Global Action for Women Empowerment (GLOWA) in collaboration with the Ghana Federation of Disability Organisation (GFD) has celebrated this year’s World Disability Day in Ho, with the call to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities (PWDs).

Madam Elikplim Afua Klu, Volta Regional President of the GFD emphasised that persons with disabilities played significant role in the socio-economic advancement of the country and that their rights and well-being must be always protected.

She said creating an enabling environment and opportunities for persons with disabilities to explore and develop their potential was relevant in the progress of the country as persons with disabilities were endowed with much potential.

Madam Klu underscored the importance for all stakeholders to be committed to ensuring that the United Nations Resolution on the promotion of the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities was respected and always upheld.

The President said achieving the Sustainable Developmen
t Goals for, with and by persons with disabilities required an effective collaboration and commitment from all stakeholders.

She said GFD’s status as a quasi-governmental organisation stemmed from its assistance to the government in organising and establishing a shared forum for the state and PWDs to discuss matters pertaining to national development.

Madam Klu revealed that the organization’s ability to function effectively was being hampered by its lack of offices in the various districts within the region and appealed for support.

The President expressed regret about the fact that some assemblies were not including the GFD representatives in their work and that they had also not consulted

the Federation prior to designating individuals with disabilities as Government Appointees.

Madam Ivy Bedy, Project Officer at GLOWA said much more needed to be done to raise awareness of the benefits of integrating persons with disabilities into all facets of the political, social, economic, and cultural life of the

She said the theme: ‘United in Action to Rescue and Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for, with and by Persons With Disabilities’ called for joining forces and prioritising the needs and rights of every individual, regardless of their abilities.

The Project Officer said the phrase ‘United in Action’ emphasised the value of teamwork in tackling the various obstacles that persons with disabilities face, which ranged from societal misconceptions to barriers to accessibility.

She said the SDGs served as a global call to end poverty and ensure prosperity for all, and that real progress required the active participation and empowerment of every member of the global community, including persons with disabilities.

She stated that supporting people with disabilities and working alongside them, acknowledging their contributions, was just as important as advocating on their behalf.

‘Let us be united in action, driven by the urgency to rescue and achieve the SDGs for, with, and by persons with
disabilities. By doing so, we not only honour the principles of equality and justice but also create a legacy of positive change for generations to come.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

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