Fortrea Completes Expansion of Clinical Pharmacology Solutions Following Targeted Investments at its Four Clinical Research Units in U.S. and U.K.

Adds speed and agility with cGMP production at on-site pharmacies, adds capacity, improves flexible therapeutic capabilities and enhances experience for study volunteers

DURHAM, N.C., Nov. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) (the “Company”), a leading global contract research organization (CRO), today announced that it has completed a multi-year effort to expand its clinical pharmacology solutions and capacity, which are now fully available for customers. The expansion includes a 100,000 square feet state-of-the-art facility in Leeds, U.K. as well as approximately 20,000 square feet of new or renovated space, adding capacity and capabilities across its clinical research units (CRUs) in Dallas, Texas; Daytona, Florida; and Madison, Wisconsin.

“The increasing complexity of clinical pharmacology studies demands fit-for-purpose infrastructure, experience and expertise to protect the safety of study participants and the integrity of critically important data,” said Oren Cohen, M.D., Fortrea’s president of Clinical Pharmacology and chief medical officer. “Our integrated platform of services includes best-in-class infrastructure and experienced professionals who are fully dedicated to clinical pharmacology, including physicians, nurses, clinical scientists, CRAs and pharmacokineticists. The investments we have made target the capabilities and capacity that customers need to accurately assess early pipeline candidates and speed those with promise to later-phase development and ultimately to patients who need them.”

Facility enhancements following the completed expansion include Fortrea’s new CRU in Leeds as well as purpose-built rooms in Madison and Daytona designed for flexibility in executing complex early phase clinical studies. Improvements in recreational, living and “work-from-home” spaces at Fortrea CRUs have been constructed to enhance the experience of volunteers participating in research at the sites.

The expansion of Fortrea’s early clinical development pharmacy services facilities includes new state-of-the-art cGMP pharmacies in the Leeds and Daytona CRUs. All Fortrea CRUs will now have cGMP pharmacies within them. This enables on-site manufacture of sterile and non-sterile drug product. The design of its GMP-compliant facilities provides safe handling and delivery of GMP-quality drug product for the unique demands of clinical pharmacology studies, focusing on efficiency and flexibility with the level of controls expected by regulatory authorities and sponsors.

Enhancements in science and technology include the addition of artificial intelligence-enabled programs that optimize bed space utilization and clinic scheduling, and the application of failure modes and effects analysis to de-risk study execution before a study begins. Following investments in data collection systems, all clinical pharmacology study data collected within Fortrea’s CRUs are input directly into a digital bedside data capture system, which can also be used as an efficient electronic data capture solution.

“I believe Fortrea’s early clinical development solutions set a new standard for what the research industry should expect from its partners,” said Dr. Cohen. “I’m so proud of this team and know they will also benefit from the changes we have made. Just as they are inspired by our mission of bringing life-changing treatments to patients faster, I’m inspired by their dedication each day as we deliver solutions to our customers.”

About Fortrea

Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) is a leading global provider of clinical development and patient access solutions to the life sciences industry. We partner with emerging and large biopharmaceutical, medical device and diagnostic companies to drive healthcare innovation that accelerates life changing therapies to patients in need. Fortrea provides phase I-IV clinical trial management, clinical pharmacology, differentiated technology enabled trial solutions and post-approval services.

Fortrea’s solutions leverage three decades of experience spanning more than 20 therapeutic areas, a passion for scientific rigor, exceptional insights and a strong investigator site network. Our talented and diverse team of more than 19,000 people working in more than 90 countries is scaled to deliver focused and agile solutions to customers globally.

