark the International Day of the Girl Child This year’s theme is ‘Invest in Girls Rights, Our leadership, Our Well-Being.’ She said when parents take the pain to carefully monitor their children particularly the girlchild, it was likely that strange attitudes would be identified, and the child counselled to shape their development. Madam Salifu said: ‘Monitor your child’s behaviour so that if there’s any little change, you can see it and offer constructive advice in the quest to grow good citizens for the development of this country.’ She also expressed worry about the use of phones and the internet which exposed children to a lot of information without explanation… ‘They see tonnes of activities and they also want do the same without knowing the consequences, so I urge all parents to monitor the use of their children’s phones,’ she said. Mrs Faustina Yorke Awortwe, the Western Regional Director of the Department of Children encouraged the children to exercise their rights in a responsible manner. Ms Josephine Roman, the Western Regional Coordinator of Girl Child Education entreated parents to spend both time and financial resources on their children. She said investing in the girl child was the greatest investment any parents could make to change social narratives concerning boys and girls. Ms Roman said investment in the education of the Girl Child was key to empowering them for a better future. The school children were later taken through digital tools and how to use the internet safely, preparation before and after menstruations, breast cancer awareness and general health care.

Source: Ghana News Agency