Crurated annonce la disponibilité exclusive de vins de collection vintage du Domaine Robert Groffier à la fois pour les restaurants et les acheteurs privés à l’échelle mondiale

LONDRES, 16 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Crurated, communauté viticole de membres basée à Londres visant à établir un contact entre les connaisseurs et les producteurs de classe mondiale, annonce la disponibilité de vins de collection vintage du Domaine Robert Groffier. La collection sera exclusivement vendue aux membres de la communauté Crurated et sera disponible à l’échelle mondiale tant pour les restaurants que pour les acheteurs privés. La famille Groffier fait partie des meilleurs vignerons de la Côte de Nuits. Fondé à l’origine par le père de Robert Groffier, Jules, dans les années 50, le Domaine est aujourd’hui dirigé par le petit-fils de Robert, Nicolas Groffier, et son épouse Céline. Pour tout complément d’information sur l’adhésion et les opportunités d’achat, veuillez consulter le site

Groffier et Crurated font aussi équipe pour distribuer la Collection Groffier unique au format Magnum et plus. La technologie NFT de Crurated et les bouchons à capsule or du Domaine Groffier offrent la meilleure garantie d’authenticité pour les bouteilles provenant directement du Domaine.

La collection vintage sur Crurated se compose des lots suivants :

  • Une sélection verticale des Amoureuses (2016-2021), que l’on considère comme faisant partie des meilleurs terroirs de la Côte de Nuits
  • Une sélection horizontale de certains des meilleurs terroirs de France de 2009
  • Des magnums et bouteilles de la cave privée de la famille Groffier représentant chaque décennie depuis 1970
  • Une fabuleuse sélection verticale de magnums Chambertin Clos de 1997 à 2008

La capsule or sur les bouteilles vintage garantit la provenance.

Cette opportunité débute le 16 octobre 2023 et ces vins exceptionnels seront proposés aux membres Crurated par l’intermédiaire d’une vente privée.

« Proposer des vins de notre collection vintage à travers l’utilisation de NFT et de la technologie blockchain constitue un moyen unique et à tout à fait inédit d’assurer la provenance et de garantir que les vins viennent directement de la cave où ils prennent de l’âge depuis leur mise en bouteille », explique Nicolas. « Nous essayons toujours de trouver la meilleure façon, et la plus directe, de faire en sorte que nos vins parviennent aux consommateurs et aux restaurateurs, et notre partenariat avec Crurated nous permet de tenir cette promesse. »

« Nicolas prend la qualité très au sérieux et lui a fait atteindre un niveau sans précédent tout en se focalisant sur l’innovation et en restant fidèle aux traditions transmises depuis des générations », a déclaré Alfonso de Gaetano, PDG et fondateur de Crurated. « Nous continuons de créer des partenariats exclusifs avec des producteurs qui renforcent plus encore les avantages que nous offrons à nos membres. Nous sommes honorés d’avoir la chance de proposer cette collection et de travailler avec Nicolas et son équipe. »

Chaque bouteille sera accompagnée d’un NFT. Enregistré à jamais sur la blockchain, le NFT vérifiera l’authenticité de la bouteille et fournira d’autres détails importants tels que la provenance, l’historique de propriété, la cuvée, la localisation du vignoble, le cépage et d’autres informations clés. Les NFT sont facilement accessibles depuis un téléphone prenant en charge les NFC ou la RFID. L’historique des bouteilles est également mis à jour via un nouvel enregistrement sur la blockchain à chaque fois que le vin est revendu et que le jeton passe d’un client à un autre.

