A man has been banished from his home village of Balatchi in the West Region for allegedly sexually abusing his daughter.

Dzomene Laurent, a Yaoundé-based businessman, is accused of committing the incestuous act at his daughter’s marital home while her husband was away. The incident sparked outrage within the community, leading to a special meeting of the traditional council on July 10th.

Traditional ruler HM Kenfack Tanga Fouotsop II imposed the ban after Laurent failed to appear before the council to defend himself against the allegations. The decision also reflects the community’s condemnation of Laurent’s previous behavior, with reports suggesting a pattern of incestuous acts involving his daughters.

The ban prohibits Laurent from entering the village, interacting with its residents, or participating in village affairs. The traditional ruler warned that any ban violation would result in severe consequences.

‘Any son and daughter of the land at home and abroad who will breach the decision from the coun
cil will be severely sanctioned’, a statement read.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

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