According to the Council of Ministers of June 1, 2022, the draft State budget for the 2022/2023 financial year is transitional with results-based budgeting where budget allocations are made on the basis of well-planned projects/programs/activities to be able to fully migrate to “program mode” budgeting from the 2023/2024 fiscal year.

The bill fixing the general budget of the State, Fiscal year 2022/2023 adopted by the Council of Ministers on June 1, 2022 specifies that overall revenue will increase from 1,562.06 billion BIF in 2021/2022 to 2,193, 6 billion BIF in 2022/2023, an increase of 40.4%.

As for expenses, they go from 1,713.8 billion BIF in the State budget, Fiscal Year 2021/2022 to 2,391.08 billion BIF in the draft State budget for Fiscal Year 2022/2023 , an increase of 39.5%. The overall deficit of the 2022/2023 General Budget project amounts to BIF 197.4 billion against BIF 151.8 billion (2.02%) in 2021/2022, an increase of 2.38%.

“The 2022/2023 finance bill is prepared in a particular context of the implementation of public finance management reforms, aimed at migrating from the average budget to the program budget” To do this, let the Council of Ministers, all the ministries and institutions, the Personalized State Administrations, the Public Establishments of an Administrative Nature, the companies with public participation and all the municipalities of the country have prepared their budget forecasts by indicating the activities to be carried out with indicators objectively verifiable, to allow monitoring and evaluation of the expected results on a quarterly basis.”As part of the 2022/2023 budgetary transparency and traceability, the revenue that was collected by the Personalized State Administrations, the Public Establishments of an Administrative Nature and other public services operating on the basis of State subsidies comes in taxation managed by the Burundian Revenue Office (OBR). »

Among other actions planned by the OBR with the aim of increasing revenues are the strengthening of the collection of taxes on mining sector activities, the taking of measures to reduce the informal sector through local taxation, the application strict enforcement of the law concerning dividends to be paid to the State, the initiation of the revision of texts and the procedure for granting exemptions, the acceleration of the process of recovery of arrears by the OBR, the strengthening of mechanisms for fight against corruption, fraud, and smuggling, …

The Council of Ministers specifies that, in the field of economic and social infrastructure, in terms of transport, the construction of the railway linking Uvinza-Malagarazi-Musongati-Gitega has been highly privileged.

Source: IWACU Burundi

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