King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre Conclui com Sucesso sua Participação Como Parceiro Estratégico de Saúde na Global Health Exhibition 2023

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Nov. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Global Health Exhibition, realizada de 29 a 31 de outubro de 2023, foi um sucesso extraordinário para o King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC).

Como Parceiro Estratégico de Saúde, o KFSH&RC apresentou iniciativas inovadoras destinadas a aprimorar a eficiência operacional em domínios médicos cruciais, abrangendo a jornada de atendimento ao paciente, pesquisa espacial, estudos genéticos, técnicas de radioterapia de última geração, avanços no transplante de órgãos (incluindo o primeiro transplante de doador vivo totalmente robótico do mundo), gerenciamento de capacidade e produção de radiofármacos para alcançar a autossuficiência dentro do Reino.

No dia inaugural, Sua Excelência Dr. Majid Al Fayyadh fez um discurso de abertura com foco no futuro promissor do Turismo Médico no Reino, ressaltando os esforços contínuos do KFSH&RC para aprimorar os serviços para pacientes internacionais. “A jornada transformadora do KFSH&RC em uma instituição sem fins lucrativos, focada principalmente no atendimento de pacientes da região do Golfo, teve início em 2021. No seu ano inaugural, o hospital recebeu 250 pacientes e, desde então, pudemos observar um impressionante crescimento anual de 40%. Nosso objetivo é ampliar o nosso atendimento para 10.000 pacientes até 2030.”

O Dr. Yaseen Mallawi, Diretor Executivo Interino – Prestação de Cuidados de Saúde no KFSH&RC, participou de um painel de discussão abordando “Desafios para acelerar a transformação do Setor de Saúde Saudita”, onde enfatizou o compromisso do hospital em priorizar o bem-estar funcional dos pacientes dentro de um sistema de saúde baseado em valores.

Muhannad Al Kadi, Diretor de Comunicações Corporativas e Marketing do KFSH&RC, expressou sua satisfação com o sucesso do fórum, afirmando: “Foi um prazer poder nos reunir com líderes do setor para compartilhar nossa visão e testemunhar o impacto das nossas colaborações. A Global Health Exhibition tem sido uma plataforma notável para avaliar novas oportunidades que irão reforçar ainda mais o cenário da saúde no Reino e além.”

Os especialistas do KFSH&RC participaram ativamente de vários painéis de discussão. O Dr. Dieter Broering, Diretor Executivo do Centro de Excelência em Transplante de Órgãos, compartilhou insights sobre o potencial das tecnologias cirúrgicas de ponta para reformular os cuidados de saúde. O Dr. Mohammed Alhamid, Diretor do Centro de Inteligência em Saúde, fez um discurso instigante sobre os cuidados de saúde com base em IA lançando luz sobre o futuro da inteligência em saúde.

Além disso, o evento foi um marco significativo para o KFSH&RC ao celebrar seu 100º procedimento Car-T Cell, uma conquista notável no Oriente Médio. O hospital também recebeu o prestigiado prêmio de “Best Public Services Call Centre of The Year – Critical” no Annual Middle East Call Centre 2023 Awards.

Além da participação no Global Health Exhibition, o KFSH&RC firmou Memorandos de Entendimento fundamentais. O hospital fez uma parceria com a Sabic, líder global em produtos químicos diversificados, para impulsionar o desenvolvimento e a inovação de produtos de saúde. O King Faisal Specialist Hospital International Holding Company, o braço de investimento do KFSH&RC, estabeleceu uma parceria estratégica com a Solutions by STC para aprimorar o cenário das empresas de negócios de saúde e identificar áreas de crescimento mútuo no setor.

Foram firmados outros Memorandos de Entendimento com a Microsoft Arabia, com foco na sustentabilidade e inovação para o aprimoramento do atendimento ao paciente, e com a Fundação Hevolution, enfatizando o avanço da pesquisa sobre longevidade e envelhecimento. O KFSH&RC também fez uma parceria com a Illumina e firmou um memorando de entendimento com a Johnson & Johnson, com a visão principal de revolucionar o treinamento cirúrgico na região.

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8974324

L’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal conclut avec succès son rôle de partenaire stratégique en matière de soins de santé à la Global Health Exhibition 2023

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 07 nov. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — La Global Health Exhibition, qui s’est tenue du 29 au 31 octobre 2023, fut un succès exceptionnel pour l’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal (ci-après « KFSH&RC »).

