International Collaboration to Improve Cancer Care in Sub-Saharan Africa Focuses on Resources for Children’s Cancers

ACC, NCCN, ACS, and CHAI collaborate to launch new NCCN Harmonized Guidelines for Sub-Saharan Africa focused on pediatric cancers; available free at .

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania and PLYMOUTH MEETING, Pa., Dec. 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®)—an alliance of leading cancer centers in the United States—is working on new NCCN Harmonized Guidelines™ for Sub-Saharan Africa, in collaboration with the African Cancer Coalition (ACC), the American Cancer Society (ACS), and the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI). The organizations are part of Allied Against Cancer, a global multi-sector effort to improve resource-stratified access to life-saving cancer care in Sub-Saharan Africa. These harmonized guidelines build on the successful implementation of evidence-based, expert consensus context-appropriate recommendations for managing nearly all adult cancers across more than a dozen countries throughout the region. The groups recently reunited in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to launch four additional NCCN Harmonized Guidelines™ specifically focused on best practices for treating children with cancer.

Representatives from ACC, NCCN, ACS, and CHAI in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. New NCCN Harmonized Guidelines for Sub-Saharan Africa are now available at

NCCN Harmonized Guidelines™ use color-coded recommendations for optimal cancer care in high-resource settings alongside pragmatic modifications for effective treatment options in low- and mid-resource settings. The guidelines are established in collaboration with local health ministries, providers, and advocates, and are based on the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®)—a recognized standard for clinical direction and policy in cancer management worldwide. NCCN Harmonized Guidelines™ for Sub-Saharan Africa are available for free at or via the Virtual Library of NCCN Guidelines®App.

“With approximately 90% of childhood cancers occurring in low- to middle-income countries (LMICs), the need for harmonized treatment guidelines for Sub-Saharan Africa for this unique population is paramount,” said Dr. Edith Matsikidze, Oncologist at Parirenyatwa Hospital in Zimbabwe and Member of the African Cancer Coalition. “The collaborations between African experts working together with experts from NCCN will greatly contribute towards standard treatment practices across the African continent. The NCCN Harmonized Guidelines have come at the right time, as we work towards achieving the Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer (GICC) goal of at least a 60% survival rate for childhood cancer in LMICs. The implementation of affordable, available, high-impact, and evidence-based interventions—as outlined in these guidelines—is a pragmatic solution that I would recommend for immediate adoption.”NCCN Logo (C)NCCN(R) 2018. All rights reserved.

The new pediatric guidelines will cover:

  • Pediatric B-cell lymphomas (aka non-Hodgkin lymphomas, and including Burkitt lymphoma)
  • Pediatric central nervous system (CNS) cancers
  • Pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma
  • Wilms tumor

These add to 51 existing NCCN Harmonized Guidelines™ for Sub-Saharan Africa providing best practice cancer treatment recommendations for more than 95% of all adult cancer incidence in the region, including breast, prostate, and cervical cancers. Treatment Guidelines for pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia as well as supportive care guidelines (e.g. adult cancer pain, survivorship, smoking cessation) were published previously.

“Children everywhere should receive the best possible treatment based on the latest evidence and all available resources,” said Jamie Flerlage, MD, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Chair of the NCCN Guidelines Panel for Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma. “Some children’s cancers, such as Burkitt lymphoma, are more common in Africa than the United States. This initiative allows for a collaborative approach to help pediatric patients, while also learning from expert care providers across the sub-Saharan region.”

Dr. Flerlage was joined in Tanzania by:

  • Anita Mahajan, MD, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center, Vice-Chair, NCCN Guidelines Panel for Pediatric Central Nervous System Cancers
  • Al B. Benson III, MD, FACP, FACCC, FASCO, Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, Chair, NCCN Guidelines Panels for Colon/Rectal/Anal/Small Bowel Cancers and Hepatobiliary Cancers

NCCN Harmonized Guidelines™ for Sub-Saharan Africa first debuted in November of 2017, during the biennial African Organisation for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC) conference in Kigali, Rwanda. They have been officially endorsed in Ethiopia, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.

Learn more about NCCN’s collaborative work to define and advance high-quality, high-value, patient-centered cancer care globally at

About the National Comprehensive Cancer Network

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®) is a not-for-profit alliance of leading cancer centers devoted to patient care, research, and education. NCCN is dedicated to improving and facilitating quality, effective, equitable, and accessible cancer care so all patients can live better lives.

