L’ICANN s’engage à assurer des formations aux meilleures pratiques pour les opérateurs de registre Internet africains

L’ICANN et la Coalition pour le numérique « Partner2Connect » s’associent pour lancer une initiative de renforcement des capacités

ISTANBUL, le 7 juin 2022 /PRNewswire/ — La Société pour l’attribution des noms de domaine et des numéros sur Internet (ICANN) a annoncé aujourd’hui son engagement à fournir à dix opérateurs de registre africains de domaines de premier niveau géographiques (ccTLD) des formations pratiques et des outils destinés à les aider à prendre leur place dans l’industrie des noms de domaine. L’ICANN et ses organisations partenaires, le secteur du développement des télécommunications de l’Union internationale des télécommunications (UIT-D), l’Association africaine de noms de domaine de premier niveau (AfTLD), le Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC) et l’Association française pour le nommage Internet en coopération (AFNIC), se sont engagés auprès de la Coalition pour le numérique « Partner2Connect » à contribuer aux objectifs du projet, ainsi qu’à l’objectif général de promouvoir la transformation numérique dans les communautés difficiles à connecter. L’engagement a été pris par le président-directeur général de l’ICANN, Gӧran Marby, lors de la table ronde sur le développement numérique tenue par Partner2Connect (P2C) à l’occasion de la Conférence mondiale de développement des télécommunications (CMDT) à Kigali, au Rwanda.


Dans le cadre du projet pilote, les dix opérateurs de registre ccTLD originaires du Niger, du Togo, du Bénin, de la République du Congo, des Comores, du Madagascar, de l’Angola, du Liberia, du Zimbabwe et de la Gambie, pourront profiter de l’expertise de l’ICANN et des organisations partenaires qui travaillent ensemble en vue d’un objectif commun qu’elles ne peuvent pas atteindre toutes seules. Les 10 opérateurs de registre ccTLD recevront une formation spécialisée dispensée par des experts du secteur, par le biais d’une combinaison de cours en ligne, d’ateliers pratiques et de webinaires La formation abordera un éventail de thématiques allant des bonnes pratiques en matière de sécurité du système des noms de domaine et de gouvernance des registres jusqu’à la rédaction de business plans et de plans marketing, en passant par les noms de domaine internationalisés et l’acceptation universelle.

« L’Internet est à la fois mondial et local. Les domaines de premier niveau géographiques font partie intégrante de l’infrastructure Internet dans la mesure où ils permettent le développement d’initiatives numériques locales destinées à promouvoir des économies numériques nationales durables », a déclaré Marby. « Nous associons nos talents et nos domaines d’expertise pour travailler avec les gestionnaires de ccTLD au développement de ces compétences fondamentales qui leur permettront d’être en mesure de participer de manière compétitive à l’économie numérique. Le projet pourra en outre s’appuyer sur les opportunités offertes par la Coalition pour le numérique « Partner2Connect », en exploitant la puissance de cette alliance multipartite et en mobilisant les ressources nécessaires pour atteindre nos objectifs communs. »

« L’AfTLD apprécie et soutient l’initiative de l’ICANN de promouvoir le développement des ccTLD africains », a déclaré Ali Hadji Mmadi, président du comité exécutif (Excom) de l’AfTLD. « L’Association se réjouit de jouer un rôle actif dans la conceptualisation et la mise en œuvre du projet dans le cadre de ses efforts continus de collaboration avec l’ICANN. »

« L’AFNIC est fière de prendre part à cette initiative qui vise à accélérer et à renforcer la coopération avec et entre les ccTLD africains », a indiqué Pierre Bonis, PDG de l’AFNIC. « Depuis que l’AFNIC a commencé à collaborer avec ses homologues africains il y a des décennies, c’est la première fois qu’une telle coalition est mise en place. Nous sommes convaincus qu’elle pourrait changer la donne pour un grand nombre d’opérateurs de registre en Afrique. »

