‫ Adani و TotalEnergies معا لإنشاء أكبر نظام بيئي للهيدروجين الأخضر في العالم

شركة Adani New Industries Ltd تستثمر 50 مليار دولار في الهيدروجين الأخضر

إنه أكبر التزام للهند تجاه استخدام الهيدروجين الأخضر من قبل شركة

احمد اباد، الهند، 15 يونيو/حزيران 2022 / PRNewswire / — دخلت Adani ، محفظة الأعمال المتنوعة الأسرع نموًا في الهند، وشركة الطاقة العملاقة TotalEnergies في فرنسا، في شراكة جديدة لإنشاء بشكل مشترك، أكبر نظام بيئي للهيدروجين الأخضر في العالم. في هذا التحالف الاستراتيجي، ستستحوذ TotalEnergies على 25٪ من حصة الأقلية في Adani New Industries Ltd (المشار إليها أسفله بِـ “ ANIL “) من Adani Enterprises Ltd (المشار إليها أيفله بِـ “ AEL “).

Gautam Adani, Chairman, Adani Group and Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman & CEO, TotalEnergies

من المتوقع أن تعمل الشراكة الجديدة، التي تركز على الهيدروجين الأخضر، على تحويل مشهد الطاقة في كل من الهند والعالم. تعد كل من Adani و TotalEnergies شركتان رائدتان في مجال تحول الطاقة واعتماد الطاقة النظيفة، وتعزز منصة الطاقة المشتركة هذه الالتزامات العامة المتعلقة بالحوكمة البيئية والاجتماعية والمؤسسية التي تعهدت بها الشركتان.

إن طموح ANIL هو استثمار أكثر من 50 مليار دولار أمريكي على مدى السنوات العشر القادمة في الهيدروجين الأخضر والنظام البيئي المرتبط به. في المرحلة الأولية، ستعمل ANIL على تطوير طاقة إنتاج الهيدروجين الأخضر بمقدار مليون طن سنويًا قبل عام 2030.

قال السيد غوتام عداني، رئيس مجلس إدارة مجموعة Adani : “القيمة الإستراتيجية لعلاقة Adani-TotalEnergies هائلة على مستوى الأعمال والطموح”. “في رحلتنا لنصبح أكبر مشغل هيدروجين صديق للبيئة في العالم، تضيف الشراكة مع TotalEnergies عدة أبعاد تشمل البحث والتطوير والوصول إلى السوق وفهم المستهلك النهائي. هذا يسمح لنا بشكل أساسي بتشكيل طلب السوق. لهذا السبب أجد أن الامتداد المستمر لشراكتنا يحمل مثل هذه القيمة العظيمة. إن ثقتنا بقدرتنا على إنتاج أقل إلكترون تكلفة في العالم هي التي ستدفع قدرتنا على إنتاج الهيدروجين الأخضر الأقل تكلفة في العالم. ستفتح هذه الشراكة عددًا من مسارات المراحل النهائية المثيرة “.

Adani Group Logo

“يعد دخول TotalEnergies إلى ANIL معاما رئيسياء في تنفيذ إستراتيجيتنا للهيدروجين المتجدد والمنخفض الكربون، حيث لا نريد فقط إزالة الكربون من الهيدروجين المستخدم في مصافي التكرير الأوروبية بحلول عام 2030، ولكن أيضًا الريادة في الإنتاج الضخم للهيدروجين الأخضر لتلبية الطلب، مع انطلاق السوق بحلول نهاية هذا العقد”، قال السيد باتريك بوياني، رئيس مجلس الإدارة والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة TotalEnergies . “إننا سعداء جدًا بهذه الاتفاقية، التي تعزز تحالفنا مع مجموعة Adani في الهند وتساهم في تثمين إمكانات الطاقة المتجددة منخفضة التكلفة الوفيرة في الهند. ستكون هذه الطاقة الإنتاجية المستقبلية البالغة مليون طن سنويًا من الهيدروجين الأخضر خطوة رئيسية في زيادة حصة TotalEnergies من الجزيئات الجديدة منزوعة الكربون بما في ذلك الوقود الحيوي والغاز الحيوي والهيدروجين والوقود الإلكتروني إلى 25٪ من إنتاجها للطاقة ومبيعاتها بحلول عام 2050. “