À propos de Crurated
Fondée en 2021, Crurated est la première communauté viticole basée sur la blockchain en ligne qui certifie la provenance de chacune des bouteilles qu’elle vend avec un NFT. L’équipe est passionnée par la création d’opportunités permettant aux membres d’acheter des vins rares directement au domaine dans lequel ils sont produits. Des labels comprenant Charles Lachaux, Domaine Arnoux-Lachaux et Robert Groffier ont signé des accords de distribution exclusifs avec Crurated, d’autres étant à venir. Les membres peuvent aussi interagir avec les vignerons partenaires lors d’événements privés, ainsi qu’avec des chefs célèbres, dans des endroits stupéfiants du monde entier. À l’avenir, Crurated étendra son offre de produits dans d’autres segments du luxe et la technologie pilotée par le métavers. Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez consulter le site

Contact RP
Michael Volpatt

Les photos accompagnant ce communiqué de presse sont disponibles aux adresses suivantes :

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8949958

Crurated Anuncia Lançamento Exclusivo de Vinhos da Coleção Vintage do Domaine Robert Groffier para Compradores Particulares e Restaurantes de Todo o Mundo

LONDRES, Oct. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Crurated, a associação de vinhos com sede em Londres, criada para conectar os conhecedores com os produtores de todo o mundo, anunciou hoje o lançamento de uma coleção de vinhos vintage do Domaine Robert Groffier. A coleção será vendida exclusivamente para os membros da comunidade Crurated e estará disponível em todo o mundo para compradores particulares e restaurantes. A família Groffier está entre os melhores enólogos da Côte de Nuits. Originalmente fundado pelo pai de Robert Groffier, Jules, na década de 1950, o Domaine agora é administrado pelo neto de Robert, Nicolas Groffier e sua esposa, Céline. Para mais informação sobre a associação e as oportunidades de compras, visite

O Groffier e a Crurated também fizeram uma parceria para distribuição da Coleção Groffier exclusiva como Magnums e outras. A tecnologia NFT da Crurated e as tampas de ouro das garrafas do Domaine Groffier oferecem a melhor garantia de autenticidade das garrafas do Domaine.

A coleção vintage na Crurated consiste nos seguintes lotes:

  • Seleção Vertical de Les Amoureuses (2016-2021), considerado um dos melhores terroir da Côte de Nuits
  • Seleção Horizontal de alguns dos melhores terroirs da França a partir de 2009
  • Magnums e garrafas da adega privada Groffier representando todas as décadas desde 1970
  • Uma fabulosa Vertical de Chambertin Clos Magnum 1997-2008

Tampas de Ouro das garrafas de vinho vintage garantindo a proveniência.

Esta oportunidade com início a partir de 16 de outubro de 2023 de vinhos exclusivos será oferecida para os associados da Crurated por meio de venda privada.

“A oferta de vinhos da nossa coleção vintage através do uso de NFTs com tecnologia blockchain é uma maneira única e inovadora de garantir a proveniência e que os vinhos vêm diretamente da adega onde estão envelhecendo desde o engarrafamento”, disse Nicolas. “Sempre tentamos encontrar a melhor e mais direta maneira de levar nossos vinhos aos consumidores e donos de restaurantes, e nossa parceria com a Crurated cumpre essa promessa.”

“Nicolas leva a qualidade muito a sério e a levou a um nível sem precedentes, concentrando-se na inovação, porém permanecendo fiel às tradições de gerações”, disse Alfonso de Gaetano, CEO e Fundador da Crurated. “Continuamos a criar parcerias exclusivas com produtores que elevam ainda mais os benefícios que oferecemos aos nossos associados. Nos sentimos honrados de poder oferecer esta coleção e trabalhar com Nicolas e sua equipe.”

Cada garrafa terá uma NFT. Registrada para sempre na blockchain, a NFT irá confirmar a autenticidade da garrafa e fornecer outros detalhes importantes como proveniência, histórico de propriedade, safra, localização da vinícola, varietal e outros detalhes importantes. As NFTs são facilmente acessíveis tocando em um telefone habilitado para NFC ou RFID. O histórico da garrafa também é atualizado por meio de uma nova blockchain sempre que o vinho é revendido e o token é transferido de um cliente para outro.