À titre de partenaire santé stratégique de l’événement, le KFSH&RC a présenté des initiatives révolutionnaires visant à améliorer l’efficacité opérationnelle dans des domaines médicaux essentiels, notamment le parcours de soins des patients, la recherche spatiale, les études génétiques, les techniques de radiothérapie de pointe, les progrès en matière de greffe d’organes (y compris la toute première greffe avec donneur vivant entièrement robotisée), la gestion des capacités et la production de produits radiopharmaceutiques afin d’atteindre l’autosuffisance dans le Royaume.

Pour la journée d’ouverture, Son Excellence le Dr Majid Ibrahim Al Fayyadh, a prononcé un discours liminaire sur l’avenir prometteur du tourisme médical dans le Royaume, soulignant les efforts continus du KFSH&RC pour améliorer les services offerts aux patients internationaux. « Le parcours de transformation du FSH&RC en une institution à but non lucratif, principalement axée sur les patients de la région du Golfe, a débuté en 2021. Dans sa première année, l’hôpital a admis 250 patients, et nous avons depuis observé une croissance annuelle impressionnante de 40 %. Notre objectif est de proposer nos soins à 10 000 patients d’ici 2030 ».

Le Dr Yaseen Mallawi, directeur général par intérim de la prestation de soins de santé au KFSH&RC, a participé à une table ronde sur « Les défis à relever pour accélérer la transformation du secteur de la santé saoudien », durant laquelle il a souligné l’engagement de l’hôpital à donner la priorité au bien-être fonctionnel des patients dans le cadre d’un système de soins de santé reposant sur la notion de valeur.

Muhannad Al Kadi, responsable de la communication et du marketing de KFSH&RC, s’est réjoui du succès du forum : « Ce fut un plaisir de se réunir avec des leaders du secteur, de partager notre vision et de constater l’impact de nos collaborations. La Global Health Exhibition a été une plateforme exceptionnelle pour explorer de nouvelles opportunités qui permettront de renforcer encore le secteur des soins de santé dans le Royaume et au-delà ».

Les experts de KFSH&RC ont activement participé à de nombreuses tables rondes. Le Dr Dieter Broering, directeur exécutif du Centre d’excellence pour les greffes d’organe a partagé son point de vue sur le potentiel des technologies chirurgicales de pointe pour remodeler les soins de santé. Le Dr. Mohammed Alhamid, directeur du Centre of Healthcare Intelligence, a prononcé un discours passionnant sur les soins de santé alimentés par l’IA, mettant en lumière l’avenir de l’intelligence en matière de soins de santé.

D’autre part, l’événement a marqué une étape importante pour le KFSH&RC, qui a célébré sa 100e procédure de thérapie cellulaire Car-T, une réalisation remarquable au Moyen-Orient. L’hôpital s’est également vu décerner le prix prestigieux du « Meilleur centre d’appel de l’année pour les services publics – critique » lors de la remise des prix annuels du Middle East Call Centre 2023 Awards.

En marge de la Global Health Exhibition, le KFSH&RC a scellé des protocoles d’accord importants. Il s’est associé à SABIC, un leader mondial des produits chimiques diversifiés, pour stimuler le développement et l’innovation en matière de produits de santé. King Faisal Specialist Hospital International Holding Company, la société d’investissement de KFSH&RC, a établi un partenariat stratégique avec Solutions by STC afin d’améliorer le cadre commercial des soins de santé et d’identifier les domaines de croissance mutuelle dans le secteur.

D’autres protocoles d’accord ont été signés avec Microsoft Arabia, concernant le développement durable et l’innovation pour l’amélioration des soins aux patients, et avec la Fondation Hevolution, concernant l’avancement de la recherche sur la longévité et le vieillissement. Le KFSH&RC a également établi un partenariat avec Illumina et signé un protocole d’accord avec Johnson & Johnson, dans le but premier de révolutionner la formation chirurgicale dans la région.

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8974324

Matmerize secures DOD award to develop low-flammability polymer composite materials using advanced AI methods

ATLANTA, Nov. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Matmerize, Inc., an industry leader in Polymer & Formulations Informatics proudly announces its selection by the US Department of Defense (DOD) for a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract aimed at advancing AI methodologies for accelerating the design of novel low-flammability polymer composite materials. Matmerize is excited about the transformative potential of this project as it will not only enhance fire safety for Navy ships and submarines, but will also find applications in a wide range of industries, including construction, aerospace, automotive and consumer products. This award comes at the heels of another SBIR recently awarded to Matmerize by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to develop physics-informed and physics-enforced machine learning architectures to advance materials development.

