Duck Creek ouvre la voie à une nouvelle ère de technologies basées sur le cloud pour les assureurs IARD grâce au service Azure OpenAI de Microsoft

L’intégration du service Azure OpenAI et l’utilisation de la plateforme low-code de Duck Creek permettront aux assureurs de moderniser leur entreprise de manière responsable

BOSTON, 16 nov. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui définit l’avenir du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers), annonce une initiative révolutionnaire en collaboration avec Microsoft. Cette collaboration est vouée à donner aux assureurs les moyens de réinventer leur activité en facilitant des processus de mise en œuvre et en accélérant la mise sur le marché grâce à l’intelligence artificielle (IA) générative, une technologie de transformation qui permet la création d’applications innovantes et de solutions low-code.

La plateforme complète de Duck Creek est construite sur Microsoft Azure, la technologie privilégiée pour exploiter la puissance du service Azure OpenAI, alors que les grands modèles de langage (LLM) continuent de redéfinir et de transformer l’environnement technologique. Cette collaboration constitue une avancée majeure dans le secteur de l’assurance, qui favorise l’innovation et l’efficacité et promet d’influencer la manière dont les assureurs mènent leurs activités et communiquent avec leurs clients. En conjuguant l’expertise de Duck Creek dans les solutions d’assurance et les capacités de pointe de Microsoft, cette collaboration vise à créer un avenir aux perspectives plus prometteuses et plus agiles pour l’ensemble du secteur de l’assurance.

« L’IA générative est véritablement une technologie de transformation, et nos fidèles clients bénéficieront énormément de ses puissantes capacités alors que nous continuons à promouvoir la modernisation du secteur de l’assurance. Notre objectif est de permettre aux assureurs de développer plus rapidement des produits innovants et d’aider les employés avec des outils d’IA », a déclaré Mike Jackowski, président-directeur général de Duck Creek Technologies. « Cette initiative marque un nouveau chapitre dans l’évolution de notre partenariat de longue date, qui nous permet de faire œuvre de pionnier dans ce domaine en réunissant les talents exceptionnels de Microsoft et de Duck Creek afin de développer des solutions technologiques de pointe pour les secteurs de l’assurance générale et IARD. Ce faisant, nous sommes déterminés à guider l’adoption de l’IA générative par le secteur de l’assurance et à résoudre les problèmes d’innovation auxquels les assureurs sont confrontés, tout en respectant les normes les plus strictes en matière de conformité réglementaire et de responsabilité éthique. »

Duck Creek exploite cette technologie émergente pour proposer des solutions innovantes adaptées aux assureurs, en les aidant à se tourner vers l’avenir grâce aux éléments suivants :

  • Des solutions Copilot alimentées par des données en temps quasi réel, qui permettent aux assureurs de prendre des décisions éclairées et de répondre rapidement et efficacement à l’évolution des conditions du marché.
  • De meilleurs outils de productivité qui renforcent l’efficacité et la productivité dans l’ensemble de l’écosystème de l’assurance, et qui profitent aux consommateurs, aux agents, aux souscripteurs et aux experts en sinistres.
  • Des outils de configuration low-code de nouvelle génération qui simplifient le développement et l’adoption de produits d’assurance, permettant aux assureurs d’accélérer leur mise sur le marché de nouvelles configurations et de configurations existantes.

« Duck Creek poursuivra ses efforts pour apporter une IA responsable au secteur de l’assurance et permettre une transformation rapide de l’entreprise vers une expérience plus humaine », a ajouté Jess Keeney, directrice des produits et des technologies chez Duck Creek Technologies. « Nous évaluons constamment les moyens d’intégrer nos solutions de manière plus transparente dans l’environnement opérationnel de nos clients, et nous sommes déterminés à obtenir des résultats significatifs et à relever des défis majeurs pour les entreprises. Duck Creek et Microsoft partagent tous deux la même volonté d’améliorer le parcours du client tout au long du cycle de vie de l’assurance. Cette évolution marque un tournant dans la manière dont les souscripteurs utilisent les données des consommateurs et procèdent à l’analyse des risques, dans l’efficacité du traitement des sinistres, dans la détection des fraudes et dans la capacité du secteur à répondre aux besoins des clients et à s’adapter rapidement en fonction de leurs réactions. »

« Les assureurs innovants veulent agir rapidement pour dégager une valeur commerciale tangible grâce à la puissance de l’IA générative », a commenté Bill Borden, vice-président des services financiers mondiaux chez Microsoft. « Nous nous réjouissons de renforcer notre collaboration avec Duck Creek. Elle nous permettra d’apporter de nouvelles capacités alimentées par l’IA générative pour aider nos clients communs dans le domaine de l’assurance à obtenir de nettes améliorations dans la productivité des employés, à réinventer la relation avec les clients et à redresser la courbe de l’innovation, de manière sécurisée et responsable. »

