Tax stakeholders to meet in Ghana over domestic resource mobilisation and illicit financial flows in Africa

Key stakeholders in Africa’s tax sector are set to meet in Ghana to unpack domestic resource mobilisation and illicit financial flows issues in Africa.

The 11th Pan-African Conference on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation (PAC) conference provides a platform for tax stakeholders to explore ways in which African countries can take the lead on international conversations that are beginning to have direct implications on domestic resource mobilisation and illicit financial flows.

According to a statement copied to the Ghana News Agency in Accra the conference is organised by Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) and The African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF and would bring together officials working on tax issues from Pan-African Organizations, tax administrations, ministries of Finance, civil society organisations, parliamentarians, and academia/researchers from Africa and beyond, on the theme ‘Making Global Tax Governance Work for Africa.

The conference is a platform that will enable the attendees to contri
bute to the development of a common African position on key international conversations that affect African countries’ efforts to raise domestic resources.

It is also a platform to identify actions and solutions for actors such as African governments, parliamentarians, civil society organisations, the private sector and other policy players that are key in mobilising domestic resources within the context and will present the opportunity to grow partnerships and collaborations between the different actors.

‘To meet its development aspirations, Africa will need additional resources to respond to global crises and to realign with the priorities of both the SDGs and Agenda 2063’. According to Africa Economic Outlook 2022, the continent’s additional financial needs for 2020-2022 were estimated at USD 432 billion. Africa’s Annual Sustainable Development Goals financing gap is around USD 190 billion (African Union 2023). This gap can be bridged by developing regional value chains, improving equitable and fair entr
y to accessible markets through intra-Africa trade and revenue mobilisation through effective and inclusive tax collection and combatting IFFs.

PAC 2023 explores the aspect of forging partnerships and collaborations to promote and mobilise action amongst tax sector players.

Strengthening these alliances is essential for African countries to take the lead on international conversations on domestic resource mobilisation and illicit financial flows in the continent.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghana to host 3iAfrica Summit to unlock Innovation and Growth

The 3iAfrica Summit, a pioneering event poised to unlock Africa’s digital and financial potential, will be held in Accra, Ghana from May 13 to May 15, 2024.

It is expected to draw over 2,000 industry leaders from more than 80 countries to ignite innovation and harness the impact of FinTechs in the digital financial economies across the continent.

The Summit is on the theme: ‘Unleashing Africa’s FinTech and Digital Economic Potential.’ 

A statement issued in Accra said the 3iAfrica Summit was a collaborative initiative by the Bank of Ghana (BOG), Development Bank Ghana (DBG), and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) through Elevandi.

It aims to be a strategic platform to showcase Africa’s digital prowess and to stimulate both local and international investments in the burgeoning FinTech sector.

The Summit promises a dynamic agenda filled with plenary sessions, interactive workshops, and policy dialogues featuring distinguished global and regional leaders.

 An innovation exhibition and showcase of d
igital financial solutions will be the key highlights, offering a glimpse into the future of financial technology and creating a nexus for enthusiasts and innovators.

Dr. Maxwell Opoku-Afari, First Deputy Governor of BOG said, ‘we look forward to the 3iAfrica Summit becoming a beacon for financial technology and a turning point in Africa’s digital revolution.’

He said the conversations and collaborations that would start were set to chart a new course for the continent’s economic landscape.

Mr Kwamina Duker, CEO of DBG, said, ‘the Bank is thrilled to facilitate this global platform where Africa’s innovative FinTech solutions will take centre stage, inviting and fostering strategic partnerships.’

Mr Sopnendu Mohanty, Chief FinTech Officer of MAS and Chairman of the Elevandi Board, said the event would also be a crucial juncture for enhancing cooperation between Africa and Asia’s financial sectors.

‘The 3iAfrica Summit symbolizes a bridge connecting the vibrant tech ecosystems of Africa and Asia. We’re exc
ited to support a space where sustainable and revolutionary financial sector initiatives can flourish,’ he said.

The Summit is an unparalleled opportunity for businesses, enthusiasts, and policymakers to amplify their brand, engage with industry leaders, and forge lasting partnerships.

Attendees will gain access to a wealth of networking sessions designed to unlock new collaborative opportunities.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Environmental Protection Agency procures 45 new vehicles to enhance operations

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has secured 45 new vehicles to enhance its operations across the country.

