La décarbonation de l’acier en passe de redéfinir les chaînes d’approvisionnement d’ici à 2050

Selon un rapport de Wood Mackenzie, de nouveaux complexes métalliques verront le jour à mesure que l’industrie sidérurgique accélérera ses efforts de réduction des émissions de carbone

LONDRES, HOUSTON et SINGAPOUR, 19 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Selon le dernier rapport Horizons de Wood Mackenzie, l’industrie sidérurgique devrait subir une transformation significative qui accompagnera l’accélération des efforts de décarbonation. Le rapport ayant pour titre Metalmorphosis : comment la décarbonation transforme l’industrie sidérurgique, met en évidence l’émergence de nouveaux complexes métalliques, la survenue d’une nouvelle forme de production de l’acier ainsi que de nouveaux modèles du commerce mondial.

Selon le dernier rapport de Wood Mackenzie, la technologie du four à arc électrique (EAF), l’utilisation accrue de matières premières écologiques et l’évolution des politiques en matière de carbone joueront un rôle crucial dans cette transformation. La production par EAF à faible intensité de carbone représente 28 % de la production mondiale d’acier et devrait atteindre 50 % d’ici à 2050. Un investissement de 130 milliards de dollars US sera nécessaire pour atteindre cet objectif.

Cette évolution vers un acier à moindre intensité de carbone entraînera une demande de matières premières plus écologiques, telles que le fer à réduction directe (DRI) et d’une ferraille de qualité supérieure. Wood Mackenzie prévoit que la proportion de ces matières premières dans la demande totale de métaux passera de 36 % à 54 % d’ici à 2050, ce qui entraînera la création de nouveaux complexes de production, de traitement et de négociation pour le fer et la ferraille à faible teneur en carbone.

L’augmentation des volumes de production de fer DRI et la croissance des échanges vont créer des opportunités tant en termes d’investissement que de revenus sur la chaîne de valeur prise dans son ensemble. Wood Mackenzie prévoit un doublement de la capacité de fer DRI d’ici 30 ans, ce qui nécessiterait un investissement estimé à 80 milliards de dollars. Cette projection ne prend pas en considération les investissements potentiels en direction de l’hydrogène vert, des fonderies de fer DRI à faible teneur, des plateformes de granulés et du transport maritime.

Wood Mackenzie indique que l’emplacement des nouveaux complexes verts de fer à réduction directe (DRI) sera déterminé en fonction de leur proximité avec la production d’hydrogène à faible teneur en carbone. Ce point se révèle particulièrement important compte tenu des incertitudes qui entourent le transport et le stockage de l’hydrogène commercialisé. Le Moyen-Orient et l’Australie sont bien positionnés pour tirer parti de cette opportunité, et le nombre de projets dans ces régions est en augmentation.

La qualité primera sur la quantité à mesure que le coût de l’acier à faible teneur en carbone augmentera. Sur les marchés où les prix du carbone sont élevés, l’importation de DRI vert pour fabriquer de l’acier à faible teneur en carbone à l’aide de fours à arc électrique deviendra plus avantageuse que l’importation d’acier fini provenant de producteurs à forte intensité d’émissions tels que la Chine et l’Inde.

La décarbonation de l’industrie sidérurgique, qui représente actuellement environ 8 % des émissions mondiales de carbone, est un objectif ambitieux mais réalisable. Grâce à des niveaux d’investissement et des politiques de soutien adéquats, cette transformation a le pouvoir de redéfinir les schémas commerciaux et la chaîne de valeur.

Remarque :
pour plus d’informations, nous vous invitons à cliquer ici. Pour obtenir le rapport et organiser une rencontre avec les auteurs, nous vous invitons à contacter l’équipe des relations avec les médias de Wood Mackenzie.

À propos de Wood Mackenzie
Wood Mackenzie est le spécialiste mondial des énergies renouvelables, de l’énergie et des ressources naturelles. Les données sont notre force. Mise en œuvre par les hommes et les femmes. En pleine révolution énergétique, les entreprises et les gouvernements ont besoin d’informations fiables et exploitables pour mener à bien la transition vers un avenir durable. C’est pourquoi nous intervenons sur l’ensemble de la chaîne d’approvisionnement avec une ampleur et une profondeur inégalées, grâce à plus de 50 ans d’expérience dans le domaine des ressources naturelles.