À propos de Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui définit l’avenir du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers). Notre plateforme, sur laquelle s’appuient les systèmes d’assurance modernes, permet au secteur de tirer parti de la puissance du cloud pour mener des opérations agiles, intelligentes et évolutives. Authenticité, détermination et transparence sont les mots clés de la philosophie de Duck Creek, et pour nous, l’assurance doit être au service des particuliers et des entreprises, au moment, à l’endroit et de la manière dont ils en ont le plus besoin. Nos solutions leaders sur le marché sont disponibles séparément ou sous la forme d’une suite complète, et toutes sont disponibles via Duck Creek OnDemand. Consultez le site pour en savoir plus. Suivez l’actualité de Duck Creek sur nos réseaux sociaux – LinkedIn et Twitter.

Contact médias :
Carley Bunch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8981135

Duck Creek Introduz a Próxima Era de Tecnologia com Base em Nuvem para Seguradoras de P&C com o Serviço OpenAI da Microsoft Azure

Incorporação do Serviço Azure OpenAI e Uso da Plataforma Low-Code da Duck Creek Viabiliza que as Seguradoras se Modernizem de Forma Responsável

BOSTON, Nov. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedades e acidentes (P&C) e geral, anuncia o lançamento de uma iniciativa revolucionária com a Microsoft. Essa colaboração capacita as seguradoras a reimaginar seus negócios, facilitando processos de implementação mais tranquilos e velocidade mais rápida no lançamento no mercado com a ajuda da inteligência artificial (IA) generativa – uma tecnologia transformadora que permite a criação de aplicativos e soluções low-code inovadoras.

A plataforma abrangente da Duck Creek é baseada na Microsoft Azure, a tecnologia preferida para a utilização da capacidade do Serviço Azure OpenAI, à medida que grandes modelos de linguagem (LLMs) continuam a redefinir e moldar o cenário tecnológico. Isso representa um salto significativo no setor de seguros, pois incentiva a inovação e a eficiência que prometem influenciar a forma como as seguradoras conduzem seus negócios e se envolvem com os clientes. Com a combinação da experiência da Duck Creek em soluções de seguros com os recursos de ponta da Microsoft, essa colaboração visa criar um futuro mais brilhante e ágil para todo o setor de seguros.

“A IA generativa é uma tecnologia verdadeiramente transformadora, e nossos clientes tão importantes se beneficiarão imensamente das suas capacidades potentes à medida que continuamos a impulsionar a modernização do setor de seguros. Nosso objetivo é capacitar as seguradoras para que possam inovar seus produtos mais rapidamente e ajudar os funcionários com ferramentas de IA”, disse Mike Jackowski, Diretor Executivo da Duck Creek Technologies. “Isso dá início ao próximo capítulo na evolução da nossa parceria de longa data, na qual somos pioneiros no espaço, unindo o talento excepcional da Microsoft e da Duck Creek no desenvolvimento de soluções de tecnologia de ponta para os setores de seguros de P&C e em geral. Estamos empenhados em liderar a adoção da IA generativa pelo setor de seguros e resolver os desafios com a inovação que as seguradoras enfrentam, mantendo os mais altos padrões de conformidade regulatória e responsabilidade ética.”

A Duck Creek está utilizando essa tecnologia emergente para selecionar soluções inovadoras para as seguradoras, ajudando-as a abraçar o futuro da tecnologia com:

  • Soluções Copilot alimentadas por dados quase em tempo real que capacitam as seguradoras a tomar decisões informadas e responder às mudanças das condições do mercado de forma rápida e eficaz.
  • Ferramentas de produtividade aprimoradas que aumentam a eficiência e a produtividade em todo o ecossistema de seguros, projetadas para beneficiar consumidores, agentes, subscritores e reguladores de sinistros.
  • A próxima era de ferramentas configuradoras low-code que simplificam o desenvolvimento e a adoção de produtos de seguros, permitindo que as seguradoras acelerem a colocação de configurações novas e contínuas no mercado.

“A Duck Creek continuará avançando a forma de utilizar o IA com responsabilidade no setor de seguros, viabilizando a rápida transformação dos negócios em direção a experiências humanizadas”, disse Jess Keeney, Diretora de Produtos e Tecnologia da Duck Creek Technologies. “Estamos avaliando consistentemente como nossas soluções podem se integrar mais integralmente aos cenários operacionais dos nossos clientes, e nos dedicamos a fornecer resultados significativos e enfrentar desafios comerciais importantes. Tanto a Duck Creek quanto a Microsoft compartilham uma dedicação comum para com o aprimoramento da jornada do cliente em todo o ciclo de vida do seguro. Isso é uma evolução significativa na forma como os subscritores utilizam os dados do consumidor e conduzem a análise de risco, eficiência do tratamento de sinistros, detecção de fraudes e capacidade do setor de atender às necessidades do cliente e de responder prontamente ao feedback.”