Doreen Bogdan-Martin, directrice du Bureau de développement des télécommunications de l’UIT, a déclaré : « Je salue cet engagement en faveur de Partner2Connect. La Coalition pour le numérique « Partner2Connect » est un cadre susceptible de changer la donne qui offre l’occasion d’adopter une approche globale, de favoriser l’établissement de nouveaux partenariats et de mobiliser les ressources nécessaires pour connecter ceux qui ne le sont pas encore. J’appelle tous les acteurs à se mobiliser et à nous aider à connecter les 2,9 milliards de personnes qui ne sont pas connectées. Je suis impatiente d’accueillir bientôt de nombreuses autres contributions afin que nous puissions véritablement incarner la devise de la Coalition « Partner2Connect the World » : travailler en partenariat pour connecter le monde. »

Ce projet pilote est la deuxième initiative lancée par l’ICANN en Afrique. En février, l’ICANN a annoncé le renforcement de la présence de ses serveurs racine à l’échelle mondiale avec l’installation de deux grappes exploitées et gérées par l’ICANN en Afrique. Ces deux projets font partie d’une initiative plus large qui sera lancée vers la fin de l’année, grâce à laquelle l’ICANN et ses partenaires clés contribueront à la croissance et à la durabilité de l’économie numérique africaine en garantissant un Internet stable, résilient et sécurisé.

À propos de l’ICANN
La mission de l’ICANN consiste à garantir un Internet mondial sûr, stable et unifié. Pour contacter une personne sur Internet, vous devez saisir une adresse sur votre ordinateur ou autre dispositif : un nom ou un numéro. Cette adresse doit être unique pour permettre aux ordinateurs de s’identifier entre eux. L’ICANN coordonne ces identificateurs uniques à l’échelle mondiale. La société ICANN a été fondée en 1998 en tant qu’organisation à but non lucratif reconnue d’utilité publique. Elle rassemble au sein de sa communauté des participants du monde entier.

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1810953/ICANN_Logo.jpg

‫‫ J&T Express تستحوذ على أرض في ماليزيا

استثمار 600 مليون رينجيت ماليزي في البنية التحتية 

توسيع المرافق لدفع عجلة التنمية في الاقتصاد المحلي وفي جميع أنحاء المنطقة

كوالالمبور، ماليزيا، 7 يونيو، 2022 / PRNewswire/ — أعلنت شركة J&T Express (“J&T”) ، وهي شركة لوجستية دولية سريعة، اليوم أنها أكملت الاستحواذ على قطعة أرض مساحتها 30 فدانًا في بندر ريمبايو، سيلانغور، ماليزيا. وسيتم استخدام الأرض لبناء مركز لوجستي متكامل للتوزيع السريع والخدمات اللوجستية والنقل والتخزين لتلبية احتياجات أعمال J&T المتزايدة في ماليزيا.

وقال تشارلز هو، نائب رئيس مجموعة J&T Express : “بصفتها مزودًا عالميًا للخدمات اللوجستية المتكاملة، تلتزم J&T Express بتزويد العملاء بخدمات أكثر كفاءة وملاءمة. ولا يزال تركيزنا منصبا على تعزيز مكانتنا الرائدة في جنوب شرق آسيا من خلال توسيع وجودنا في الأسواق الحالية. وسيتم تزويد المنشأة الجديدة بتقنياتنا المتقدمة، والتي تمكننا من الاستفادة بشكل أفضل من شبكاتنا الحالية لتلبية المتطلبات المتزايدة لصناعة التجارة الإلكترونية المزدهرة في جنوب شرق آسيا”.

“ريمبايو هو المثلث الذهبي لسيلانجور، ونحن نؤمن بإمكانات التطوير المستقبلية لهذه المنطقة.” وقال روي تسنغ، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة J&T Express Malaysia : “يمثل هذا العام العام العام الخامس منذ أن بدأت J&T Express عملياتها في ماليزيا. مع التوسع المتنوع والزخم القوي بفضل النمو المستمر للسوق الإقليمية، قررنا استثمار 600 مليون رينغيت ماليزي لشراء قطعة أرض وبناء مركز لوجستي في ماليزيا. ومن خلال القيام بذلك، نأمل في دفع عجلة تنمية الاقتصاد المحلي، وتوفير فرص العمل للمجتمع، ولعب دور نشط في تطوير صناعة الخدمات اللوجستية المحلية والتنمية طويلة الأجل للمجتمع”.

تأسست شبكة J&T Express المحلية في عام 2015، وتمتد الآن إلى اثني عشر دولة بما في ذلك الصين وإندونيسيا وفيتنام وماليزيا وتايلاند والفلبين وكمبوديا وسنغافورة والمملكة العربية السعودية والإمارات العربية المتحدة والمكسيك والبرازيل، وتخدم أكثر من ملياري شخص.