تعتمد هذه الشراكة على أوجه التآزر الاستثنائية بين الشركتين. بينما ستجلب Adani إلى الشراكة معرفتها العميقة بالسوق الهندي، وقدرات التنفيذ السريع، والتميز في العمليات وفلسفة إدارة رأس المال، ستجلب TotalEnergies بدورها فهمها العميق للسوق العالمي والأوروبي، وتعزيز الائتمان والقوة المالية لخفض تكاليف التمويل، والخبرة في التقنيات الأساسية. ستساعد نقاط القوة التكميلية للشركاء شركة ANIL على تقديم أكبر نظام بيئي للهيدروجين الأخضر في العالم، والذي بدوره سيوفر أقل تكلفة للهيدروجين الأخضر للمستهلك ويساعد في تسريع انتقال الطاقة العالمي.

تهدف ANIL إلى أن تكون أكبر شركة متكاملة تمامًا للهيدروجين الأخضر في العالم، مع وجودها عبر سلسلة القيمة بأكملها، بدءًا من تصنيع مصادر الطاقة المتجددة ومعدات الهيدروجين الخضراء (الألواح الشمسية، وتوربينات الرياح، والمحللات الكهربائية، إلخ…) ، لتوليد كميات كبيرة من الهيدروجين الأخضر، إلى منشآت المصب التي تنتج مشتقات الهيدروجين الخضراء.

من خلال هذا الاستثمار في ANIL ، يغطي التحالف الاستراتيجي بين محفظة Adani و TotalEnergies الآن محطات الغاز الطبيعي المسال وأعمال مرافق الغاز وأعمال الطاقة المتجددة وإنتاج الهيدروجين الأخضر. تساعد الشراكة الهند في سعيها لبناء الركائز الأساسية للاستدامة الاقتصادية من خلال دفع إزالة الكربون عن الصناعة وتوليد الطاقة والتنقل والزراعة، وبالتالي التخفيف من تغير المناخ وضمان استقلال الطاقة.

مصدر الصورة : https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1839121/Adani_Group_TotalEnergies.jpg
رابط الشعار:  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1716106/Adani_Group_Logo.jpg

Casio to Release G-SHOCK Featuring Successive Master of G Characters


Signature characters brought back to life in camouflage design

TOKYO, June 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Casio Computer Co., Ltd. announced today the latest addition to its G-SHOCK shock-resistant watches. The DW-5600GU-7 features past characters from Master of G models designed for use on land and in the sea and air, all distilled into one timepiece.


The face and band of the DW-5600GU-7 are entirely covered in a camouflage design styled from iconic characters once engraved on the case back of Master of G watches. Of all G-SHOCK watches, the Master of G line has won over adventurers looking to challenge the limits of toughness. This latest addition brings back to life 18 of the line’s characters, including the iconic frog from the FROGMAN series, the mole from the MUDMAN series, as well as the RANGEMAN wild cat. The band and bezel are specially designed to feature the distinctive traits of each character, making them easy to recognize amid the camouflage.

These highly individual characters are laid out in a camouflage design with a basic black-and-white color scheme for a stylish, cool design.

Layout designed to make characters easy to recognize

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Huawei Cloud annonce le lancement de 15 services innovants pour inspirer une nouvelle valeur avec les partenaires et les développeurs

SHENZHEN, Chine, 15 juin 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Aujourd’hui, lors de la conférence des développeurs et partenaires d’Huawei, Huawei Cloud a annoncé le lancement de 15 services innovants et de deux cadres de collaboration avec les partenaires, GoCloud et GrowCloud. Le concours phare de Huawei sur les technologies de l’information et de la communication, Huawei Developer Competition, a également été lancé lors de la conférence.