The flammability of polymer composites is quantified by a set of quantitative parameters, typically measured using highly standardized instruments/tests defined by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and other agencies. Desirable polymeric materials that meet the specific values of ASTM and non-ASTM standardized tests require an optimal combination of base polymers, functional additives, flame retardants, and processing conditions. Matmerize will collaborate with DOD to develop a Polymer Informatics capability using suitable curated data and advanced AI/ML techniques, aimed at the accelerated design of low-flammability polymer matrix composites that meet other critical mechanical and thermal performance targets needed by the Navy.

Key highlights of the contract include:

(1)  creation of a composite materials database with flammability and other relevant properties such as maximum heat release rate, time to ignition, and smoke density,
(2)   development of AI models trained on the database to predict the relevant properties for new composite formulations, and
(3)  recommend a pool of promising polymer composites, i.e., the combinations of base polymers, functional additives, flame retardants, and processing conditions, for experimentally synthesis and testing.

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link:

AI Custom Models for Low Flammability Polymer Composites: Creating AI Custom Models for Low Flammability Polymer Composites using Customer's Proprietary Data

Huan Tran, Director of Research Innovation for Matmerize stated, “This collaboration signifies a major achievement in the pursuit of safer, lower-flammability polymer composites. We take great pride in spearheading the development of cutting-edge AI-driven solutions for low-flammability composite materials that not only meet rigorous ASTM testing standards but also address the vital safety requirements mandated for our Navy ships.“

At the heart of Matmerize’s innovation lies PolymRize™, their flagship product – a cloud-based Polymer Informatics software platform meticulously crafted to expedite the advancement of polymers, composites, and formulations. The DOD SBIR aligns perfectly with Matmerize’s core mission to unlock the immense potential of AI in advanced materials engineering to address critical challenges and improve functionality, fire safety and sustainability. Both the DOD and the NSF SBIRs come at an opportune time and will jointly propel and advance the AI-based PolymRize™ technology in a synergistic manner.

Chiho Kim, CTO at Matmerize expressed his enthusiasm by stating “The two concurrent SBIR awards granted by DOD and NSF, represent a resounding endorsement of Matmerize’s pioneering Polymer Informatics platform PolymRize™. These contracts will provide us the resources and support needed to further advance our AI based PolymRize™ platform.”

For more information on the innovative PolymRize™ platform please visit:

About Matmerize:
Matmerize, Inc. is a recent spin-out from the Georgia Institute of Technology and was founded by Dr. Rampi Ramprasad and Dr. Chiho Kim. Matmerize is a leading innovator at the intersection of advanced materials engineering and artificial intelligence. With a mission to revolutionize fire safety and sustainability through AI technology, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Our dedicated team of experts strives to create solutions that positively impact new material development while minimizing the environmental footprint.

For further information, inquiries, or media contact, please reach out to:

Matmerize, Inc.
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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8974273

Quantexa Launches New Asia Pacific Headquarters in Singapore to Capture Next Wave of Growth

  • Quantexa’s growing presence in Singapore represents significant investment in delivering AI-enabled Decision Intelligence (DI) solutions to Enterprises and Government Agencies across Asia Pacific
  • Quantexa has seen double-digit growth and tripled employee base in Asia Pacific region since Series D announcement in 2022
  • The new location in Singapore reinforces Quantexa’s global network and brings the company closer to its clients and partners in the region

SINGAPORE, Nov. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quantexa, the global leader in Decision Intelligence (DI) solutions for the public and private sectors, today announced the opening of its new Asia Pacific Headquarters based in Tower 1 of Marina Bay Financial Centre (MBFC) in Singapore. The opening is part of a broader regional expansion plan and follows the July 2023 launch of Quantexa’s Japan operations in Tokyo and long-standing presence in Melbourne, Sydney and Malaysia. Further expansion into Hong Kong is expected in 2024.

The organization’s decision to set up its regional headquarters in Singapore was solidified by the country’s commitment to attracting investment, talent, and technology. Establishing Quantexa’s new office locally complements the government’s Smart Nation initiative which outlines its plan to invest up to SGD500 million in Artificial Intelligence (AI) research and development.

Economic forecasts for Southeast Asia predict that it will remain one of the fastest growing regions for years to come. Additionally, over the past 12 months, Quantexa has seen significant demand in the region as local banks and government agencies put an increased emphasis on detecting and preventing financial crime as the number of large-scale money laundering operations in region have risen, costing victims abroad billions of dollars[1]. Recently, Singapore authorities have taken measures to ensure that financial institutions scrutinise monetary flows with city state managed assets valued at USD4 trillion[2].