– انتهى –

عن شركة جيه آند تي إكسبريس

جي أند تي إكسبرس هو مزود عالمي للخدمات اللوجستية، وتحتفظ بشركات رائدة في مجال التوصيل السريع في جنوب شرق آسيا والصين، وهو السوق الأكبر والأسرع نموًا في العالم. تأسست شبكة جي أند تي إكسبرس في العام 2015، وتمتد أعمالها إلى 12 دولة، بما في ذلك إندونيسيا وفيتنام وماليزيا والفلبين وتايلاند وكمبوديا وسنغافورة والصين والمملكة العربية السعودية والإمارات العربية المتحدة والمكسيك والبرازيل. وإذ تلتزم بمهمتها “الموجهة نحو العملاء والقائمة على الكفاءة”، تلتزم جي أند تي إكسبرس بتزويد العملاء بحلول لوجستية متكاملة من خلال بنية تحتية ذكية وشبكة لوجستية رقمية، كجزء من استراتيجيتها العالمية لربط العالم بكفاءة أكبر وتحقيق فوائد لوجستية للجميع.

شعار الشركة: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1721319/JT_Express_Logo.jpg


Tizeti names Emmanuel Ikazoboh as new Chairman, appoints new board members

LAGOS, Nigeria, June 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Tizeti Network Limited, West Africa’s pioneer solar-based internet service provider has today, announced the appointment of Emmanuel Ikazoboh as its Board Chairman.

Emmanuel Ikazoboh is the immediate past Group Chairman of Ecobank Transnational Incorporated (ETI), Chairman of ARM Pensions Managers Limited (Pensions Fund Administrators), and is the International Vice Chairman at International Institute for Sustainable Development, Canada. He is an independent/Non-Executive Director for Nampak Packaging Limited South Africa and Dangote Cement Plc.

He was appointed Administrator of The Nigerian Stock Exchange and helped transform the Nigerian Stock Exchange as well as the Central Securities Clearing System (CSCS), and was responsible for restructuring the management, equities market, stock brokerage processes, and corporate governance structure of both entities to create an enviable Stock Exchange in Africa.

“Tizeti’s growing market share in the unlimited internet market in Nigeria provides huge opportunities to tackle digital exclusion for millions in the region. The company’s impact over the last nine years and ongoing transformation reveal the opportunities ahead, especially in a digital economy. Tizeti has a deserved reputation for its innovative products and disruptive approach, and I look forward to serving as its Board Chairman”, said Ikazoboh.

Emmanuel Ikazoboh has held previous roles as the Chairman/CEO of Deloitte West & Central Africa; Managing Partner for Deloitte Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), and Client Service Director for Deloitte Africa. He also served as Partner of Deloitte & Touche in Dartford UK and brings an international perspective to Tizeti’s business. He is a Member of the Presidential Committee for the restructuring of the Nigerian Government Ministries, Agencies, and Commissions and the reduction of the cost of governance.

He holds an MBA in Financial Management from Manchester University Business School, is certified as a UK Certified Accountant, and holds Fellowships at the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants and the Nigeria Institute of Chartered Accountants.

The other new members of the Tizeti board include Engr. Okechukwu Obiagwu and Patricia Aiyedun. Okechukwu Obiagwu is an Electrical/Electronic Engineer with significant experience in the oil and gas industry. He previously worked at Halliburton Energy Service for 19 years and rose to Senior Leadership as the Country Manager for the Wireline and Perforating division, before he explored his interests in alternative/clean energy, oil and gas services, and eCommerce. He is a graduate of Electrical/Electronic Engineering from the University of Port Harcourt.

Patricia Aiyedun is the Chief Financial Officer at inq. Digital (previously Vodacom Business Africa) and has 16 years of broad experience in professional service. Her experience covers due diligence on M&A transactions, financial reporting, auditing, and advisory. She previously worked as a Senior Manager at the Big 4 firm PricewaterhouseCoopers and started her career at Diamond Bank. She obtained her first degree from the University of Ibadan, is a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants of Nigeria (ACCA), and has acquired numerous certifications.

