Moroccan Security Service has presented its 2023 assessment and announced new police structures to diversify the available security offer.

The annual report by the Directorate General of National Security (DGSN) is part of the continuity of the institutional communication policy adopted at the end of each year, in support of community policing.

It is also to strengthen the openness of the security institution to its environment and to consolidate the pillars of security governance and the co-production of security.

The assessment relates, in particular, to the area of modernization of security services and structures and the efforts made to strengthen the feeling of security and the fight against crime, in addition to the mechanisms for rational management of the police officer’s career path to guarantee an integrated working environment and enable him to carry out his duties, in an optimal way, in addition to the presentation of projects relating to security and public order for next year.

In order to s
trengthen the structures dedicated to community policing and ensure the adaptation of services to the expansion of new urban centres, the DGSN has set up 13 new security structures during the year 2023.

These are the 5th police district of Rabat, the Ryad police district, the 24th police district under the Marrakech police headquarters, as well as the creation of the mobile emergency police unit at the Kénitra police headquarters, two dog brigades in the towns of Kénitra and Larache, and a mobile group for maintaining order in the town of Settat.

The establishment of these 13 new security structures is intended to strengthen the structures dedicated to community policing and ensure the adaptation of services to urban expansion.

At the same time, the DGSN continued the generalization of mobile emergency police units, operating under the supervision of command and coordination rooms.

This year, the inauguration of the mobile emergency police unit at the Kénitra police headquarters, in permanent operation, m
arked a significant step forward. Made up of mobile teams of bikers and emergency vehicles, this unit responds effectively to citizens’ calls for help, ensuring rapid intervention. These vehicles are constantly checked and monitored by the relevant services at central and regional levels.

During the year, the command and coordination rooms handled more than 19.7 million emergency calls via telephone line 19, resulting in 867,042 interventions on public roads.

At the same time, police mobile emergency units carried out 448,256 interventions on public roads. In addition to emergency calls, citizens requested information, and some calls were negative in nature.

In the same context, the uniformed brigades carried out 494 mobile and pedestrian patrols on public roads, thus totalling 529,164 interventions on the ground, ranging from the arrest of people involved in criminal cases to the drawing up of reports of highway and traffic violations, including the maintenance of public order.

Furthermore, the DGSN has
inaugurated citizen reception areas, in partnership with the ministry responsible for digital transition and administrative reform, as well as the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

These reception spaces intended for Moroccan citizens and foreigners stand out for their facilities reconciling the beauty of the interior architecture and an exemplary reception and orientation environment with the presence of police officers, women and men, well qualified to guide users of this public service.

Equipped with an integrated information system through computers connected to specialized systems and interconnected with scanning devices, such as optical scanners and digital readers of fingerprints, cards and identity data, these centres aim to promote police services by considerably reducing the time required to receive and process user requests.

Still, as part of the improvement of security governance and the modernization of the public police service, construction work on the new headquarters of the Genera
l Directorate of National Security continues over an area of 20 hectares in Hay Ryad, in Rabat.

It is an integrated administrative complex bringing together all the central security departments in one place. The work at the various basic installations reached a completion rate of 90%, in accordance with the work plans established to meet the deadlines initially set.

Furthermore, the current year was characterized by the launch of the complete deployment process of the new visual identity aimed at distinguishing the fleet of security vehicles from other vehicles and automobiles. Thus, 549 intervention vehicles and couriers were equipped with this visual identity.

At the same time, the modernization of the national security vehicle fleet continued with the acquisition and delivery of 2,132 new vehicles for the benefit of the various regional and

central national security directorates. These vehicles are equipped to meet the professional needs of different police units and brigades nationwide.

About combati
ng crime and enhancing the sense of security, a concerted effort was made in 2023 to bolster training in the field of human rights for personnel within the criminal justice system and active personnel engaged in judicial policing, as well as individuals operating at the level of custody facilities and police custody premises and mechanisms for caring for women and minors who are victims of violence, in collaboration with the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Royal Gendarmerie Command.

This effort has enhanced the skills of officers from the various judicial police services nationwide, who have adopted modern research techniques and become familiar with best practices in the field of criminal investigations.

These security efforts and these institutional partnerships have notably influenced the outcomes of operations against criminal activities, thereby contributing to an augmented sense of security.

The 2023 year was marked by the continuation of the process of strengthening and intensifying international
security cooperation operations with various international partners, including government agencies and organizations in charge of security affairs and law enforcement, cooperation which focused mainly on operational

coordination and technical assistance with friendly and partner countries.

This fruitful cooperation was crowned by the unanimous approval of choosing the Kingdom of Morocco to host, in 2025, the 93rd session of the General Assembly of the General Criminal Police Organization ‘Interpol’, which brings together the chiefs and representatives of the security services of 196 member states, in addition to organizing, on December 6-7, 2023, the 47th Conference of Arab Police and Security Chiefs.

For 2023, DGSN has put in place a strategic vision to accumulate and reinforce expertise in securing major events. This orientation has supported Morocco’s hosting of a series of regional, continental and international events.

During these events, the security services were omnipresent and efficient through
the activation of security and organization protocols. These protocols were decisive in the success of these events, contributing to Morocco’s reputation as a trusted partner for hosting world-class events.

Capitalizing on Security Achievements and Consolidating Security Cooperation, DGSN is determined to consolidate the achievements made in modernizing police infrastructures and services, while at the same time improving them, in order to provide an adequate response to citizens’ expectations of the public police service. It also intends to

strengthen and enhance international security cooperation, by sharing its experience in the fight against terrorism and organized crime with friendly and partner countries, as well as with various international organizations interested in police work.

In conclusion, DGSN, in reviewing these snippets from its annual report on aspects that intersect with citizen security and the preservation of their integrity and property, reaffirms its commitment to continuing its effo
rts to consolidate public safety, reinforce the feeling of security and improve the services provided to citizens, resident foreigners and tourists, in addition to improving professional and social conditions for the benefit of all members of the DGSN family.
Source: Ghana News Agency

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