Contacts :
Hla Myat Mon
Direction des RP – APAC

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000865009

A descarbonização do aço redefinirá as cadeias de suprimentos até 2050

O relatório da Wood Mackenzie afirma que novos centros metálicos emergirão à medida que a indústria siderúrgica acelera os esforços de redução de carbono

LONDRES, HOUSTON e SINGAPURA, Oct. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — De acordo com o último relatório Horizons da Wood Mackenzie, a indústria siderúrgica deverá passar por uma transformação significativa, à medida que os esforços para a descarbonização aceleram. Intitulado Metalmorfose: como a descarbonização está transformando a indústria do ferro e do aço, o relatório destaca o surgimento de novos centros metálicos e a reformulação da produção de aço e dos padrões de comércio globais.

O último relatório da Wood Mackenzie diz que a tecnologia do forno elétrico a arco (FEA), o aumento do uso de matérias-primas verdes e as políticas de carbono em evolução desempenharão um papel fundamental nesta transformação. A produção intensiva de FEA com baixas emissões de carbono representa 28% da produção global de aço, com previsão de aumentar para 50% até 2050. Um investimento de US$ 130 bilhões será necessário para alcançar esta meta.

A transição para a produção de aço menos intensiva em carbono irá direcionar a demanda por matérias-primas mais ecológicas, como o ferro-esponja (DRI) e a sucata de alta qualidade. A Wood Mackenzie prevê que a porção destas matérias-primas na demanda de metais totais aumentará de 36% até 54% até 2050, levando à criação de novos centros de produção, processamento e comércio de ferro e sucata com baixa emissão de carbono.

O aumento da produção e do comércio de DRI criará investimentos e oportunidades de geração de receita ao longo da cadeia de valor. A Wood Mackenzie prevê uma duplicação da capacidade de DRI dentro de 30 anos, o que requer um investimento estimado de US$ 80 bilhões. Esta projeção não inclui investimentos potenciais em hidrogênio verde, fundições para DRI de baixa qualidade, centros de pelotas e transporte.

A Wood Mackenzie indica que a localização de novos centros verdes de Ferro de Redução Direta (DRI) será determinada com base em sua proximidade à produção de hidrogênio de baixo carbono. Isso é particularmente importante, considerando as incertezas que envolvem o transporte e o armazenamento de hidrogênio comercializado. O Oriente Médio e a Austrália estão bem posicionados para se beneficiarem desta oportunidade, e o número de projetos nestas regiões está aumentando.

A qualidade prevalecerá sobre a quantidade, à medida que o custo do aço com baixo teor de carbono aumenta. Em mercados com altos preços de carbono, importar DRI verde para fabricar aço com baixo teor de carbono utilizando FEAs se tornará mais vantajoso do que importar aço acabado de produtores com altas emissões, como a China e a Índia.

Descarbonizar a indústria de ferro e aço, que atualmente é responsável por aproximadamente 8% das emissões globais de carbono, é uma meta desafiadora, mas alcançável. Com os níveis corretos de investimento e políticas de apoio, esta transformação pode redefinir os padrões de comércio e a cadeia de valor.

Notas do editor:
Leia mais informações aqui. Para solicitar o relatório e agendar uma entrevista com os autores, entre em contato com a equipe de assessoria de imprensa da Wood Mackenzie.

Sobre a Wood Mackenzie
A Wood Mackenzie é a consultoria de visão global para energias renováveis, energia e recursos naturais. Orientada por dados. Movida por pessoas. No meio de uma revolução energética, as empresas e os governos necessitam de visões confiáveis e viáveis para liderar a transição para um futuro sustentável. É por isso que cobrimos a cadeia de suprimentos completa com amplitude e profundidade sem precedentes, apoiados por uma experiência de mais de 50 anos em recursos naturais.