Quantexa’s regional headquarters will provide sales, marketing, product management, and professional services capabilities to support customer implementations of its Decision Intelligence Platform in the banking, insurance and telecommunications industries, as well as the public sector. The opening comes after Quantexa recently completed its Series E Funding Round led by GIC Singapore, valuing the company north of $1.8 billion, and announcing a $155 million investment to fuel global artificial intelligence advancements.

Today, Quantexa will host an event to showcase local technology innovation and partnerships at The National Museum of Singapore. Quantexa CEO Vishal Marria will be joined by esteemed industry leaders from GIC, Singapore’s Digital and Intelligence Service (DIS), and Standard Chartered Bank for a panel discussion on “Charting New Pathways for AI Innovation.”

Vishal Marria, CEO and Founder, Quantexa, said: “Quantexa has seen 90% revenue growth and we have nearly tripled our team size in the Asia Pacific region since our Series D announcement. With today’s announcement of our new regional headquarters in Singapore, we continue to accelerate our growth plans and get closer to our clients and partners as we serve the region.”

Choo Yong Cheen, Chief Investment Officer of Private Equity, GIC, said: “We are pleased to see Quantexa establish their new regional headquarters in Singapore as part of their expansion efforts in Asia. As Quantexa continues to benefit from increasing regulatory emphasis on compliance and demand for AI capabilities in data management, we remain confident in the company’s growth potential.”

Jinghua Guo, Chief Digitization Officer, The Digital and Intelligence Service, added: “The Digital and Intelligence Service views AI as a mission-critical capability for the Singapore Armed Forces to safeguard the sovereignty and security of Singapore. We have always worked closely with other technology partners in government to build cutting-edge AI capabilities for defence. But beyond this, we need to harness the rapid innovations from commercial companies as part of our AI portfolio to address our operational needs more effectively. Therefore, we are interested to further explore how cutting-edge solutions from technology leaders like Quantexa can help us succeed in our mission.”

Sean Coppinger, CIO, Standard Chartered Bank, said: “We are thrilled that Quantexa is expanding its presence here. Since 2018, we have worked closely with Quantexa to use AI-enabled data matching capabilities to get a complete view of our customers and their transaction networks. This has helped us raise the bar on how the industry detects fraud and fights financial crime.”

The Singapore Headquarters joins a growing portfolio of Quantexa hubs including London, Dublin, Brussels, Malaga, UAE, New York, Boston, Toronto, Sydney, Melbourne, and Tokyo.

Quantexa’s Asia Pacific team is expanding and is actively recruiting several open positions. To find out more about current vacancies, visit this page.

Note to Editors:

For more information on Quantexa, please visit the website here.

Media Inquiries:

C: Alina Boey, Senior Consultant, Milk & Honey PR

T: +65 96565580


About Quantexa   

Quantexa is a global data and analytics software company pioneering Decision Intelligence that empowers organizations to make trusted operational decisions by making data meaningful. Using the latest advancements in big data and AI, Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence platform uncovers hidden risk and new opportunities by providing a contextual, connected view of internal and external data in a single place. It solves major challenges across data management, KYC, customer intelligence, financial crime, risk, fraud, and security, throughout the customer lifecycle.

The Quantexa Decision Intelligence Platform enhances operational performance with over 90% more accuracy and 60 times faster analytical model resolution than traditional approaches. Founded in 2016, Quantexa now has more than 675 employees and thousands of users working with billions of transactions and data points across the world. The company has offices in London, Dublin, Brussels, Malaga, UAE, New York, Boston, Toronto, Sydney, Melbourne, and Tokyo.

About GIC

GIC is a leading global investment firm established in 1981 to secure Singapore’s financial future. As the manager of Singapore’s foreign reserves, GIC takes a long-term, disciplined approach to investing and is uniquely positioned across a wide range of asset classes and active strategies globally. These include equities, fixed income, real estate, private equity, venture capital, and infrastructure. Its long- term approach, multi-asset capabilities, and global connectivity enable it to be an investor of choice. GIC seeks to add meaningful value to its investments. Headquartered in Singapore, GIC has a global talent force of over 2,100 people in 11 key financial cities and has investments in over 40 countries. For more information, please visit or follow on LinkedIn.