Zhang Ping’an, PDG de Huawei Cloud, a déclaré ceci dans son discours d’ouverture : « Alors que les entreprises s’aventurent plus loin encore dans la numérisation, l’adoption du modèle SaaS augmente dans toutes les industries. Nous nous dirigeons vers une décade qui s’annonce dorée pour le SaaS. Huawei Cloud offre la solution Everything as a Service (Tout en tant que service). Nous nous efforçons de construire le meilleur cloud possible pour apporter le modèle SaaS plus rapidement aux industries. En innovant continuellement dans les services dans le cloud et en travaillant en étroite collaboration avec des partenaires et des développeurs, nous souhaitons stimuler l’innovation et éclairer l’avenir ensemble. »

Mr. Zhang Ping’an, CEO of Huawei Cloud

Les 15 services innovants couvrent l’expertise en tant que service, la technologie en tant que service et l’infrastructure en tant que service. Ils comprennent cinq services aPaaS (plateformes Applicative en tant que service) pour l’industrie, le gouvernement, le chauffage, l’extraction du charbon et l’éducation; deux services aPaaS de base : KooMessage pour les messages multimédias enrichis centralisés et KooMap pour les jumeaux numériques de cartes dans le cloud; ainsi que la nouvelle boutique dans le cloud KooGallery. M. Zhang a également annoncé le lancement du pipeline de gouvernance des données DataArts et divers nouveaux services pour les trois autres pipelines. Ce sont des services humains virtuels pour le pipeline de contenu numérique MetaStudio, ModelBox (un cadre de développement d’applications d’IA) pour le pipeline de développement d’IA ModelArts, et l’environnement de développement intégré (IDE) CodeArts pour le pipeline de développement logiciel DevCloud.

Deux cadres de collaboration, ayant pour but d’améliorer les compétences des partenaires et d’élargir le marché, GoCloud et GrowCloud, ont également été annoncés. GoCloud vise à cultiver les compétences des partenaires, à les aider à construire des solutions et des services robustes sur Huawei Cloud, et à créer plus de valeur pour les clients. GrowCloud vise à aider les partenaires à élargir la couverture client, à accélérer la croissance des ventes et à atteindre un succès partagé.

Huawei Cloud a toujours accordé une grande importance à l’écosystème. Actuellement, Huawei Cloud compte plus de 38 000 partenaires, 3,02 millions de développeurs et 7 400 offres de plateformes de marché publiées par les partenaires. En tant que fondation cloud d’un monde intelligent, Huawei Cloud collabore avec des écosystèmes tels que Kunpeng, Ascend, HarmonyOS et Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) pour soutenir l’écosystème des développeurs. Huawei Cloud vise à attirer plus de 1,4 million de développeurs cette année, et prévoit d’habiliter 5 millions de développeurs dans l’ensemble.

Le concours Huawei Developer Competition, qui a pour thème « Spark Infinity », a été officiellement lancé à la conférence. En tant que principal concours de Huawei pour les technologies de l’information et des communications, le Huawei Developer Competition a mis en place le Cloud Foundation Track et le Industry Track, couvrant six régions du monde et offrant une cagnotte de 5 millions de yuans chinois (CNY). Huawei Cloud invite les étudiants, les entreprises et les passionnés de technologie à se joindre à lui et à créer une nouvelle valeur sur le cloud.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1839334/1.jpg

Huawei Cloud Announced 15 Innovative Services to Inspire New Value with Partners and Developers

SHENZHEN, China, June 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Today at the Huawei Partner and Developer Conference, Huawei Cloud announced 15 innovative services and two partner collaboration frameworks, GoCloud and GrowCloud. Also at the Conference, Huawei’s flagship ICT competition, Huawei Developer Competition, was kicked off.

Zhang Ping’an, Huawei Cloud CEO, said in his keynote speech, “As enterprises dive deeper into digitalization, SaaS adoption is increasing across industries. Over the next ten years, we are heading for a golden decade of SaaS. Huawei Cloud provides Everything as a Service. We strive to build the best cloud to bring SaaS faster to industries. By continuously innovating cloud services and closely working with partners and developers, we hope to spark innovation and light up the future together.”

