“We walk, we observe, we collect” . This is the slogan of a hundred young city dwellers who gathered in the city center, this Saturday, June 4, to then walk in the streets of Bujumbura picking up waste and plastic.

These are scouts, guides, members of various associations or other young people concerned about the protection of the environment who responded to this mobilization via social networks.

With gloves and a large black plastic bag, each young person, in sportswear, walks observing around him to pick up the waste. From Independence Square (in town), to the Ruvumera and Buyenzi districts, … they walked about 10 km through the districts of the Mukaza commune, picking up everything they find as waste or plastic. . These residues are then deposited in a truck which gently follows these walkers.

This eco-sports activity called “Plogging” (Swedish term that describes a combination of jogging and waste collection) is the initiative of a walking sports group “Babandi”, made up of 15 young people.

According to the person in charge of this initiating movement, Jimmy Elvis Vyizigiro, this sports group wanted to combine business with pleasure. “Playing sports while doing something that can benefit society, the country. »

This collected waste and plastics will be given free of charge to companies that recycle. “To not only protect the environment or make our city clean, but also to give a second life to this waste. »

The administrator of Mukaza commune, Rénovat Sindayihebura who joined this activity, welcomes this initiative of young people which supports the policy of the town hall to make the city clean. “It’s proof that young people are sensitive to the protection of the environment. Its very important. »

This activity comes on the eve of World Environment Day celebrated on June 5. The initiating group wants the action to take place at least twice a month.

Source: IWACU Burundi

By pr.web