“Tizeti continues to grow at a fast pace and expanding our board will provide the guidance our leadership team needs to continue to grow the company to fulfill its mission of being Africa’s top provider of Internet and Voice. It also helps to increase corporate governance & diversity, improve corporate decision making & strategy at our company, and position Tizeti firmly for the digital economy,” said Kendall Ananyi, Chief Executive Officer of Tizeti.

About Tizeti
Tizeti is a fast-growing Wireless Internet service provider in Lagos, Nigeria, delivering high-speed unlimited Wi-Fi Internet access to residential and business customers using wide-area Wi-Fi. Its services are available in Lagos, Ogun, Oyo and Rivers States. It is also expanding rapidly to other African countries, with successful launches in Accra and Tema, Ghana.

Contact: Temitope Osunrinde (press@tizeti.com)

TrueCommerce Appoints Randy Curran as CEO to Lead Company Through Next Phase of Growth

Veteran technology leader will further align the company to drive increased value for global customers

FLORHAM PARK, N.J., June 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — TrueCommerce, a global provider of trading partner connectivity, integration, and unified commerce solutions, announced today that Randy Curran has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Board of Directors, effective June 1, 2022.

“We’re incredibly proud of the growth TrueCommerce has experienced,” said Ryan Harper, General Partner for Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe (WCAS) and member of the TrueCommerce Board of Directors. “We’re confident TrueCommerce will accelerate this upward trajectory under Randy’s guidance. He is a proven leader with an extensive background in leading companies into their next stages of growth and operational excellence.”

TrueCommerce’s growth is attributed to several factors. With its acquisition of DiCentral, the company doubled its headcount, increased its customer base by 40%, and expanded its presence across the Americas, Europe, and Asia Pacific. It also invested in its global platform and product development, experiencing a 24% increase in total connections to its global network year over year and a 25% increase in overall data volume on the TrueCommerce Commerce Network compared to 2020.

Mr. Curran is a long-time technology leader with decades of experience transforming and propelling high-growth, international companies to success. He most recently served as an Operating Partner for WCAS, a leading U.S. private equity firm and majority stakeholder of TrueCommerce. Prior to Welsh Carson, Mr. Curran served as CEO for OHL, Inc. (later purchased by GEODIS), the fourth-largest third-party logistics warehouse (3PL) in the U.S., where he created alignment among the management team and led the enhancement of information systems that serviced customers and employees. Mr. Curran also held CEO roles at ITC^Deltacom, Inc. (now Deltacom), ICG Communications, and Thermadyne Holdings, Inc. He graduated from DePauw University with a B.A. in Economics and has an MBA from Loyola University.

“TrueCommerce is at the forefront of the supply chain technology market, and in a global economy that necessitates reliable, seamless supply chain solutions, the growth opportunities for the company are tremendous,” said Mr. Curran. “I’m honored to join this talented team to drive home the alignment of customer success, implementation, support, and making TrueCommerce a destination employer.”

About Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe
WCAS is a leading U.S. private equity firm focused on two target industries: healthcare and technology. Since its founding in 1979, the firm’s strategy has been to partner with outstanding management teams and build value for its investors through a combination of operational improvements, growth initiatives, and strategic acquisitions. The firm has raised and managed funds totaling over $27 billion of committed capital. For more information, please visit www.wcas.com.

About TrueCommerce
TrueCommerce is the most complete way to connect your business across the supply chain, integrating everything from EDI, to inventory management, to fulfillment, to digital storefronts and marketplaces. We’ve revolutionized supply chain visibility and collaboration by helping organizations make the most of their omnichannel initiatives via business P2P connectivity, order management, collaborative replenishment, intelligent fulfillment, cross-functional analytics, and product information management.

The TrueCommerce Global Commerce Network can connect businesses to over 160,000 retailers, distributors, and logistics service providers. As a fully managed services provider, we also manage new trading partner onboarding, as well as the ongoing management of partner-specific mapping, labeling changes, and communications monitoring. That’s why thousands of companies—ranging from startups to the global Fortune 100, across various industries—rely on us.

TrueCommerce: Do business in every direction
For more information, visit https://www.truecommerce.com.