Learn more about how Fortrea is becoming a transformative force from pipeline to patient at and follow us on LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter) @Fortrea.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Some of the statements in this press release, particularly those relating to the anticipated financial and other benefits, including, but not limited to, whether the investments at clinical research units in U.S. and U.K. will add capacity, improve therapeutic capabilities, enhance experience for study volunteers, speed development to later-phase trials and improve the integrity of data and whether the addition of artificial intelligence-enabled programs will optimize bed space utilization and clinic scheduling, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company’s control. Actual results could differ materially from expectations expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements if one or more of the underlying assumptions or expectations prove to be inaccurate or are unrealized. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such expectations are and will be detailed in Fortrea’s registration statement on Form 10 initially filed with the SEC on May 15, 2023 (as amended and further supplemented), Fortrea’s quarterly report on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC on August 14, 2023, and in Fortrea’s other filings with the SEC. These forward-looking statements are based on management’s current expectations and are subject to certain risks, uncertainty and changes in circumstances. Fortrea does not undertake responsibility for updating these statements, and these statement speak only as of the date of this press release.

Fortrea Contacts:

Fortrea Media: Sue Zaranek – 919-943-5422,
Fortrea Media: Kate Dillon – 646-818-9115,
Fortrea Investors: Hima Inguva – 877-495-0816,

LeddarTech Anuncia sua Participação em Conferências do Quarto Trimestre de 2023 com o Investidor

QUEBEC CITY, Canadá, Nov. 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A LeddarTech®, uma empresa de software automotivo que fornece tecnologia patenteada de software de fusão e percepção de sensores de baixo nível para ADAS e AD, anuncia a participação de Frantz Saintellemy, Presidente e CEO, nos seguintes eventos com investidores:

A LeddarTech participará de reuniões e de bate-papos informais com potenciais investidores e analistas do setor. Para mais informação ou para se inscrever, visite a seção “Events & Presentations” de relações com o Investidor da LeddarTech.

No dia 13 de junho de 2023, a Prospector Capital Corp. (“Prospector”) (NASDAQ: PRSR, PRSRU, PRSRW), uma empresa com isenção das Ilhas Caimã liderada pelo ex-Presidente da Qualcomm, Derek Aberle, e presidida pelo ex-Vice-Presidente da Qualcomm, Steve Altman, entraram em um acordo definitivo de fusão da empresa com a LeddarTech. Após a conclusão da transação, prevista para o quarto trimestre de 2023, a nova empresa conjunta, LeddarTech Holdings Inc. (“Newco”), deverá ser listada na NASDAQ sob o símbolo “LDTC”.

Sobre a LeddarTech

Uma empresa global de software fundada em 2007 e sediada na cidade de Quebec, com centros adicionais de P&D em Montreal, Toronto e Tel Aviv, Israel, a LeddarTech desenvolve e fornece soluções abrangentes de software de percepção que permitem a implantação de aplicações ADAS e de condução autônoma (AD). O software de nível automotivo da LeddarTech aplica algoritmos avançados de IA e visão computacional para gerar modelos 3D precisos do ambiente, permitindo uma melhor tomada de decisão e navegação mais segura. Esta tecnologia de alto desempenho, escalonável e econômica é disponível para OEMs e fornecedores de Nível 1-2 para a implementação eficiente de soluções ADAS para veículos automotivos e off-road.

A LeddarTech é responsável por várias inovações de sensor remoto, com mais de 150 patentes solicitadas (80 concedidas) que aprimoram os recursos de ADAS e AD. A percepção de veículos é fundamental para tornar a mobilidade global mais segura, eficiente, sustentável e acessível: e é por isso que a LeddarTech deseja se tornar a solução de software de fusão e percepção de sensores mais amplamente adotada.

Para mais informação sobre a LeddarTech, visite, LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Facebook e YouTube.

Sobre a Prospector Capital Corp.

A Prospector é uma empresa de aquisição com finalidade especial criada com a finalidade de realizar fusão, troca de ações, aquisição de ativos, compra de ações, reorganização ou fusão de empresas semelhante com uma ou mais empresas, com foco em empresas com soluções avançadas e altamente diferenciadas para o setor de tecnologia. A empresa é liderada por uma equipe de investidores e executivos experientes focados em identificar e investir em empresas de alto crescimento, com equipes de gerenciamento fortes e oportunidades de mercado atraentes. Os títulos da Prospector são negociados na NASDAQ sob os símbolos “PRSR”, “PRSRU” e “PRSRW”.