The vehicles procured with precision are tools designed for compliance, monitoring, and investigations, ensuring that they uphold the highest standards in safeguarding the environment.

Dr Kwaku Afriyie, Minister of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovations, commissioned the vehicles on behalf of Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, Vice President of the Republic of Ghana.

He said the EPA had evolved as an advisory body to the Government through regulations and coordination of anything regarding the environment to enforcement.

Dr Afriyie said currently, the bill for accommodating new developments in the environmental sector was before the Parliament of Ghana for approval.

‘If this bill is passed, what is going to happen is that the powers of the EPA will be mostly enlarged and evolve from advisory through regulation and coordination to more enforcement because environmental issues have become very
important,’ he added.

He urged the staff of EPA to put the vehicles to good use, stating that having done that, their enforcement mechanisms would come to the fore.

‘So, as I said, your enforcement will be backed by legislation, but that does not mean that you should take the law into your own hands,’ he stressed.

Professor Kwasi Appeaning Addo, Board Chair of EPA, said in a strategic distribution, the 45 vehicles had found their purposes in every regional office, empowering the teams to execute their responsibilities seamlessly.

He said four area offices, namely Kasoa, Dunkwa-On-Offin, Akim Oda, and Obuasi stood equipped with these vehicles, amplifying their reach and impact in key operational areas.

The Board Chair added that acknowledging the critical importance of Greater Accra West, Amasaman, and the Ashanti Region, they had allocated two vehicles to each of these regional offices.

‘This thoughtful distribution ensures that our presence and influence extend to regions where environmental challenges
demand our focused attention,’

‘As we embark on this journey with our new fleet, let us reinforce our commitment to environmental protection, recognising that these vehicles represent not just mobility, but our collective resolve to create a sustainable and healthy future for generations to come,’ he stressed.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Heal Komfo Anokye Project: NPP General Secretary and National organiser donate GHC 200,000

Mr. Justin Frimpong Kodua, General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Organiser, Henry Nana Boakye, have donate GHC 200,000 towards the renovation of the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital.

This follows the launch of a campaign dubbed, ‘Heal Komfo Anokye’ by the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II to raise $10 million dollars to renovate the 70 year-old facility.

Speaking at a brief ceremony to present the cheque, Mr. Kodua said they followed proceedings during the official launch of the renovation project two weeks ago and decided to contribute their quota knowing that it would take a collective effort to prosecute the agenda.

‘To have seen our King, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II lead the charge for this laudable initiative, we the direct beneficiaries of the project and indigenes of Asanteman could not sit aloof but had to come here this morning and pay our due so that we can also help Prof Otchere Addai-Mensah to give this place the befitting facelift it deserves,’ the General Secretary staed.

He expressed his commitment towards the project and noted that he would impress upon members of the NPP as well as government appointees to donate towards the Project.

The NPP as an organisation, he disclosed, would soon donate, adding that the Vice President who leads the party would be briefed about the project to ensure they showed up big time.

‘I would suggest that the CEO initiates a Scheme so that people in the region and indigenes elsewhere could contribute monthly so as to enable KATH carry out its own retooling and maintenance to keep the hospital in shape,’ he suggested.

Receiving the cheque on behalf of KATH, Professor Otchere Addai-Mensah said the Board and Management were grateful for the generous gesture by the two individuals.

He noted that referrals from 12 regions of the country were brought to Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital daily.

He indicated that the situation often stretched the hospital to its limits of having to attend to all these cases and maintain the facilities at the same time

‘Government cannot do these renovations and maintenance alone and so we were glad that the Asante King decided to lead this Heal Komfo Anokye initiative so we can get KATH in a proper shape to respond to cases more confidently and provide the best environment for visitors and staff’,’ the CEO stated.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Children advised to refrain from drug abuse

The Upper West Regional chapter of Curious Minds (CM) Ghana has advised children to refrain from drug abuse as that could deny them the opportunity to enjoy their rights to development and realisation of their life aspirations.

It also entreated children to take their life and personal development very seriously to enable them to develop into responsible citizens to contribute to national development.

‘You have to take the responsibility to safeguard yourselves as children and one of such responsibilities is for you not to indulge in drug abuse.

