Duck Creek Pioneers the Next Era of Cloud-Based Technology for P&C Insurers Through Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service

Incorporating Azure OpenAI Service and using Duck Creek’s low-code platform empowers insurers to modernize responsibly

BOSTON, Nov. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance, announces a breakthrough initiative in collaboration with Microsoft. This collaboration is poised to empower insurers to reimagine their businesses by facilitating smoother implementation processes and faster speed to market through the aid of generative artificial intelligence (AI)—a transformative technology that enables the creation of innovative applications and low-code solutions.

Duck Creek’s comprehensive platform is built on Microsoft Azure, the preferred technology for harnessing the power of Azure OpenAI Service, as large language models (LLMs) continue to redefine and shape the technology landscape. This represents a significant leap forward in the insurance sector, fostering innovation and efficiency that promises to influence how insurers conduct their business and engage with customers. By merging Duck Creek’s expertise in insurance solutions with the cutting-edge capabilities of Microsoft, this collaboration aims to create a brighter and more agile future for the entire insurance industry.

“Generative AI is a truly transformative technology, and our valued customers will benefit immensely from its powerful capabilities as we continue to drive the modernization of the insurance industry. Our objective is to empower insurers to innovate products faster and assist employees with AI tools,” said Mike Jackowski, Chief Executive Officer, Duck Creek Technologies. “This marks the next chapter in the evolution of our longstanding partnership, where we are pioneering in the space by uniting the exceptional talent of Microsoft and Duck Creek to develop cutting-edge technology solutions for the P&C and general insurance industries. In doing so, we are committed to spearheading the insurance industry’s embrace of generative AI and solving the innovation challenges insurers face—all while upholding the highest standards of regulatory compliance and ethical responsibility.”

Duck Creek is harnessing this emerging technology to curate innovative solutions for insurers, helping them embrace the future of technology with:

  • Copilot solutions powered by near-real-time data, which empowers insurers to make informed decisions and respond to changing market conditions swiftly and effectively.
  • Enhanced productivity tools that improve efficiency and productivity throughout the insurance ecosystem, designed to benefit consumers, agents, underwriters, and claim adjusters.
  • The next era of low-code configurator tools that simplify the development and adoption of insurance products, enabling insurers to expedite their time-to-market for both new and ongoing configurations.

“Duck Creek will continue advancing how it brings responsible AI to the insurance industry and enables a rapid business transformation toward humanized experiences,” said Jess Keeney, Chief Product & Technology Officer, Duck Creek Technologies. “We are consistently assessing how our solutions can more seamlessly integrate into our customers’ operational landscapes, and we are dedicated to delivering meaningful outcomes and addressing significant business challenges. Both Duck Creek and Microsoft share a common dedication to enhancing the customer journey across the entire insurance lifecycle. This marks a significant evolution in how underwriters leverage consumer data and conduct risk analysis, the efficiency of claims handling, fraud detection, and the industry’s ability to meet customer needs and adapt to feedback promptly.”

“Innovative insurers want to move quickly to use the power of generative AI to drive demonstrable business value,” said Bill Borden, CVP for Worldwide Financial Services at Microsoft. “We’re excited to deepen our collaboration with Duck Creek to deliver new generative AI-powered capabilities to help our joint insurance customers drive marked improvements in employee productivity, reinvent customer engagement, and bend the curve on innovation – both securely and responsibly.”

About Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies is the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of the property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance industry. We are the platform upon which modern insurance systems are built, enabling the industry to capitalize on the power of the cloud to run agile, intelligent, and evergreen operations. Authenticity, purpose, and transparency are core to Duck Creek, and we believe insurance should be there for individuals and businesses when, where, and how they need it most. Our market-leading solutions are available on a standalone basis or as a full suite, and all are available via Duck Creek OnDemand. Visit to learn more. Follow Duck Creek on our social channels for the latest information – LinkedIn and Twitter.