Informações Importantes Sobre a Transação Proposta e Onde Encontrá-la

Em conexão com a proposta fusão das empresas, a Prospector, a LeddarTech e a Newco irão preparar e protocolar a Declaração de Registro na SEC no Formulário F-4 (a “Declaração de Registro”), e a Prospector irá enviar as procurações/prospecto da Declaração de Registro para seus acionistas e protocolar outros documentos sobre a fusão da empresa na SEC. Este comunicado à imprensa não substitui nenhuma procuração, declaração de registro, declaração/prospecto de procuração ou outros documentos que a Prospector ou a Newco possam protocolar na SEC em conexão com a fusão das empresas. OS INVESTIDORES E DETENTORES DE VALORES MOBILIÁRIOS DEVEM LER ATENTAMENTE E NA ÍNTEGRA A DECLARAÇÃO DE REGISTRO QUANDO DISPONÍVEL, QUAISQUER ALTERAÇÕES OU SUPLEMENTOS À DECLARAÇÃO DE REGISTRO E OUTROS DOCUMENTOS PROTOCOLADOS PELO PROSPECTOR OU PELA NEWCO NA SEC EM CONEXÃO COM A FUSÃO DA EMPRESA PORQUE ESSES DOCUMENTOS CONTERÃO INFORMAÇÕES IMPORTANTES. Investidores e detentores de valores mobiliários poderão obter cópias gratuitas da Declaração de Registro e outros documentos protocolados na SEC pela Prospector ou pela Newco no website da SEC em

Declarações de Previsão

Certas declarações contidas neste comunicado de imprensa podem ser consideradas declarações de previsão na acepção da Lei de Reforma de Litígios de Títulos Privados dos EUA de 1995, Seção 27A da Lei de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários e Seção 21E da Lei de Câmbio (cujas declarações de previsão também devem incluir declarações de previsão e informações de previsão na acepção das leis de valores mobiliários canadenses aplicáveis), incluindo, mas não se limitando a, declarações sobre a fusão de empresas envolvendo a Prospector, a LeddarTech e a Newco, a capacidade de concluir a fusão das empresas e a sua ocasião, os benefícios previstos da fusão das empresas, o fechamento do financiamento de colocação privada, as receitas e declarações previstas relacionadas à estratégia antecipada da Newco, operações futuras, perspectivas, objetivos e projeções financeiras e outras métricas financeiras. As declarações de previsão geralmente incluem declarações de natureza preditiva e dependem ou se referem a eventos ou condições futuras, e incluem palavras como “pode”, “irá”, “deveria”, “esperaria”, “antecipa”, “planeja”, “provável”, “acredita”, “estima”, “projeta”, “pretende e outras expressões semelhantes, entre outras. Declarações que não sejam de fatos históricos são declarações de previsão. Declarações de previsão tomam por base convicções e suposições atuais sujeitas a riscos e incertezas e não são garantias de desempenho futuro. Os resultados reais podem ser substancialmente diferentes dos resultados contidos em qualquer declaração de previsão devido a vários fatores, incluindo, sem limitação: (i) o risco de que as condições para o fechamento da fusão das empresas não sejam satisfeitas, incluindo a falha em obter a aprovação dos acionistas em tempo hábil ou obter a aprovação dos acionistas para a fusão das empresas ou a falha em obter quaisquer autorizações regulatórias necessárias e em tempo hábil, incluindo do Superior Tribunal de Justiça do Quebec; (ii) incertezas quanto ao momento da consumação da fusão das empresas e a capacidade da Prospector, da LeddarTech e da Newco de concluir a fusão das empresas; (iii) a possibilidade de que outros benefícios antecipados da fusão das empresas não sejam realizados e o tratamento fiscal antecipado da fusão das empresas; (iv) a ocorrência de qualquer evento que possa dar origem à rescisão da fusão das empresas; (v) o risco de que o litígio dos acionistas em conexão com a fusão das empresas ou outros acordos ou investigações possa afetar o momento ou a ocorrência da fusão das empresas ou resultar em custos significativos de defesa, indenização e responsabilidade; (vi) mudanças gerais na economia e/ou condições específicas do setor; (vii) possíveis interrupções da fusão das empresas que poderiam prejudicar os negócios da LeddarTech; (viii) a capacidade da LeddarTech de reter, atrair e contratar pessoal-chave; (ix) possíveis reações adversas ou mudanças nas relações com clientes, funcionários, fornecedores ou outras partes resultantes do anúncio ou conclusão da fusão das empresas; (x) potencial incerteza nos negócios, incluindo mudanças nas relações comerciais existentes durante a pendência da fusão das empresas que possam afetar o desempenho financeiro da LeddarTech; (xi) desenvolvimentos legislativos, regulatórios e econômicos; (xii) imprevisibilidade e gravidade de eventos catastróficos, incluindo, mas não se limitando a, atos de terrorismo, eclosão de guerra ou hostilidades, e qualquer epidemia, pandemia ou surto de doença (incluindo COVID-19), bem como a resposta da administração a qualquer um dos fatores mencionados acima; (xiii) acesso a capital e financiamentos e a capacidade da LeddarTech estar em conformidade com os acordos de dívidas; e (xiv) outros fatores de risco, detalhados ocasionalmente nos relatórios da Prospector protocolados na SEC, incluindo o Relatório Anual da Prospector no Formulário 10-K, Relatórios Trimestrais periódicos no Formulário 10-Q, Relatórios Atuais periódicos no Formulário 8-K e outros documentos protocolados na SEC, bem como os fatores de risco mencionados da Declaração de Registro. A lista anterior de fatores importantes não é exaustiva. Nem a Prospector nem a LeddarTech podem dar qualquer garantia de que as condições para a fusão das empresas serão satisfeitas. Exceto conforme exigido pela lei aplicável, nem a Prospector nem a LeddarTech assumem qualquer obrigação de revisar ou atualizar qualquer declaração de previsão, ou de fazer quaisquer outras declarações de previsão, seja como resultado de novas informações, eventos futuros ou de outra forma.