If you take to drug abuse, by the time you grow up, the drugs have already destroyed you, so please desist from drug abuse’, Miss Leenat Abdul-Rahaman, the Upper West Regional Programmes Manager of CM Ghana, said.

She was speaking at an event organised by CM Ghana, a youth-led advocacy group, at the weekend at Dignafuro in the Wa Municipality to observe this year’s World Children’s Day.

It brought together about 200 children from the Dignafuro Islamic and Kaggu
Basic School as well as some opinion leaders and parents from the two communities to celebrate the children.

The celebration was characterised by drama and poetry performances against drug abuse by school children from Kaggu Junior High School.

The United Nations (UN) set aside November 20 each year as World Children’s Day to promote international togetherness, and awareness among children worldwide, and improve children’s welfare, with this year’s celebration on the theme: ‘For every child, every right’.

Miss Abdul-Rahaman said CM Ghana prioritised the development, well-being and protection of the rights of every child and saw drug abuse as inimical to children’s development and the enjoyment of their rights.

She said as part of efforts to secure the future of children, CM undertook advocacy activities that would lead to meaningful development of children.

She observed that aside from drug abuse that could deny children their right to education and development, socio-cultural norms and practices such as
child marriage also denied the girl child her rights.

Miss Abdul-Rahaman said CM Ghana would also hold radio discussions with children to give them a platform to advocate their rights to mark World Children’s Day.

Mr Mulumba Ngmenlabagna Songsore, the Executive Director of Necessary Aid Alliance, told the children that drug abuse could lead them to develop health complications such as kidney failure, stroke and mental health issues.

He said that could affect their education and hamper their holistic development and realisation of their life dreams hence the need to desist from that act.

Mr Francis Soriye, the Assembly Member of the Dignafuro Electoral Area, also urged the children not to defy the teachings of their parents and elders to enable them to grow in the right way.

He advised them against the ‘get rich quick’ mentality as that could lead them to engage in social vices against wellbeing.

Mr Soriye thanked CM Ghana for holding the World Children’s Day event in that community as that had exposed t
he children to critical information necessary for their proper growth and development.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Be innovative to combine application of science with smart systems – Engineers urged

Mr. Ebenezer Kofi Essienyi, Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Grid Company (GRIDCo), has called on engineers to be tech savvy and innovative to combine knowledge and application of science with smart systems to improve the livelihood of the citizenry.

‘The world is constantly evolving and as engineers, you must evolve with it and bring change and see it as an opportunity to grow.

The modern engineer is expected to have leadership and good communication skills, high emotional intelligence and to understand modern trends in performance and human resource management, ‘ he observed.

Addressing graduates at 57th graduation of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) for the College of Engineering, he indicated that ‘Ghana and the world is going nowhere without engineers and therefore engineers who shut their eyes to the realities of the world will become dinosaurs of our age. ‘

Ghana, he noted, like many parts of the world, was in the midst transformation and thriving for sustainable and
reliable engineering solutions to meet the needs of the growing population and a booming economy.

Mr Essienyi mentioned that digitization of the economy going forward was a must, adding that was where engineers’ expertise come into play to unlock new and sustainable emerging solutions, improving infrastructure and innovating in ways that could uplift communities.

He expressed concern about why there were still unreliable electricity supply, water shortages, flooding, unmaintained roads, faulty traffic lights with the educational level of Ghanaians and connectedness to the world.

He believed it was time engineers lived up to their duties and solved such problems in Ghana.

Mr Essienyi suggested that in taking transformational efforts, the youth must be empowered, educational systems strengthened and embracing home-grown solutions for Ghanaians.

The College of Engineering presented a total of 1,655 graduates for the 2023 ceremony.

Of this number, 1,294 are males and 361 females.

Professor Kwabena Biritwum
Nyarko, Provost, KNUST College of Engineering, said the College had maintained a reputation for being at the forefront of preparing manpower to support the technological and engineering advancement of Ghana and beyond.

The college established three programmes in the Gambia Technical University which is now being transformed to the University of Applied Science Engineering and Technology with funding from the World Bank.

He said the first cohort was in the third year.

Pof. Biritwum mentioned that in support for early career academics, the College with funding from the KNUST Engineering Education Project, had supported six early career academics to spend time with some collaborative universities in the United States and India to deepen their research skills and explore collaborative research opportunities.

Source: Ghana News Agency