Hla Myat Mon
Gerente de RP – APAC

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000865009

Tributes pour in for Akoto Ampaw

Friends, loved ones and sympathisers Friday took to social media to honour the accomplishments of Mr Anthony Akoto Ampaw, ace human rights activist, hours after the news of his demise broke. Mr Ampaw died at the University of Ghana Medical Centre (UGMC) on Friday, October 2023, after a short illness. Scores of sympathisers expressed shock and shared emotional tributes, recounting his contribution to the nation’s legal and human rights architecture. Mr Kofi Bentil, a private legal practitioner, wrote: ‘Mr Ampaw, few have walked this earth with more heart, soul and wisdom. You will never be replaced. Rest well my mentor.’ In another tribute on his Facebook page, Mr Bentil described Mr Ampaw as someone who ‘quietly makes monumental impacts and walks away from limelight till he is needed again!!’ Dr Nyaho Nyaho-Tamakloe, a founding Member of the New Patriotic Party, described the late Ampaw as a ‘true human rights lawyer.’ ‘I have known him (Ampaw) for close to 40 years, we have done a lot of political activities together. He was a great activist and a true human rights lawyer,’ he told TV3 on Friday. Oliver Barker-Vormawor, lawyer and convenor of the #FixTheCountry movement wrote on X, (formerly Twitter) that: ‘I am unfit to unlace Akoto Ampaw’s boots. His humanity will endure twice his life.’ Akoto Ampaw graduated from the University of Ghana Law Faculty with an LL.B. in 1973 and the Ghana School of Law with B.L. in 1993 and specialised in commercial law, company law, industrial law, litigation, constitutional and human rights law, media law, labour law, investment law among others. He was part of the New Patriotic Party’s legal team in the 2013 and 2021 Election petitions, which challenged the election of Mr John Dramani Mahama, and Nana Addo Daankwa Akufo-Addo respectively. As part of his human rights crusade, Mr Ampaw joined forces with individuals and civil society organisations that opposed the anti-LGBTQ+ Bill in Parliament. He is also known for his advocacy on human rights issues and has been involved in cases related to civil liberties, freedom of expression, and constitutional rights.

Source: Ghana News Agency

COCOBOD educates stakeholders, public on importance of breast health

Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) says it is educating its stakeholders and the public about the importance of breast health to mark this year’s breast cancer awareness month. The education is to help girls and women to seek early healthcare when feeling any internal or external changes in the breast for treatment. In a news brief copied to the Ghana News Agency said COCOBOD in effort to extend its focus beyond production, processing and marketing of cocoa, is stepping into the forefront of advocacy, and dedicating its resources and influence to shine a spotlight on breast health. This move underscores COCOBOD’s commitment not only to the cocoa industry, but also to the well-being of the communities it serves. It said COCOBOD has initiated various awareness campaigns and collaborations aimed at educating its stakeholders and the public about the importance of breast health. It has also embarked on a social media campaign across all platforms to promote breast health and to ensure that its stakeholders are well-informed about the risks of breast cancer, symptoms and preventive measures. The statement said in conjunction with Cocoa Clinic, COCOBOD is offering free breast cancer screenings across all branches of the clinic for employees, stakeholders, farmers and the general public. This strategic effort aims to raise awareness about breast cancer, promote the significance of early detection, and educate individuals on the importance of regular checkups and healthy lifestyles to prevent cancer. COCOBOD is also incorporating pink-themed elements into its corporate identity for the month to visually signify its commitment to supporting breast cancer awareness. ‘Employees across the divisions and subsidiaries will be wearing pink on dedicated days to show their support to the fight against breast cancer and to celebrate and encourage survivors,’ it said. Through a multifaceted approach, COCOBOD is not only tending to the well-being of farmers and its stakeholders but is also championing a cause that transcends the boundaries of agriculture.

Source: Ghana News Agency

NDC parliamentary candidate urges youngsters to stay away from early sex

The Parliamentary Candidate for Agona West on the ticket of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Mrs. Ernestina Ofori Dangbey, has advised the youth, particularly girls not to rush into early sex. She said newborn babies found dead in drains and at dumping sites were because of unwanted teen pregnancies. She gave the advice when she donated some items to the Mother’s Care Orphanage and Educational Complex at Swedru as part of her ‘So Mu Bi’ campaign. Among the items were bags of rice, water, cooking oil, assorted drinks and toiletries. Speaking after the presentation, Mrs. Ofori Dangbey, was unhappy that some children were rendered orphans because some mothers abandoned them after birth. She said teenage pregnancy was a major challenge because it rendered some babies who were not privileged to be adopted in homes, ending up on the streets. She further called on organisations and individuals to support orphanages anywhere in the country to give orphans hope and a future. Mrs. Barbara Arthur, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Mother’s Care Orphanage and Educational Complex, thanked the PC, and urged others to go to their aid to provide for the children. She said it was commendable for someone to offer them support in these current economic difficulties, and the Home was very appreciative of it. She denounced claims that the home had closed, adding that all documents were up to date and called on other philanthropists and organisations to reach out to them. Later, the candidate together with some members of the NDC, hit the principal streets of Swedru with a mammoth crowd to rally for support and garner votes for the party.