Media Contacts:
Carley Bunch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8980331

Émissions de méthane : un enjeu de taille pour l’industrie pétrolière et gazière

LONDRES, HOUSTON et SINGAPOUR, 15 nov. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Les émissions de méthane demeurent l’enjeu principal de l’industrie pétrolière et gazière. Selon le dernier numéro du rapport Horizons publié par Wood Mackenzie, la COP 28 pourrait constituer un jalon clé de la prise d’engagements envers la réduction des émissions de méthane. Entreprises et gouvernements devront ainsi adopter des mesures fermes et respecter de nouvelles exigences en ce sens.

Le méthane est responsable d’environ 30 % de la hausse de la température moyenne mondiale depuis le début de l’ère industrielle. L’industrie pétrolière et gazière serait responsable de près d’un quart des émissions de ce gaz provenant de l’activité humaine (source anthropique), selon le rapport intitulé « Mission invisible : relever le défi du méthane dans l’industrie pétrolière et gazière ».

Selon l’outil d’analyse comparative des émissions de Wood Mackenzie, les pertes de méthane distinctives par secteur sont faibles, et représentent moins de 500 kilogrammes par heure (soit environ 0,0184 million de mètres cubes par jour), un volume inférieur à la résolution mesurable de la plupart des satellites actuels. Cependant, près de 96 % de l’ensemble des secteurs rejettent des émissions de cette ampleur, ce qui en données consolidées rend le problème conséquent. Les plus fortes émissions en provenance de secteurs de taille supérieure se répartissent le plus souvent sur plusieurs sites de production, ce qui les rend plus difficiles à quantifier.

Et le rôle du Gouvernement ?
D’après le rapport, l’action gouvernementale jouera un rôle essentiel dans le pilotage des efforts de réduction. Trois mesures phares visent à stimuler les démarches :

  1. De l’ambition. L’application d’une politique raisonnable serait un bon début, telle qu’une collaboration mondiale pour mettre fin aux émanations provoquées par le torchage et le dégazage à grande échelle.
  2. De la cohérence. Les décideurs politiques et les régulateurs doivent travailler main dans la main avec les acteurs de l’industrie pour établir des objectifs réalistes et dresser le calendrier de réduction des émissions, tout en veillant à la juste application de pénalités et d’amendes et à la correction des failles.
  3. Des subventions en faveur de la technologie. Les gouvernements peuvent apporter une aide financière pour optimiser à la fois les outils de mesure et les solutions de réduction. Les États-Unis montrent l’exemple avec la promulgation d’une loi sur la réduction de l’inflation (ou Inflation Reduction Act – IRA) régissant la mise à disposition d’une enveloppe de 350 millions de dollars aux fins de la surveillance et de la réduction des émissions de méthane.

Kevin Baxter
+44 330 124 9400

Vivien Lebbon
+44 330 174 7486

Mark Thomton
+1 630 881 6885

Hla Myat Mon
+65 8533 8860

The Big Partnership (agence de relations publiques britannique partenaire)

À propos de Wood Mackenzie
Wood Mackenzie est le spécialiste mondial des énergies renouvelables, de l’énergie et des ressources naturelles. Les données sont notre force. Mise en œuvre par les hommes et les femmes. En pleine révolution énergétique, les entreprises et les gouvernements ont besoin d’informations fiables et exploitables pour mener à bien la transition vers un avenir durable. C’est pourquoi nous intervenons sur l’ensemble de la chaîne d’approvisionnement avec une ampleur et une profondeur inégalées, grâce à plus de 50 ans d’expérience dans le domaine des ressources naturelles. Aujourd’hui, notre équipe rassemble plus de 2 000 experts au cœur de 30 sites répartis dans le monde entier, qui s’efforcent de guider nos clients dans leurs prises de décision grâce à des analyses effectuées en temps réel, à une approche conseil, à des manifestations et du leadership éclairé. Ensemble, nous leur transmettons les données dont ils ont besoin pour distinguer les risques des opportunités et arrêter de saines décisions au bon moment. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000899674

As emissões de metano continuam sendo um desafio de difícil solução no setor de petróleo e gás

LONDRES, HOUSTON e CINGAPURA, Nov. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O metano continua sendo um grande desafio para o setor de petróleo e gás. A COP28 pode ser um momento marcante para os compromissos de redução de metano, e será necessário que as empresas e os governos tomem medidas firmes para reduzir as emissões e impor novos padrões, de acordo com um novo relatório Horizons da Wood Mackenzie.