Sobre a Crurated
Fundada em 2021, a Crurated é a primeira comunidade de vinhos online com base em blockchain que certifica com uma NFT a proveniência de cada garrafa vendida. A equipe se dedica à curadoria de oportunidades para os associados comprarem vinhos raros diretamente da região onde foram produzidos. Rótulos como Charles Lachaux, Domaine Arnoux-Lachaux e Robert Groffier assinaram acordos de distribuição exclusiva com a Crurated, com outras parcerias ainda por vir. Os associados também podem interagir com vinicultores parceiros em eventos privados, juntamente com chefs famosos, em locais deslumbrantes em todo o mundo. A Crurated irá expandir sua oferta de produtos para outros segmentos de luxo e tecnologia orientada para o metaverso. Para mais informação, visite

Contato de RP
Michael Volpatt

Fotos deste comunicado disponíveis em

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8949958

Official Statement: Saurabh Chandrakar Clarifies Misinformation Surrounding Wedding Expenses and Other Allegations

Mr. Saurabh Chandrakar Photo

Mr. Saurabh Chandrakar (Photo: NewsBeatWire)

DELHI, India, Oct. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In light of recent media reports surrounding the Mahadev App case, Mr. Saurabh Chandrakar, an entrepreneur hailing from Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, finds it imperative to address the glaring misinformation and unfounded accusations that have surfaced. As a dedicated businessman with an unblemished record, Mr. Chandrakar has been taken aback by the baseless claims regarding his alleged involvement in illicit activities.

Contrary to sensationalized reports, Mr. Chandrakar vehemently asserts that the entire wedding ceremony, costing around AED 10 million, was entirely funded by his internal accruals and savings. Meticulous well-documented records substantiating the sources of his income are available. Circulating news suggesting a payment of INR 200 Crores in cash raise incredulity, and while Mr. Chandrakar questions the feasibility of such an enormous cash transaction, he emphasizes the lack of practicality of such claims.

Mr. Chandrakar refutes claims about the alleged extravagant expenses reported by certain sources. He specifically indicates that all financial aspects of the event were overseen by professional event managers, and no cash transactions were involved at any stage of the planning or execution; to insinuate otherwise is purely speculative and unfounded. Documents and financial records are available to substantiate these facts, providing clear evidence that dispels any notions of impropriety.

Furthermore, Mr. Chandrakar firmly believes that the mention of celebrities at the event was grossly exaggerated. He indicates that all those who attended the wedding were engaged by the event management company, which facilitated their attendance. Mr. Chandrakar is also keen to emphasize that all artists were hired by the company exclusively to attend and perform at the event. There were no direct financial transactions between Mr. Chandrakar and these celebrities, as all payments were processed in complete transparency through the event management company, via legal banking channels.

Mr. Chandrakar strongly asserts no association with the Mahadev App or its operations. Accusations depicting him as the “Founder/Promoter/Director” of the Mahadev App lack credibility and are unequivocally false. Additionally, claims about his involvement in 60 illicit offshore platforms are baseless and entirely unsubstantiated.

Mr. Chandrakar vehemently denies any suspicious connections with individuals or organisations that participate in unlawful activities. Any similar allegations are merely rumours, completely baseless, and nothing more than ‘a figment of imagination.’ He strongly expresses astonishment at such allegations.

It is also imperative to clarify that there are no operations in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, or Nepal associated with Mr. Chandrakar. Such claims are entirely false and defamatory, lacking any shred of truth. Mr. Chandrakar has never travelled to these countries, and any claims of his alleged participation in illicit activities in these regions lack any foundation and completely slanderous.

Mr. Chandrakar earnestly urges media outlets to cease spreading unfounded rumours and sensationalized and exaggerated stories that not only tarnish his reputation but also erode public trust in responsible journalism.

Source: Newsbeatwire

Saurabh Chandrakar

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000864407

Crurated Announces Exclusive Availability of Vintage Collection Wines from Domaine Robert Groffier for Both Private Buyers and Restaurants Globally

Crurated Announces Exclusive Availability of Vintage Collection Wines from Domaine Robert Groffier for Both Private Buyers and Restaurants Globally

