Catholic Bishop of Yendi Diocese inaugurates peace centre and ethnic peace team

The Catholic Bishop of Yendi Diocese Most Reverend Matthew Yitiereh has inaugurated Peace Centre and an inter-ethnic peace team with representatives from Dagombas and Konkombas. The inter-ethnic peace team would assist in building peace between Dagomba and Konkomba communities. The team is made up of 11 people from each side with one representative from Ya-Na Abukari II the Overlord of Dagbon. Some of the team members include Yeni Kpihi-Na Mohammed Musah, Ya-Na’s representative, Bindana Ahmed Ziblim, Alhaji Alhassan Shahadu, Chishe Na Mohammed Bilema, Rashid Alaru Fusheini and Hajia Nuhu Ramatu, Dagomba team representatives. Rev. Moses Baka, John Uwumborngnam, Titus Jawol, Grace Wumbidin, and Elvis Nakpija, Konkomba representatives. In his inaugural address, Bishop Yitiereh said the promotion of peace in the world was paramount and the church would ensure that her children lived together in peace and in love. He reminded them that Pope John Paul II in his exhortation to the faithful people ‘urged that all pastoral agents are to be adequately trained for the promotion of peace’ He said the Yendi Peace centre seeks to educate all through a select group as peace agents especially among their two major ethnic group in Yendi Diocese so that all would become ambassadors of justice and peace in the Diocese and beyond. The Bishop said the team members would ensure that love, forgiveness and reconciliation prevailed in their environment and hoped that the Yendi Peace Centre would empower them through capacity building of correct relations of harmony among issues and above all among people and all of creation. He indicated that it was dangerous to take on high responsibilities without the corresponding professional competence. He reminded the team members to be lovers of peace themselves and lover of all people in respective of their ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Fr. Dr. Michael Cobb (PhD) thanked Bishop Rev. Yitiereh for giving his blessing and permission fo Fr. Gregory Dery to spearhead and lead the process on behalf of the Yendi Peace centre. Bishop Vincent Sowah Boi Nai Emeritus said the problem facing the area was land ownership which had existed for long and needed redress. He said faceless and influential people living outside the region were those creating the problems and urged the team members to educate their people about what was happening in their areas for peace and harmony to prevail. He denounced rumour-mongering as that could escalate into serious issues.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ablekuma South wins AMA’s 125 years anniversary quiz

The Ablekuma South Sub-Metropolitan schools under the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) have won the inter-schools and circuits quiz contest. They got 56.5 points to beat their counterparts, Okaikoi South and Ashiedu Keteke Sub-Metros, who got 56.0 and 37.5, respectively, to place second and third in the competition. The initiative was aimed at developing the children’s minds to be creative and critical thinkers and be abreast of AMA’s history, sanitation and current affairs of the city of Accra. It was sponsored by EPP Books Services, Zenith University College, Matrix, Tesburys, Legon City Mall, Indomie Ghana, Zeeland Fun World and Cocoa Processing Company Limited. Mrs Elizabeth Kwatsoe Sackey, the Accra Metropolitan Chief Executive, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, said the theme for AMA’s 125 Anniversary was to reflect the rich legacy of local governance and steadfast commitment to the progress of the people. ‘It was an excellent opportunity for students to come together, demonstrate their knowledge, and foster a sense of commitment as AMA celebrates the anniversary,’ she stated. By engaging the minds of the children on the history of AMA, sanitation issues and current affairs, they would become conversant with the issues while identifying weak schools in the metropolis and providing them with support to lift the education standards. Mrs Justine Eva Appawu, the Accra Metro Director of the Ghana Education Service, commended the AMA Chief Executive for the initiative, which she said would benefit all schools in the Metropolis to aid in educational engagement and community involvement. The overall winners, the second and third positions were awarded medals to encourage learning and excellence.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghana’s Agric, digital sectors worth your investment – Oppong Nkrumah

Government is courting both domestic and foreign investors into the country’s agriculture and digital sectors as global rating firm, Fitch Solutions, upgrades the country’s ability to pay its debt. Mr Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, Information Minister, explained that there were numerous profitable ventures in Ghana’s agriculture and digital sectors, with government continually creating the enabling environment for investors. He said this in an exclusive interview with the Ghana News Agency at the maiden Ghana Mutual Prosperity Dialogues, in Accra, on November 2, describing Fitch’s upgrade of Ghana as a ‘pleasing news’. Fitch upgraded Ghana’s long-term local currency issuer default to ‘CCC’ – with a ‘real default possibility’ from restrictive default – implying a distressed debt exchange on bonds. The upgraded rating comes as government begins to pay outstanding payment of local bonds following the completion of its Domestic Exchange Programme (DDEP). The country has also recorded an average of 3.2 per cent growth for the first two quarters of 2023, with inflationary and exchange rate pressures declining. He explained that the positive ratings by Fitch was evidence that Ghana’s debt restructuring was meeting expectations of market watchers, with progress in the investment prospects. ‘If an investor knows that an investment of yours has been graded in a higher class, then, the confidence that the investor will have investing in those liabilities is higher,’ he said. The government in 2017, launched the Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) one of the key initiatives to create opportunities for investors in Ghana’s agriculture sector, with positive returns. The five-module focuses on empowering farmers to scale up productivity by providing them with 50 per cent subsidy on the cost of inputs [seeds and fertilizers], as well as extension services and marketing avenues. Ghana’s digital sector grew on an average of 19 per cent between 2014 and 2020, making it one of the leaders in World Bank’s Sub-Saharan Africa and Digital Economy diagnostic report. It is for these and other developments in the Ghanaian economy, that the Information Minister said government would be keen on agriculture and digital infrastructure going forward. ‘There are a lot of opportunities in Ghana’s agriculture sector, including aquaculture and digital infrastructure. There’s a lot of talks about the need to have more data centres and facilities that would make it easier for those who want to build digital products and services to ride on – these are the priority areas we’re looking at,’ Mr Nkrumah said. He said the government would leverage Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), with enhanced engagement with the private sector to spur economic transformation and create more decent jobs for Ghanaians. ‘For the government, the most important thing is stability – not necessarily going on a drive to acquire liabilities per say, but stability that will give confidence to other investors,’ he pledged. On the Mutual Prosperity Dialogues, Mr Ken Ofori-Atta, Finance Minister, said: ‘Our hosting of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) headquarters and?its wider implication for national progress and growth requires frequent engagements?and conversations for the change we all desire.’ He said the interactions between the public and private sectors were?expected to define the appropriate plans, policies, and timelines to accelerate the?turnaround and transformation of the business environment.?

Source: Ghana News Agency