Sem Oferta ou Solicitação

Este comunicado à imprensa não constitui uma oferta de venda nem uma solicitação de uma oferta de compra de qualquer título mobiliário da Prospector ou da Newco, uma solicitação de qualquer voto ou aprovação, nem deverá haver qualquer venda desses valores mobiliários em qualquer estado ou outra jurisdição onde tal oferta, venda ou solicitação seja ilegal antes do registro ou qualificação sob as leis de valores mobiliários de qualquer estado ou jurisdição. Nenhuma oferta de valores mobiliários será feita, exceto por meio de um prospecto que atenda aos requisitos da Seção 10 da Lei de Valores Mobiliários de 1933, alterada (Lei de Valores Mobiliários).

Participantes da Solicitação

A Prospector, a LeddarTech, a Newco, e alguns dos seus respectivos diretores, executivos e funcionários, podem ser considerados participantes da solicitação de procurações em conexão com a fusão das empresas. Informações sobre os diretores e diretores executivos da Prospector podem ser encontradas no Relatório Anual no Formulário 10-K do exercício fiscal encerrado em 31 de dezembro de 2022, protocolado na SEC em 31 de março de 2023. As informações sobre as pessoas que podem, de acordo com as regras da SEC, ser consideradas participantes na solicitação de procurações em conexão com a fusão das empresas, incluindo uma descrição dos seus interesses diretos ou indiretos, por participações em títulos ou de outra forma, serão incluídas na Declaração de Registro e outros materiais relevantes quando protocolados na SEC. Esses documentos podem ser obtidos gratuitamente na fonte indicada acima.