O metano é responsável por quase um terço do aumento das temperaturas globais induzido pelas emissões desde o início da era industrial, e estima-se que o setor de petróleo e gás seja responsável por até um quarto das emissões de metano causadas pelo homem (antropogênicas), de acordo com o relatório Mission invisible: tackling the oil and gas industry’s methane challenge (Missão invisível: enfrentando o desafio do metano do setor de petróleo e gás).

De acordo com a Emissions Benchmarking Tool (Ferramenta de Benchmarking de Emissões) da Wood Mackenzie, as perdas típicas de metano por campo são pequenas – menos de 500 quilogramas por hora (cerca de 0,65 milhão de pés cúbicos por dia), o que está abaixo da resolução mensurável da maioria dos satélites atuais – mas cerca de 96% de todos os campos têm emissões nessa escala, o que torna o problema grande e cumulativo. As emissões mais significativas de campos maiores geralmente estão espalhadas por várias instalações de produção, o que dificulta a quantificação.

Função do governo
De acordo com o relatório, a ação do governo será vital para os esforços de redução, e há três ações de alto nível que podem estimular o progresso:

  1. Maior ambição. Uma política implementável e aplicável seria um começo positivo, como, por exemplo, a colaboração global para acabar com toda a queima e ventilação em larga escala.
  2. Fiscalização consistente. Os formuladores de políticas e os órgãos reguladores devem colaborar com o setor para definir metas e cronogramas realistas para as reduções de emissões e, ao mesmo tempo, garantir que as taxas e multas sejam cobradas adequadamente e que as brechas sejam eliminadas.
  3. Apoio financeiro para tecnologia. Os governos podem apoiar o financiamento para melhorar a tecnologia de aferição e as soluções de redução. Por exemplo, como parte da Lei de Redução da Inflação (Inflation Reduction Act, IRA) dos EUA, US$ 350 milhões em financiamento estão disponíveis para monitorar e reduzir as emissões de metano.

Kevin Baxter
+44 330 124 9400

Vivien Lebbon
+44 330 174 7486

Mark Thomton
+1 630 881 6885

Hla Myat Mon
+65 8533 8860

The Big Partnership (agência de RP do Reino Unido)

Sobre a Wood Mackenzie
A Wood Mackenzie é a consultoria de visão global para energias renováveis, energia e recursos naturais. Orientada por dados. Movida por pessoas. No meio de uma revolução energética, as empresas e os governos necessitam de visões confiáveis e viáveis para liderar a transição para um futuro sustentável. É por isso que cobrimos a cadeia de suprimentos completa com amplitude e profundidade sem precedentes, apoiados por uma experiência de mais de 50 anos em recursos naturais. Atualmente, nossa equipe de mais de 2.000 especialistas opera em 30 localidades no mundo todo, inspirando as decisões dos clientes por meio de análises em tempo real, consultoria, eventos e influência especializada no setor. Juntos, fornecemos as informações necessárias para diferenciar o risco da oportunidade e tomar decisões ousadas nos momentos mais importantes. Para obter mais informações, acesse

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000899674

CAF Women’s Champions League: Ampem Darkoa Ladies suffer semi-final heartbreak

Ampem Darkoa Ladies failed to book a place in the finals of the 2023 CAF Women’s Champions League after succumbing to a 3-2 defeat on penalties to Morocco’s SC Casablanca.

It was an exciting 120 minutes of play from both sides who needed to settle their differences on penalties.

The efforts of Comfort Yeboah, Latifa Abesik and Ophelia Amponsah were not enough to get Coach Nana Adarkwah’s side through after a hard fought battle against the Moroccan giants.It was more or less like a pay back time to restore the dignity of their sister’s, AS FAR, who were beaten by the Ghanaian side in the group stages.