Crurated, the London-based membership wine community designed to connect connoisseurs with world-class producers, announces the availability of vintage collection wines from Domaine Robert Groffier. The collection will be sold exclusively to members of the Crurated community and will be available globally for private buyers and restaurants. The Groffier family are among the best winemakers in the Côte de Nuits. Originally founded by Robert Groffier’s father, Jules in the 1950s, the Domaine is now run by Robert’s grandson, Nicolas Groffier and his wife, Céline. For more information on membership and purchasing opportunities visit

LONDON, Oct. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Crurated, the London-based membership wine community designed to connect connoisseurs with world-class producers, announces the availability of vintage collection wines from Domaine Robert Groffier. The collection will be sold exclusively to members of the Crurated community and will be available globally for private buyers and restaurants. The Groffier family are among the best winemakers in the Côte de Nuits. Originally founded by Robert Groffier’s father, Jules in the 1950s, the Domaine is now run by Robert’s grandson, Nicolas Groffier and his wife, Céline. For more information on membership and purchasing opportunities visit

Groffier and Crurated are also partnering to distribute the unique Groffier Collection as Magnums and beyond. The NFT technology from Crurated and gold capsule bottle toppers from Domaine Groffier offer the best insurance signifying authenticity for bottles directly from the Domaine.

The vintage collection on Crurated consists of the following lots:

  • Vertical selection of Les Amoureuses (2016-2021) which is considered among the finest terroir in Côte de Nuits
  • Horizontal selection from some of the finest terroirs in France from 2009
  • Magnums and bottles from the Groffier private cellar representing every decade since 1970
  • A fabulous Vertical of Chambertin Clos Magnum 1997-2008

The Gold Capsule on vintage bottles of wine signifies provenance.

This opportunity starts October 16, 2023, and these one-in-a-lifetime wines will be offered to Crurated members through private sale.

Crurated Announces Exclusive Availability of Vintage Collection Wines from Domaine Robert Groffier for Both Private Buyers and Restaurants Globally

Crurated, the London-based membership wine community designed to connect connoisseurs with world-class producers, announces the availability of vintage collection wines from Domaine Robert Groffier. The collection will be sold exclusively to members of the Crurated community and will be available globally for private buyers and restaurants. The Groffier family are among the best winemakers in the Côte de Nuits. Originally founded by Robert Groffier’s father, Jules in the 1950s, the Domaine is now run by Robert’s grandson, Nicolas Groffier and his wife, Céline. For more information on membership and purchasing opportunities visit

“Offering wines from our vintage collection through the use of NFTs and blockchain technology is a unique and very novel way to ensure provenance and that the wines are coming directly from the cellar where they have been aging since bottling,” said Nicolas. “We always try to find the best and most direct way to get our wines to consumers and restaurateurs and our partnership with Crurated delivers on this promise.”

“Nicolas takes quality very seriously and has taken it to an unprecedented level while focusing on innovation and also remaining loyal to the traditions passed down for generations,” said Alfonso de Gaetano, CEO & Founder of Crurated. “We continue to create exclusive partnerships with producers that further elevate the benefits we offer to our members. We are honored to have the chance to offer this collection and work with Nicolas and his team.”

Each bottle will be accompanied with an NFT. Recorded forever on the blockchain, the NFT will verify the authenticity of the bottle and provide other important details including provenance, ownership history, vintage, vineyard location, varietal, and other key details. The NFTs are easily accessible by tapping on an NFC or RFID enabled phone. The bottle history is also updated via a new blockchain recording anytime the wine is resold and the token moves from one client to another.

About Crurated
Founded in 2021, Crurated is the first blockchain-based, online wine community that certifies the provenance of every bottle it sells with an NFT. The team is passionate about curating opportunities for members to purchase rare wines directly from the domaine where they were produced. Labels including Charles Lachaux, Domaine Arnoux-Lachaux, and Robert Groffier have signed exclusive distribution deals with Crurated with more to come. Members can also interact with partner winemakers at private events, along with celebrated chefs, in stunning locations all over the globe. In the future, Crurated will be expanding its product offering into other luxury segments and metaverse-driven technology. For more information visit