Daniel Aitken, Vice-Presidente, Marketing Global, Comunicações e Relacionamento com o Investidor, LeddarTech Inc. Tel.: + 1-418-653-9000 ramal 232

Os logotipos Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision e afins são marcas comerciais ou marcas comerciais registradas da LeddarTech Inc. e suas subsidiárias. Todas as outras marcas e nomes de produtos são ou podem ser marcas comerciais ou marcas comerciais registradas usadas para identificar produtos ou serviços de seus respectivos proprietários.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8970829

Our support for Bawumia is to help NPP break the eight – Traders

A group of NPP supporters at the Kejetia, central and race-course markets in Kumasi, says their support for Dr Mahamudu Bawumia to lead the party is to help the NPP maintain power in the 2024 general elections. The traders, who identify themselves as ‘Kumasi Central. Kejetia and Race-Course Traders for Bawumia,’ said8 it was only Dr Bawumia, who had the record and capability to win power and break the eight-year rule jinx. They reiterated their call to the party delegates in the upcoming presidential primary to vote massively for Dr Bawumia to lead the party to the 2024 general election. Elder Emmanuel Gyekyi, Chairman of the group, addressing a press conference at the Kejetia market in Kumasi, said the record of Dr Bawumia as the Vice President, demonstrated his capabilities to lead the country and continue with the development agenda set by the Nana Akufo Addo government. He said Dr Bawumia had proven beyond all doubt that he could continue the transformation agenda currently going on and sustain the development momentum of the country. Elder Gyekyi said traders in the markets, who were the core grassroots of the party, knew and believed that Dr Bawumia would be able to lead the party to win the 2024 general elections and called on the delegates not to think of their personal gains but consider the broader interest of national development. Hajia Hawa, the Women Organizer of the group said customers who came to the market had been telling them that it was only Dr Bawumia who could lead the party to victory. She pleaded with the delegates not to be swayed by propaganda to turn their back on the Vice President who had supported Nana Akufo Addo to transform the country. Nana Yaa Dufie, one of the queens at the central market, said all the queens in the various markets were yearning for Dr Bawumia to lead the NPP to victory in 2024. She called for unity among the party supporters to ensure that the party came out from the primaries stronger to contest and win the 2024 general elections.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Economist urges govt. to sustain anticipated economic gains

Reverend Dr Samuel Worlanyo Mensah, an economist, has urged the government to adopt measures to sustain the expected economic gains by the end of the year. He said the economic indicators pointed to a better economic performance by the end of the year 2023, but expressed fears the government had not put in serious measures to sustain the anticipated gains. The economist and pastor made the call in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA), in Accra, on his impressions of the economy after Ghana’s programme with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Last May, the Executive Board of the IMF approved a 36-month arrangement with Ghana under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) in an amount equivalent to SDR 2.242 billion around US$3 billion. The Fund soon disbursed the first tranche of US$600 million. The first tranche of the bailout was expected to be used to bolster Ghana’s foreign currency reserves and help stabilise the cedi as well as for budget support. Also, the World Bank is expected to advance US$ 300 million in budget support to Ghana pending the approval of the second tranche of funds from the IMF Board, expected to meet by November 22, 2023. Ghana has been facing severe economic and financial challenges, including defaulting on some of its domestic and international debt, and as a result, declared a moratorium on its international debt in December 2022, and further technically defaulted in February 2023 after failing to pay a coupon. The programme, based on the government’s Post COVID-19 Programme for Economic Growth (PC-PEG) aims to restore macroeconomic stability and debt sustainability and includes wide-ranging reforms to build resilience and lay the foundation for stronger and more inclusive growth. As part of the bailout agreement, the IMF will monitor the implementation of Ghana’s economic programmes anchored on restoring macroeconomic stability, ensuring sustainable growth for the macro-economy and laying the foundations for stronger and more inclusive growth Dr Mensah said Ghanaians faced harsh economic conditions, and ‘life was quite unbearable between June and October 2023.’ He was, however, confident that the indicators pointed to a better economic performance in the last quarter of 2023 and attributed the expected improvement to the adoption by the government of the conditions attached to the bailout. ‘I think gradually the economy of Ghana is bouncing back, because if you look at the fundamental indicators you will realise that the economy is bouncing back due to two major factors, and these are debt restructuring and the IMF programme,’ he stated. He noted that the debt restructuring had allowed the government to postpone its financial obligations to many lenders leading to positive policy and growth rates. Part of the conditions was for the IMF to monitor government spending. Dr Mensah lauded the government’s decision not to overspend beyond what was budgeted. He was, however, not convinced that the government had taken the reforms seriously. He said: ‘The government has not taken the reforms seriously. They are doing so because the bailout has not fully been released.’ Dr Mensah, who is also the Executive Director of the Centre for Greater Impact Africa, a non-governmental organisation, urged the government to sustain the gains. He said: ‘The government has to do everything possible to convince the Bretton Woods institutions that we are capable of managing a prudent economy, and for that matter the expected disbursement should not face any shortcoming.’ Dr Mensah suggested to the government also to direct the Ministry of Finance, the Bank of Ghana and the Economic Management Team to be more proactive in ensuring that more good programmes and policies were rolled out to help develop the local economy in achieving sustainable national development.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Mental health man perishes in abandoned vehicle fire