Media Contact
Yegor Kuznetsov
Director, Marketing Communications

Kenya: Electoral Commission approves 4 presidential candidates

Independent Election and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Chairman Wafula Chebukati has endorsed four presidential candidates to run for the presidency. At the same time, the chairman of the Electoral Commission sacked 13 candidates who had expressed an interest in running for the top seat.

The four approved include the leader of the Declaration of Unity Raila Odinga and his main rival, the current vice-president William Ruto of the United Democratic Alliance (UDA). The other two are Covenant Party leader David Mwaure Waihiga and Professor George Wajackoyah of the Roots Party.

“All four candidates met the constitutional and legal requirements, and were therefore successful in their quest to run,” Chebukati said.

In a new reshuffle, the Commission revoked the endorsement of Union Party leader Walter Mong’are a week after granting him permission to run.

“After new information and confirmations emerged, it became clear that he did not have the proper academic documents and therefore we had to revoke his endorsement certificate,” Chebukati said after reversing the previous decision.

There have been presidential candidates excluded from the race. According to the Kenyan political analyst Denis Kazungu of the 59 candidates who presented themselves as presidential candidates, only 17 submitted to the demands of the Electoral Commission; and of these candidates, four of them knew the conditions set by the Electoral Commission.

At the moment, says this political scientist, Kenyans now have the opportunity to put the manifestos of the four approved candidates on the scales in order to choose the best leader.

The President of the Electoral and Boundaries Commission, Wafula Chebukati, also called on all candidates to respect the Electoral Code during the campaign.

Source: IWACU Burundi

General Commissariat for Migration: applicants for travel documents denounce corruption

Several people met in front of the General Commissioner for Migration in Bujumbura do not hide it, they deplore a certain corruption in the process of obtaining travel documents. These people are calling for more transparency.

“This is the third time I have come here to look for a passport. Today, I am told to come back tomorrow. Others arrive and enter directly. It smacks of corruption. What injustice! “, deplores with bitterness a woman met in front of the offices of the General Commissioner for Migration with a passport application form in her hands.

At 10 a.m. on June 6, the queue outside the doors of the said police station continues to grow. People are waiting for passport application forms to be granted. “We will give you the forms and you go home. You will come back tomorrow with these forms, ”communicates a policeman.

Suddenly, a mess begins in front of the door. People approach the police to explain their concerns or to ask for exemptions.

Some passport applicants speak of “non-transparency”. For them, distributing forms to return the next day is only a strategy to favor certain applicants for travel documents who will pay bribes.

“I have just paid 20 thousand BIF so that my brother can go through the door, after having received a form”, indicates a resident of Kamenge. He is delighted with the “intervention of his friend”, a policeman from the police station.

Another person approached confides that it is difficult to obtain a document without giving a little money to a policeman at the police station. Yesterday, he reveals, I paid 10 thousand BIF to obtain the passport application form. “Fortunately a friend of the police intervened, otherwise I would have paid more”.

He castigates commissionaires among the police. And to call on the General Commissioner for Migration to take action against these “lost sheep”.

On the other side, a woman with a passport in her hands breathes a sigh of relief: “I finally got my passport. I ordered it last week. Nobody really asked me to pay anything in exchange for a certain favour”.

Pass seekers in disarray

Passport applicants aren’t the only ones having to wait. The granting of CEPGL passes and cards (Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries) is also subject to irregularities. Some claimants also report bribes.

On June 6, applicants for these documents were not welcomed at the General Commissioner for Migration. “Those looking for CEPGL passes and cards must go home. They will see the press release from the police station in the coming days, ”communicates a police officer.

A disappointment for this resident of the province of Bujumbura working in the Democratic Republic of Congo. He does not believe the police communication: “My CEPGL card expires in four days. I have to go back to the DRC, but I’m stuck. My friend got it last week after paying a sum of 170 thousand BIF instead of the officially known 18 thousand BIF”.

Same story with a young inhabitant of the Kanyosha zone in Muha commune. According to him, one must have an acquaintance at the police station to obtain a pass.

A police source denies any corruption or injustice in the granting of travel documents. “People are trying to go through illegal channels to receive travel documents, but we are there to ensure order and transparency. These are the same people who accuse us of all evil to tarnish the image of the police”.

On May 5 , the Commissioner General for Migration, Maurice Mbonimpa, asked the population to denounce the commissionaires and those who ask for bribes to obtain travel documents.

Source: IWACU Burundi