The Nanamma had themselves to be blamed in their defeat having made an impressive start with a sixth minute penalty which was beautifully converted by Comfort Yeboah.

The mission to secure a historic feet continued at the Laurent Pokou stadium on Wednesday night as Ampem Darkoa Ladies kept on fighting to extend their margin.

An effort to get rid of the ball ended up being a nightmare for Ampem Darkoa Ladies
after Yeboah lost her defensive guard to slot in an own goal to level the game in the 28th minute.

Both teams kept on pushing for that all-important winner as they were served with some golden opportunities but could not capitalize on them after several attempts to keep the scores leveled.

Jennifer’s long range goal of the season thunderbolt in the 38th minute was enough to give the ladies in blue and white, Ampem Darkoa a 2-1 lead to end the first 45 minutes.

After recess, the story continued with SC Casablanca being more aggressive upfront hoping to break the Ghanaian defense with their attacking front.

A well-planned attacking trap by the Moroccan’s was well executed as the side was handed a 55th minute penalty which saw them level scores.

Ampem Darkoa made a turn in the game, mounting pressure on their opponents who kept their line clean anytime the ball approaches their half.

120 minutes could still not change the story as the center referee finally brought the game to an end.

SC Casablanca won th
e game 3-2 on penalties.

The Moroccan’s would seek pay back Mamelodi Sundowns in the finals after kicking out their sisters, AS Far.

Source: Ghana News Agency

World Darts Federation approve establishment of African Darts CouncilSport Darts Africa

The World Darts Federation (WBF) at its 27th General Meeting has unanimously approved the establishment of the African Darts Council.

The African Darts Council is expected to oversee and implement the day-to-day management of WDF affairs within their geographical areas.

Mr. Nick Rolls, the General Secretary of WDF in a letter addressed to he Yehia Abdallah, President of the Egyptian Darts Federation stated that, ‘ The responsibilities of the Area Councils shall comprise meetings chaired by the host country held in conjunction with the respective Area Cup.

‘Member’s representatives shall discuss matters concerning the cup and determine the potential hosts for future Cups. A recommendation for a host bid for Area Cup and other matters relative to Area Cups including amendments to Playing Rules and Format shall be submitted to the WDF Executives for consideration for inclusion on the Agenda of the next WDF meeting for consideration and approval.’

The Darts Association of Ghana (DAG) is an affiliated body of
WDF and has organised numerous outreach programmes, since its formation in 2019.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Community facilitators given motorcycles to monitor SOCO projects

Ten facilitators in the Sissala East Municipality of the Upper West Region have received a motorcycle each to assist in monitoring projects being implemented under the Gulf of Guinea Northern Regions Social Cohesion (SOCO) programme.

The SOCO project is contributing to the prevention of conflict spillover from the Sahelian areas currently facing terrorists attacks.

Mr Fuseini Batong Yakubu, the Municipal Chief Executive, who presented the motorcycles, said the Assembly had done a community entry of those projects and the facilitators were required to monitor them and report daily to the Assembly.

‘You are also expected to handle the motorcycles with care as your own, which will be with you for the next five years, that is the lifespan of the project,’ he said.

The facilitators would be supported with a monthly allowance of GHS 559.00 to maintain the motorcycle, he said.

The first phase of the project would be a three-unit classroom project in Navariwie, a Six-bed capacity maternity ward in Kong with in
patients recovery beds, Mr Yakubu said.

The rest include the improvement of 20 lockable stalls at the Tumu market, the paving of the Stadium residential link road, and the development of a basketball court for the youth.

Aside from these infrastructural projects, there will be other soft projects to provide training for women in soap making and soya kebabs, among others.

Artisans including masons shall also be identified and supported with start ups to enhance their work, Mr Yaku said.

There would also be community cluster games to foster peace and harmony among the people.

Mr Eliasu Haruna, a facilitator, on behalf of his colleagues, said:

‘We are very glad as this will make our work easier,’ and assured of quality supervision to ensure value for money.

Source: Ghana News Agency