Mr. Zhang Ping’an, CEO of Huawei Cloud

The 15 innovative services cover Expertise as a Service, Technology as a Service, and Infrastructure as a Service. They include five aPaaS services for industrial, government, heating, coal mining, and education; two core aPaaS services: KooMessage for one-stop rich media messaging, and KooMap for digital twin cloud maps; as well as the new cloud store KooGallery. Mr. Zhang also announced the DataArts data governance pipeline, and various new services to the other three pipelines. They are virtual human services for the MetaStudio digital content pipeline, ModelBox (an AI application development framework) for the ModelArts AI development pipeline, and the CodeArts IDE for the DevCloud software development pipeline.

Two collaboration frameworks, GoCloud and GrowCloud, were also announced, positioned to help partners improve competency and expand the market. GoCloud aims to cultivate partner competency, help partners build robust solutions and services on Huawei Cloud, and create more value for customers. GrowCloud aims to help partners expand customer coverage, accelerate sales growth, and achieve shared success.

Huawei Cloud has always placed great importance on the ecosystem. Currently, Huawei Cloud has more than 38,000 partners, 3.02 million developers, and 7,400 Marketplace offerings released by partners. As the cloud foundation of an intelligent world, Huawei Cloud collaborates with ecosystems including Kunpeng, Ascend, HarmonyOS, and Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) to support the developer ecosystem. Huawei Cloud aims to attract more than 1.4 million developers this year, and plans to empower 5 million developers overall.

The Huawei Developer Competition, with the theme, “Spark Infinity”, was officially launched at the Conference. As Huawei’s top competition for ICT, the Huawei Developer Competition has set up the Cloud Foundation Track and the Industry Track, covering six regions around the world and providing a prize pool of CNY5 million. Huawei Cloud welcomes students, enterprises, and tech enthusiasts to join and create new value on the cloud.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1839334/1.jpg

Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. Selects Anaqua for Integrated IP Management

Global document solutions provider to use Anaqua’s AQX platform to help manage and optimize its extensive patent portfolio

BOSTON, June 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, the leading provider of innovation and intellectual property management solutions, today announced that global document solutions provider Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. has selected Anaqua’s AQX platform for integrated management of the company’s extensive patent portfolio.

Headquartered in Osaka, Japan, Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. provides customers worldwide with a range of products, business applications, and consultative services to optimize and manage their document workflow, greatly enhancing operational efficiency.

Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. chose Anaqua’s AQX Corporate platform as its primary patent management system with patent annuity payments from Anaqua Services fully integrated to unify patent management and payment management. Through this integrated functionality of the AQX Corporate platform and the availability of detailed, up-to-the-minute data visualization dashboards, Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. will be able to better manage, maintain and optimize the value of its portfolio.

“We were looking for an integrated approach that would enable us to manage our patent portfolio more efficiently and holistically,” said General Manager of Legal and Intellectual Property Division, Seitaro Yoshida of Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. “AQX’s comprehensive intellectual property management platform enabled global IP management for us. During implementation, Anaqua and Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. worked closely together to build up a new workflow. Anaqua listened and were responsive to our needs, enabling us to achieve the best fit for our operations.”

“We are delighted to have been selected by Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. to help them manage their IP as the company continues in its goal of helping other organizations around the world put knowledge to work to drive change,” said Bob Romeo, CEO of Anaqua. “The agreement not only reflects our strength in the business solutions sector, but also our increasing role in the Japanese market, where more and more companies are entrusting Anaqua with their IP management.”

About Anaqua
Anaqua, Inc. is a premium provider of integrated intellectual property (IP) management technology solutions and services for corporations and law firms. Its IP management software solutions, AQX and PATTSY WAVE, both offer best practice workflows with big data analytics and tech-enabled services to create an intelligent environment designed to inform IP strategy, enable IP decision-making, and streamline IP operations, tailored to each segment’s need. Today, nearly half of the top 100 U.S. patent filers and global brands, as well as a growing number of law firms worldwide use Anaqua’s solutions. Over one million IP executives, attorneys, paralegals, administrators, and innovators use the platform for their IP management needs. The company’s global operations are headquartered in Boston, with offices across the U.S., Europe, and Asia. For additional information, please visit anaqua.com, or on LinkedIn.

