Anloga: The Local Planning Committee (LPC) of Anlo Hogbetsotso festival has presented the 2023 financial statement to Togbi Sri III, the Awoamefia of Anlo for onward reviews and actions.

The presentation ceremony formed part of the post-festival activities and preparations for the subsequent event.

A delegation comprising Togbi Zewu IV, the Dufia of Anloga and Chairman of the Committee, Mr G.A.S. Ladzekpo, Deputy Chairman, Mama Dutsi I, of Anloga, Agbotadua Kumassah among others on one part, presented the statement of accounts and discussed the entire festival report with the Awoamefia and his entourage.

The Togbi’s entourage included Togbi Agbesi Awusu II, Awadada of Anlo, Togbi Gbordzor III, Paramount Chief of Fugo and Dusifiaga of Anlo, and Mr Dan Abodakpi, Zikpitor of Anlo.

Among matters discussed were rituals held before the celebration, festival launch, mini and grand durbar, protocol, supports and all other events that were organised.

Togbi Zewu in an interview with Ghana News Agency, said th
e previous festival was a sellout and a cultural exposition presenting the values and norms of the Anlo Kingdom.

‘I can confidently say that we had a very successful festival last year despite some challenges we faced… We did not record any debt and I can tell you that last year’s celebration brought a lot of goodies to Anlo.

‘The Dzelukope Community Library project is one of them and at the right time, we will announce other planned projects from last year’s outcome,’ he said.

Togbi Sri, who received the document, congratulated the LPC for their service and promised to review it in his capacity and to take the needed actions.

‘I am very glad about your work. This work is a sacrificial service. Last year’s festival was exceptional. I just want to encourage you not to give up nor pay heed to any form of destructive criticism but rather continue to serve Anlo in high esteem,’ he said.

The Chief said he implored the Committee to be quick with their intended planned projects for last year’s events and
was glad they kept to the timelines.

Per the post-festival structures, the Local Planning Committee is supposed to receive reports and their related accounts from all sub-committees, review them, and compile a comprehensive and audited financial statement which is then presented to the Awoamefia for him to also review for onward actions.

A traditional council meeting is then convened for all chiefs, queens and agbotaduawo from across the Anlo State for the account presentation, adoption, and publication.

This audited account report is then presented at the Congress of Chiefs of Anlo which is usually held a few weeks before the next festival celebration.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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