PR Contact
Michael Volpatt

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8949382

TDC records 17.16 percent increase in 2022 revenue

Mr. Kofi Brako, the Board Chairman of TDC Development Company Limited, has disclosed that the company recorded a 17.16 percent increase in its revenue in 2022. Mr. Brako, revealing this at the company’s third annual general meeting (AGM), stated that a total revenue of GHs 136.6 million was recorded in 2022 as against the GHs 116.59 million documented in 2021. He said TDC also recorded a 19.60 percent increase in its profit before tax, as a total of GHs 49.85 million of it was seen in 2022 compared to GHS 41.68 million in 2021. He said even though the company’s financial performance was remarkable, it was funding a few on-going projects through its internally generated fund and therefore needed to plough back most of the profit to enable it to complete the projects and maintain a strong capital adequacy for the company. In that light, the Board therefore declared a GHs2.4 million dividend payment for its shareholders. Ms. Alice Abena Ofori-Atta, the Managing Director of TDC, highlighted in a report some projects the company was engaging in, stating that in the year under review, they continued with the construction of phase two of the construction of a gated community at Tema Community 22 in collaboration with the National Home Ownership Fund under the Ministry of Finance. Ms. Ofori-Atta said other projects were the community 26 affordable housing project at Kpone, the Community one site 3 infilling project, and the urban re-development agenda-Kaiser flats demolition. She said the company would continuously adapt and monitor its corporate strategies under the thematic areas of organisational transformation, strategic partnering, and operational excellence. She stated that they believed it was key to continuously remain relevant by anticipating and understanding the ever-evolving real estate business and meeting their stakeholders’ expectations. Mr. Abdulai Abanga, the Deputy Minister for Works and Housing, expressed the government’s appreciation for the role the TDC had played in the past and was still playing in providing quality community developments towards the socio-economic growth of the country. Mr. Abanga said this has provided TDC with significant potential to expand its operations beyond its current boundaries, allowing it to have a nationwide impact. He encouraged the company to re-evaluate its business practices and embrace contemporary methods for engaging a broader audience within Ghana. Mr. Joseph Cudjoe, the Minister for Public Enterprises, said TDC’s achievements were a testament to the effect of the government’s restructuring of state-owned enterprises to ensure that the issues of indebtedness and inefficiencies, among others that characterise such companies and institutions, were done away with. Mr. Cudjoe expressed happiness that, despite the competitiveness in the housing industry of Ghana, TDC, even though engaging in affordable housing in line with the government’s agenda, was still making a profit. He said with this this, TDC created jobs for people within the value chain, while adding to government’s revenue through the payment of taxes adding that being compliant with its financial report, corporate governance and the demands of the sector ministry all helped to achieve such successes.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Great Olympics wallop Accra Lions to go top of the league

Accra Great Olympics continued their unbeaten start to the 2023/24 betPawa Ghana Premier League after beating Accra Lions 3-0 at the Accra Sports Stadium on Monday. The ‘Dade Boys’ who have not conceded a goal so far this season have accumulated nine points, same as Bofoakwa Tano and FC Sarmatex 1996. Great Olympics, who secured two wins and three from their five matches, occupy the top spot by virtue of their better goal difference. Great Olympics made a blistering start to the game and scored their first goal in the 11th minute through Michael Yeboah, who tapped home from close range. Accra Lions were shambolic in the defence and were punished two minutes later as Yeboah scored his second of the day after mixing up in the Lions defence. Matters got worse for Accra Lions as Emmanuel Atwi scored the third goal of the Great Olympics on the quarter-hour mark with a ferocious strike in the penalty box. Great Olympics were very dominant in the first half and could have scored more goals, but Accra Lions goalkeeper Daniel Afful made some saves to prevent further disaster. The start of the second half was more like the first half, as Great Olympics maintained dominance over their opponent. Great Olympics striker Michael Osei, who tormented the Accra Lions defence with his size, nearly scored his team’s fourth goal, but his effort tipped off the post. Accra Lions, on the other hand, struggled to create any clear-cut chances as they were kept at bay by the solid Great Olympics defence. Great Olympics had several chances to add to their tally but couldn’t capitalise as they ended the game with a 3-0 victory.

Source: Ghana News Agency