[1] Source: Nikkei Asia article – Singapore stands out as a global tech hub amid U.S.-China tensions

[2] Source: South China Morning Post article – Singapore readies roll out of anti-money-laundering platform to prevent a 1MDB repeat

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000898055

Mahomi natives condemn increased killing in village

Inhabitants of Mahomi village in the Eseka sub-division, Nyong and Kele division of the Centre region have condemned the increased killing observed in the village.

This was on November 6, 2023 during a crisis meeting held following the killing of one of theirs, 60-year-old Ebot Ebot Emmanuel on Saturday November 4 by unknown individuals.

“Such a thing has never happened in this village. Almost everyone is traumatized. This has to be stopped as soon as possible, if not it will become rampant. We are not ready for this,” a native of the area said in a bitter tone.

Ebot Ebot Emmanuel in his 60s was killed shortly after returning from a meeting where he was the financial secretary. After he was gruesomely battered, his assailants took away the financial register.

“Our wish is that the forces of law and order conduct a thorough investigation that will shed light on this satanic act. We are ready to collaborate with them in anyway,” an elite assured.

Inhabitants of the area were encouraged to brave fear by denouncing criminals in order to avoid a repeat of the macabre incident.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Diaspora Diaries: Etchu Ndip Agbor, pioneering the path of refereeing excellence in Denmark

By Lambert T. Binla

In the realm of sports, every game unfolds with the anticipation of fair play, rules upheld, and decisions made with the utmost integrity. Etchu Ndip Agbor, a Cameroonian residing in Denmark, is poised to be the embodiment of these values as he officially kicks off his refereeing career in Denmark after recently acquiring his DBU (Danish Football Association) Referee license. His journey from Cameroon to Denmark and his commitment to becoming a football referee is an inspiring tale of dedication and determination that started in every suburb of Cameroon as he wondered about studying while playing football at the same time.

The Cameroonian Dreamer

Born and raised in Cameroon, Etchu Ndip Agbor grew up with a passion for football. His love for the game extended beyond the thrill of scoring goals making plays and being a great goalkeeper for the greater path of his career; it encompassed an unwavering admiration for the sport’s rules and the role of referees in ensuring its fairness. With dreams of becoming a professional goaler having played at the top level in and out of Cameroon, injuries took a toll on him catalyzing his decision-making phase of aligning with is other passion of being a referee himself, he set out on a remarkable journey that took him from the sunny landscapes of Cameroon to the serene charm of Denmark.

The Road to DBU Referee License:

Etchu’s pursuit of his dreams led him to Denmark, a nation renowned for its football culture and commitment to the beautiful game. In his new home, he embarked on the path to becoming a strong goalkeeper but injuries decided otherwise and here we are with Etchu as a member of the game’s upper-echelon staff. This journey was not without its challenges, but Etchu’s relentless spirit and love for the game pushed him forward. Recently, Etchu Ndip Agbor achieved a significant milestone by obtaining his DBU Referee license. This license represents not just a piece of paper but a key to a world of opportunities. It signifies his thorough understanding of the game, the rules, and the crucial role referees play in maintaining the integrity of football.

Promoting Fair Play and Unity:

Etchu’s journey is not just about personal achievement; it’s about promoting fair play, unity, and the international camaraderie that football fosters. His presence as a Cameroonian in Denmark showcases the diverse and inclusive nature of football, transcending boundaries and cultural differences.

A Source of Inspiration:

Etchu Ndip Agbor’s story is a testament to the power of dreams and the persistence needed to turn them into reality. He is not just an aspiring referee; he is an inspiration to anyone with a passion for the sport, demonstrating that determination and hard work can open doors to opportunities that once seemed unattainable. Passion for the game can be seen through a series of injuries he harbored while still trying to be an active player and his dedication as a member of the Cameroon Copenhagen Veteran football club also known as COPVET. In COPVET Etchu has been instrumental in making sure matches are well officiated during practice sessions and tournaments with COPVET as a participating team.

As Etchu Ndip Agbor dons his referee uniform and takes to the pitch in Denmark, he carries with him the dreams and hopes of many who aspire to make their mark in the world of football. His journey reminds us that it’s not where you come from but the dedication and love you bring to the game that truly matters. Etchu Ndip Agbor’s officiating journey is more than just a personal achievement; it’s a story of following one’s passion, breaking boundaries, and uniting people through the love of the beautiful game.

If dreams are anything to write home about then, Etchu’s dream of one day officiating official matches in Cameroon, Africa, and at the International stage has just begun. To this, we call on the different football stakeholders to make sure they bet on this lad and give him the opportunities that will enable him to showcase his talent to the world.

Source: Cameroon News Agency