“As seguradoras inovadoras querem agir rapidamente para usar a capacidade da IA generativa para gerar valor comercial demonstrável”, disse Bill Borden, CVP da Worldwide Financial Services da Microsoft. “Estamos empolgados em aprofundar nossa colaboração com a Duck Creek na oferta de novos recursos de IA generativa para ajudar nossos clientes de seguros em conjunto a impulsionar melhorias marcantes na produtividade dos funcionários, reinventar o envolvimento do cliente e dobrar a curva da inovação – de forma segura e responsável.”

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies

A Duck Creek Technologies é fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indústria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operações ágeis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propósito e transparência são fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponível para indivíduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas soluções líderes do mercado estão disponíveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponíveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite para obter mais informação. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informações – LinkedIn e Twitter.

Contato com a Mídia:
Carley Bunch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8981135

‘Retain me for dedicated service’ – Assemblywoman tells electorates

The Assembly member for Avoeme West in the Volta Region, Ms Faustina Elikplim Korwu, has appealed to her electorates to vote to retain her during the District Level Elections slated for Tuesday, December 19.

The Ketu South’s only elected female Assembly member said since her election to the Assembly in 2019, she had never for once renege on her duties to her people and thus she deserved a second term to continue her dedicated service to them.

Ms Korwu who spoke to Ghana News Agency after picking her nomination form, said she had delivered on her key campaign promises and did a lot of work in education, health, governance and other sectors of great importance to her people.

‘My key campaign messages included improved sanitation and accountable governance. I’ve done these things through monthly organisation of communal labour to clean the area and public forums to render accounts of my stewardship.

‘Again, I invited state institutions like the National Commission for Civic Education to educate my electorat
es on their rights and responsibilities,’ she said.

She said Avoeme West lacked any revenue generating avenues like public toilets, standpipes, baths among others, but through her instrumentality, she was doing everything possible to mobilise resources, to support the needs of my people.

‘… I sewed 84 uniforms for pupils (boys and girls), made a yearly donation of books to pupils, organised quiz competitions and educational talks for all four basic schools in my area,’ she said.

Ms Korwu added that during the COVID-19 outbreak, she championed the provision of Veronica buckets with sanitary facilities for public places, worked to get a market shed in the area renovated, in addition to getting some persons with disability in her area to benefit from livelihood support programme from the Assembly.

Also, she lobbied to get a fish landing site and other supports to fisher folk, while helping to secure several streetlights and some electricity poles for communities in her electoral area.

‘I appeal to my people
to send me to the Assembly again to serve them even better,’ Ms Korwu said.

She indicated that although it was her first time in the Assembly, she had been able to do significant work for them and believed that there were many opportunities including serving on the executive committee and a second term for her to serve the best interest of the people.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Uphold non-partisan nature of District Level Elections – Assembly member

Mr. David Atta Twum, the Assembly member for Amasu Adumasa Electoral Area in Dormaa Central has observed that partisan politics in the District Level Elections (DLE) would retard development at the local level.

He stated that although DLE was currently non-partisan, an assembly member who is alleged not to be affiliated to be a member of a ruling government could be subjected to all forms of machinations, frustrations to deprive the person of fair share of development projects and equitable distribution of national wealth and resources.

‘A plan could later be hatched to replace that assembly member with somebody who is the ruling party’s loyalist by concluding on the performance all because he was not a member of the ruling party,’ he added.??

Mr. Atta Twum made the remarks in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Amasu Adumasa as to whether the District Assembly elections should or not to be made partisan.

He asked that the local government concept should be strengthened instead of politicizi
ng since there were units within the local government concept that could raise significant revenue if government focus more on such areas.

Among such units mentioned were the unit committee area/zonal council and urban council which were the units within the local government concept which were just existing in the constitution but not working on the ground, he added.

He stated he has achieved a lot for his electoral area, personally by his personal efforts and that of the Municipal Assembly.

‘Personally, I organized evening classes for the JHS 3 final students in my first year in office, distribute customized exercise books to students to reduce burden on parents, liaised with Amasu Muslim Youth to provide a decent structure for Amasu Islamic school, provided 30 bags of cement for the construction for Amasu R/c KG block with which was yet to be completed with little funds raising assistance yet to be organized..

He said with backing from Nananom Amasu, Methodist JHS in the area was under renovation, Amasu
Community ICT Centre had been completed and was yet to hand over to the community, desk problem for the school had been solved with the help from Amasu Development Union.

The Assembly man has collaborated with the Municipal Assembly to ensure that the Amasu Islamic ICT laboratory was fully furnished with computers and other project.