A tragic incident occurred in the Shai Osudoku district of the Greater Accra region, where a man with a mental health condition was burnt to death in an abandoned car which was engulfed in flames. According to the Police, the family of the mentally ill man informed the local authorities and the police, who immediately visited the scene. According to sources in the community, the individual in question is a familiar figure who has been frequenting the Asutuare area for quite some time now. Mr. Odoi Narh, a mechanic apprentice, told the Ghana News Agency that the man had been wandering around the mechanic shop area and the town, and he sometimes takes a break and sits in the abandoned cars. He said they discovered the incident when they arrived at their shop last Tuesday morning to work, during which, to their surprise, they found a completely incinerated human skeleton inside a damaged vehicle, which had been left unattended for over four years. Other sources who wanted to remain anonymous said initial investigations showed that the deceased, who is believed to be a smoker, had gone to smoke in the vehicle at the fitting shop. Regrettably, the vehicle ignited, and he was completely consumed, to the extent of rendering it impossible to preserve the body at the mortuary. However, the police said they have launched a comprehensive investigation into the matter and have requested the cooperation of the mechanic repair shop owners. Meanwhile, several residents, like Ms. Gloria Hornu Yahyra, have expressed concerns about the incident and are urging the Police to speed up their investigations.

Source: Ghana News Agency

North Tongu: Akatsi-based Kaleawo FM donates to flood victims

Management of Kaleawo Fm, an Akatsi-based radio station in the Akatsi South Municipality has handed over items and consumables to residents of Mepe who were rendered homeless in the recent flood disaster. The items worth thousands of cedis which included maize, beans, soaps, dresses, water, and other consumables have been presented to the affected residents. Mr Raphael Bedzo, Manager of Kaleawo Fm, who led the team to Mepe JHS and St Kizito Centers, where residents have been seeking refuge, explained that the gesture remained a core aspect of the station’s desire to extend a helping hand to the displaced residents. ‘We were touched after hearing of this disaster that had befallen our brothers and sisters living around the Volta River. So, we decided to raise some items from the public to support them.’ Mr Bedzo stated that the move, with the help of some community members and their cherished listeners, saw several items freely offered to sustain the better living conditions of humanity. He further called for proper distribution of the items to serve the intended purpose. Mr Beddzo also expressed appreciation to individuals and groups who joined their donation drive campaign. Mr Amos Ahorsu Borlor, the assembly member for Mepe, during the exercise, commended Kaleawo FM for the great gesture. He appealed for more support ‘since the situation has not ended,’ he added. Mr Eric Anagbo, a local committee member at St Kizito in charge of the distribution of the items, assured the team of extending the items to the required affected residents. Some victims, on their part, thanked the donors and called for more support.

Source: Ghana News Agency