Justice Edward Amoako Asante, President of the ECOWAS Court of Justice, has expressed his commitment to the implementation of the recommendations emanating from the Judges’ Retreat held from 15 to 19 November, 2023 at Global Village Suites in Nasarawa, a federated state of Nigeria.

In his remarks delivered during the closing ceremony of the retreat, Justice Asante rated the retreat as highly successful and among the best retreats organized by the Court.

He stressed that the recommendations adopted would make it possible for the Court to adopt additional Practice Directions to guide parties and lawyers appearing before the Court and the Court’s Registry on some matters on which the Rules of the Court are unclear.

The Judges Retreat under the theme: ‘Strengthening the ECOWAS Court of Justice’, focused on various issues relating to the judicial practice of the Court.

The participants, including the judges of the Court, as well as directors and legal officers, reviewed the Rules of Procedure of the Court on
aspects which seemed ambiguous, and which posed problems of implementation.

Among the provisions examined were the Rules governing award of compensation, the processing of requests for extension of time, the management of requests for judgment by default and consolidation of cases.

Participants also discussed guidelines on the scheduling of cases, handling of preliminary objections and the currency in which compensation should be awarded.

The Vice-President of the Court, Justice Gbéri-Bè Ouattara also delivered a vote of thanks during the closing ceremony. He expressed his gratitude to all participants for their zeal and commitment to the objectives of the retreat.

He commended them for their immense contribution and their diligence which resulted in relevant recommendations and resolutions.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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