Mr. Atta Twum stated that he would seek re-election in the district level elections to enable him to complete the good works he had started in education, health, energy, roads.

Source: Ghana News Agency

ActionAid supports Konchuri school children with furniture

School Children at Konchuri Basic School in the Jirapa Municipality have been relieved of the challenge of inadequate furniture following a donation of 147 student furniture to the school by ActionAid Ghana (AAG) through its Child Sponsorship scheme.

The donation comprised mono and dual desks and hexagonal tables and chairs expected to benefit about 212 children in the school from Kindergarten to Junior High levels.

The student population of about 212 was managing about 30 benches gifted to the school by a philanthropist, which compelled the children to carry kitchen stools from their homes to the school.

Those who could not afford the chairs sat on the bare floor to receive academic instructions.

Speaking at a durbar at the community to hand over the furniture, Mr John Nkaw, the Country Director of ActionAid Ghana, said the situation hampered the effectiveness and quality of teaching and learning in the school.

He, therefore, expressed hope that the furniture would help aid effective teaching and learn
ing and contribute to improving the learning outcomes of the pupils.

Mr Nkaw explained that AAG, through its Public Policy Influencing Programme in the region, identified the furniture needs of the Koncuri Basic School after conducting a needs assessment and took the initiative to bridge the furniture gap.

The organisation also donated about 2000 school bags to the school children across 22 communities, including twelve communities in the Jirapa Municipality and eight communities in Lambussie District, with 336 children from Konchuri, Chacha and Guo Basic schools benefitting.

He said, ‘Let me indicate that the support being provided to the Konchuri Basic School has been made possible through the financial resources mobilised from the Child Sponsorship scheme.’

Nana Yaw Okyere Aduachie, the ActionAid Board Chairperson, urged the leadership of the Konchuri Community and the Ghana Education Service to strengthen their partnership with AAG in the region and Ghana to promote educational development.

Mr Huudu
A. Kunaateh, the Jirapa Municipal Education Director, commended AAG for its interventions in the municipality to help reduce the challenges in the educational sector.

He said the furniture deficit in the municipality currently stood at 9,763 even though the Municipal Assembly had made strides in providing furniture to the schools.

‘The lack of proper furniture has posed challenges to our students’ learning environment, hindering their focus and comfort in classrooms. But today, thanks to Action Aid Ghana, we stand on the brink of change’, Mr Kunaateh explained.

In a speech read on his behalf, Mr Nicholas Soyiri, the Jirapa Municipal Chief Executive, said the Municipal Assembly was collaborating with the Municipal Education Directorate to improve the quality of education in the municipality.

He said as part of the efforts, the assembly had procured 500 dual desks to be distributed to selected basic schools in the municipality.

Mr Bamile Francis, the Head teacher of the school said the support by AAG to th
e school would encourage enrolment of the children as the lack of educational materials including furniture discouraged some children from attending school.

Source: Ghana News Agency

MTN Ghana Foundation celebrates graduation of Bright Scholarship beneficiaries

Officials from the MTN Ghana Foundation were at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology to share in the joy of 14 beneficiaries of its Bright Scholarship programme, as they graduated after successfully completing their programmes.

It was a proud moment for the MTN officials as they watched students, they had invested in receiving their certificates to crown years of hard work and commitment to academic work.

The Bright Scholarship covers tuition, accommodation, research devices and stipend for reading materials of beneficiaries who are mostly pursuing science and information communication technology (ICT) related courses.

Hundreds of other beneficiaries are graduating in various public tertiary institutions across the country thanks to the intervention of the MTN Ghana Foundation.

The 14 graduands at the KNUST graduated with Doctor of Pharmacy, Doctor of Optometry, and Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, one of them graduating as the overall best student in medicine and surgery.

e-year-old Dr. Albert Kwaku Boahin who achieved that feat, praised the MTN Ghana Foundation for the critical role it played in his success story.

‘MTN helped me very much in achieving this feat because they sponsored me by taking care of my fees, accommodation and even provided stipends every term,’ he stated.

Dr. Adjoa Enyidado Hackman, who pursued Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, said it was tough for her during her clinical years with her parents facing financial challenges until MTN stepped in to bring her some relief.

‘The MTN support even boosted my academic performance because I did not have any need to think about the financial aspect of my academics, so it really helped me,’ she testified.

She thanked the MTN Foundation and its stakeholders on behalf of her colleagues for the life changing intervention granted them.

Mr. Robert Kudzoe, Senior manager, MTN Ghana Foundation, expressed delight for the impact the investment made in the students after seeing them graduate.

‘This means that the inves
tment we made in these students has not gone to waste and these young people are going to add to the human resource of the country,’ Mr. Kudzoe noted.

He was happy about the positive impact the Foundation had made in contributing to the nation’s human resource needs.

Source: Ghana News Agency