About Kyocera Document Solutions Inc.
Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. is a global leading provider of total document solutions based in Osaka, Japan. The company’s portfolio includes reliable and eco-friendly MFPs and printers, as well as business applications and consultative services which enable customers to optimize and manage their document workflow, reaching new heights of efficiency. With professional expertise and a culture of empathetic partnership, the objective of the company is to help organisations put knowledge to work to drive change.

Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. is a group company of Kyocera Corporation (Kyocera), a leading supplier of semiconductor packages, industrial and automotive components, semiconductor packages, electronic devices, smart energy systems, printers, copiers, and mobile phones. During the year ended March 31, 2022, the Kyocera Group’s consolidated sales revenue totaled 1.8 trillion yen (approx. US$15.1 billion). Kyocera is ranked #665 on Forbes magazine’s 2022 “Global 2000” list of the world’s largest publicly traded companies, and has been named by The Wall Street Journal among “The World’s 100 Most Sustainably Managed Companies.”

Company Contact:
Amanda Hollis
Communications Director

ROSEN, GLOBAL INVESTOR COUNSEL, Encourages Riskified Ltd. Investors with Losses in Excess of $100K to Secure Counsel Before Important July 1 Deadline in Securities Class Action – RSKD

NEW YORK, June 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, reminds purchasers of the securities of Riskified Ltd. (NYSE: RSKD) pursuant and/or traceable to the Registration Statement issued in connection with the Company’s initial public offering conducted on or about July 28, 2021 (the “IPO” or “Offering”), of the important July 1, 2022 lead plaintiff deadline.

SO WHAT: If you purchased Riskified securities pursuant and/or traceable to the IPO you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement.

WHAT TO DO NEXT: To join the Riskified class action, go to https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=5896 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email pkim@rosenlegal.com or cases@rosenlegal.com for information on the class action. A class action lawsuit has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than July 1, 2022. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation.

WHY ROSEN LAW: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources, or any meaningful peer recognition. Many of these firms do not actually handle securities class actions, but are merely middlemen that refer clients or partner with law firms that actually litigate the cases. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm has achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar. Many of the firm’s attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers.

DETAILS OF THE CASE: According to the lawsuit, the IPO Registration Statement was negligently prepared and, as a result, contained untrue statements of material fact or omitted to state other facts necessary to make the statements made not misleading and were not prepared in accordance with the rules and regulations governing their preparation. Specifically, the IPO Registration Statement made inaccurate statements of material fact because they failed to disclose the following adverse facts that existed at the time of the IPO: (1) as Riskified expanded its user base, the quality of Riskified’s machine learning platform had deteriorated (rather than improved as represented in the Registration Statement), because of, among other things, inaccuracies in the algorithms associated with onboarding new merchants and entering new geographies and industries; (2) Riskified had expanded its customer base into industries with relatively high rates of fraud – including partnerships with cryptocurrency and remittance business – in which Riskified had limited experience and that this expansion has negatively impacted the effectiveness of Riskified’s machine learning platform; (3) as a result, Riskified was suffering from materially higher chargebacks and cost of revenue and depressed gross profits and gross profit margins during its third fiscal quarter of 2021; and (4) thus, the Registration Statement’s representations regarding Riskified’s historical financial and operational metrics and purported market opportunities did not accurately reflect the actual business, operations, and financial results and trajectory of Riskified prior to and at the time of the IPO, and were materially false and misleading, and lacked a factual basis. When the true details entered the market, the lawsuit claims that investors suffered damages.

To join the Riskified class action, go to https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=5896 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email pkim@rosenlegal.com or cases@rosenlegal.com for information on the class action.

No Class Has Been Certified. Until a class is certified, you are not represented by counsel unless you retain one. You may select counsel of your choice. You may also remain an absent class member and do nothing at this point. An investor’s ability to share in any potential future recovery is not dependent upon serving as lead plaintiff.

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Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Contact Information:

        Laurence Rosen, Esq.
Phillip Kim, Esq.
The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 686-1060
Toll Free: (866) 767-3653
Fax: (212) 202-3827