Three thousand 250 tonnes of fertilizers, out of the nine thousand expected, are already in the province of Bié, to be distributed in the nine municipalities, within the scope of the 2024/2025 agricultural campaign.

The information was released today, in the city of Cuito, by the director of the Bié Agriculture and Forestry Office, Felizardo Brito Capepula, during the visit of the governor Celeste Adolfo, to the public institutions.

Felizardo Brito Capepula informed that the fertilizers, coming from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, are being transported from the provinces of Luanda and Benguela.

He said that, at this moment, the authorities have already distributed one thousand and 250 tons to the municipalities of Cunhinga, Cuito, Andulo, Camacupa, Catabola, Cuemba, Chinguar, NSrea and Chitembo, so that each producer/farmer can carry out the survey.

In addition to the fertilizers, more than a thousand tons of various seeds have also been received, namely corn, beans, wheat, rice, vegetables and

He also assured that, as the agricultural year is scheduled to open this October, the Government has outlined measures that will allow the distribution of agricultural inputs without constraints to the direct beneficiaries already registered by each municipality.

In the agricultural campaign that has just ended, 172,000 tonnes of sweet potatoes, 70,000 tonnes of beans, 381,000 tonnes of corn, 10,000 wheat, 76,000 tonnes of rice, 55,000 tonnes of sweet potatoes, as well as 411,000 tonnes of cassava and other agricultural products were harvested in this province.

The governor has already x-rayed the directorates of Environment, Solid Waste and Community Services, Integrated Economic Development, Transport, Traffic and Urban Mobility, as well as Culture, Tourism and Youth and Sports

Source: Angola Press News Agency

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