Mr. David Atta Twum, the Assembly member for Amasu Adumasa Electoral Area in Dormaa Central has observed that partisan politics in the District Level Elections (DLE) would retard development at the local level.

He stated that although DLE was currently non-partisan, an assembly member who is alleged not to be affiliated to be a member of a ruling government could be subjected to all forms of machinations, frustrations to deprive the person of fair share of development projects and equitable distribution of national wealth and resources.

‘A plan could later be hatched to replace that assembly member with somebody who is the ruling party’s loyalist by concluding on the performance all because he was not a member of the ruling party,’ he added.??

Mr. Atta Twum made the remarks in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Amasu Adumasa as to whether the District Assembly elections should or not to be made partisan.

He asked that the local government concept should be strengthened instead of politicizi
ng since there were units within the local government concept that could raise significant revenue if government focus more on such areas.

Among such units mentioned were the unit committee area/zonal council and urban council which were the units within the local government concept which were just existing in the constitution but not working on the ground, he added.

He stated he has achieved a lot for his electoral area, personally by his personal efforts and that of the Municipal Assembly.

‘Personally, I organized evening classes for the JHS 3 final students in my first year in office, distribute customized exercise books to students to reduce burden on parents, liaised with Amasu Muslim Youth to provide a decent structure for Amasu Islamic school, provided 30 bags of cement for the construction for Amasu R/c KG block with which was yet to be completed with little funds raising assistance yet to be organized..

He said with backing from Nananom Amasu, Methodist JHS in the area was under renovation, Amasu
Community ICT Centre had been completed and was yet to hand over to the community, desk problem for the school had been solved with the help from Amasu Development Union.

The Assembly man has collaborated with the Municipal Assembly to ensure that the Amasu Islamic ICT laboratory was fully furnished with computers and other project.

Mr. Atta Twum stated that he would seek re-election in the district level elections to enable him to complete the good works he had started in education, health, energy, roads.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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