Source: Ghana News Agency

WASH organisations call for harmonised, centralised data at national level

Stakeholders in the Water, Sanitation, and Health (WASH) sector have called for a harmonised or centralised data at the national level to help make the needed inputs into the policy formulation on WASH related issues. According to them, data variations obtained from government agencies such as the municipal and district assemblies by Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in the WASH sector, occasionally affect the input made, hence, the need for a harmonised or centralised collection of data. ‘In most cases the data that we receive from these districts and other entities are coined in a way either to lure you into giving them more because you are an NGO and they are not accountable to you’, one of the stakeholders said. ‘It’s better for us to have a harmonised database because if we have a centralised data where information can be actually taken, the NGO will not have to go and speak to one individual in his office,’ he added. The stakeholders raised the concern at a workshop organised by WaterAid Ghana in collaboration with the Resource Centre Network (RCN) in Accra on Thursday. Apart from having a harmonised or a centralised database, the stakeholders have also advocated data management capacity-building programme for government agencies in the WASH sector. Presenting the findings on the overall budget and expenditure for the Wassa East and Asutifi North districts, Mr George Yorke, Head of Policy Advocacy and Campaigns at WaterAid Ghana, noted that there were gaps in total budget and budget allocation received for the Wassa East and Asutifi North districts. According to the study, the Asutifi North recorded fewer financial gaps within the period of 2018 to 2022, as compared to Wassa East, which recorded negative figures in each year between the period of 2017 to 2022. Mr Yorke indicated that it was because the district was well endowed with a lot of mining companies who paid royalties to the district. Mr Yorke further noted that the financial gaps recorded, which were not peculiar to only the two districts in terms of total budget and budget allocation received, had a negative impact on WASH. In terms of WASH operations and maintenance, the budget for Asutifi North between the period of 2018 to 2022 was GH?382,290, with the actual expenditure totaling GH?231,310 while Wassa East had a budget of gh?3,029,953 with an actual expenditure of GH?861,881. Mrs Seyram Ama Asimah, the Programme Officer of WaterAid Ghana, in her presentation on the WASH budget and expenditure tracking, indicated that health department of the Wassa East and Asutifi North district assembly requested a budget of GH?4,290,435 and GH?4,213,591 within the period of 2017 to 2022 and 2017-2022 respectively from the government. With the health departments of both district assembly receiving a budget allocation of GH?2,941,348 and GH?3,159,732, the Wassa East and Asutifi North district assembly utilised GH?2,817,455 and GH?3,135,427 of the budget respectively. Additionally, the study also indicated an expenditure of GH?592,821 and GH?709,342 on WASH in HFCs by the Wassa East and Asutifi North districts respectively. Providing a breakdown of the expenditure of WASH in HFCs, Mrs Asimah noted that while the Wassa East district spent GH?27,500, GH?396,259, GH?52,135, GH?42,167, and GH?74,759 on water, sanitation, hygiene, healthcare waste disposal and environmental cleaning, the Asutifi North district had an expenditure of GH?206,223, GH?321,180, GH?181,938 on water, sanitation and hygiene. Meanwhile, there was no data recorded for the expenditure on healthcare waste disposal and environmental cleaning for the Asutifi North district. Mrs Asimah, however bemoaned the lack of adequate WASH budget and emphasised the need to have a maximum budget and expenditure allocated to WASH to help address WASH issues on the grounds. The objective of the workshop which was on the theme: ‘Strengthening Systems for WASH in Healthcare Facilities (HFCs) in Ghana’ was to share findings of studies undertaken by WaterAid in the Wassa East and Asutifi North districts in relation to the Sustainable WASH in HFCs advocacy project with stakeholders. Funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the WASH in HFCs advocacy project being implemented by WaterAid Ghana and is expected to end this month aims to develop the evidence base around safe water and WASH in HCFs to inform policy and practice. Additionally, the project aimed to promote and enhance civil and social accountability for WASH in HFCs.

Source: Ghana News Agency