Media Contact:
Rachel Darwin

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‫ماج توقع إتفاقية مع “كوين مينا” لتسهيل معاملات شراء العقارات بالعملات الرقمية

–  يهدف المطور العقاري إلى توفير طرق جديدة للمستثمرين لتنويع محافظهم الاستثمارية عبر العملات الرقمية، والمساهمة في تعزيز اقتصاد دبي المزدهر

  دبي – الإمارات العربية المتحدة

15 ديسمبر / كانون أول 2022

/PRNewswire/ —

  أعلنت ماج، المطور العقاري الرائد في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، عن توقيع إتفاقية مع “كوين مينا”، منصة تداول العملات الرقمية الرائدة في الوطن العربي. وتهدف الاتفاقية إلى تسهيل عمليات شراء العقارات باستخدام العملات الرقمية، والمساهمة في تسريع نمو اقتصاد دبي الجديد. وبموجب هذه الإتفاقية، سيقبل المطور العملتين الرقميتين المستقرتين USDT و USDC.

وتعدّ “كوين مينا”، التي تتخذ في مملكة البحرين مقراً لها، منصة منظمة ومرخصة من قبل بنك البحرين المركزي كمزود لخدمات العملات الرقمية من الفئة الثالثة. ومن خلال إتاحة المجال أمام المستثمرين الأفراد والمؤسسات لربط حساباتهم البنكية مع محافظ “كوين مينا” مباشرة، تتيح المنصة للمستخدمين خيارات الاستثمار في العملات الرقمية.

وقال طلال موفق القداح ، النائب التنفيذي الأول لرئيس مجلس الإدارة في ماج : “يسعدنا توق ي ع هذه ال إتفاقية مع “كوين مينا” لقبول العملات الرقمية من خلال منصتها المتطورة. ومن منطلق حرصنا على تحقيق المزيد من التطور، فإننا نواكب الآليات السائدة في السوق حالياً، والعمل على تلبية المتطلبات الفائقة لمستثمرينا الكرام الذين يتطلعون إلى تحويل مكاسبهم المربحة إلى أصول ملموسة باستخدام العملات الرقمية. ولن ندخر جهداً لدعم التقدم في الاقتصاد الرقمي للإمارة وتعزيز مكانتها العالمية البارزة لتحفيز قطاع دبي العقاري”.

وفي نفس السياق، أفاد مؤسسا “كوين مينا”، طلال الطبّاع ودينا سمعان، في بيان مشترك لهما: “يُسعدنا الإعلان عن توقيع إتفاقية   مع ماج، أحد أكبر مطوري العقارات في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. وتؤكد هذه ال إتفاقية   على تنامي تبني العملات الرقمية كوسيلة تبادل للقيمة تُستخدم لشراء الأصول على أرض الواقع”.

نبذة عن كوين مينا

شركة كوين مينا التي تتخذ في مملكة البحرين مقراً لها هي منصة تداول عملات رقمية خاضعة للتنظيم والترخيص من قبل بنك البحرين المركزي كمزود لخدمات العملات الرقمية من الفئة الثالثة. تسعى كوين مينا إلى تمكين المستثمرين المتمرسين والجدد في الوطن العربي الذين يرغبون في الاستفادة من خيارات الاستثمار البديلة وغير التقليدية، وذلك من خلال منحهم فرصة المشاركة في الاقتصاد الرقمي الجديد. من خلال كوين مينا، يمكن للمستخدمين شراء العملات الرقمية وبيعها وتخزينها بأمان وموثوقية، بالإضافة إلى إمكانية الإيداع والسحب بعملتهم المحلية. تهدف كوين مينا إلى أن تكون منصّة تداول العملات الرقميّة الأكثر سهولة وسلاسة وموثوقيّة في المنطقة بفضل الرسوم التنافسية والسيولة العالية التي تقدّمها والنهج التعليميّ الذي تتبعه.

‫لعبة Play Together من هيغن تحتفل بموسم الأعياد بميزات جديدة

–  استمتع بوقتك على جزيرة ثلجية في Play Together”

–  تمت إضافة فعاليات الشتاء وحدث الحضور

–  عروض مفاجئة في قاعة حفلات بلازا وغيرها الكثير

سيئول، كوريا الجنوبية, 15 ديسمبر / كانون أول 2022/PRNewswire/ — أعلن الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة ألعاب الهواتف النقالة  Haegin (هيغن) لي يونغ إيل أن اللاعبين يمكن أن يتوقعوا عيد ميلاد أبيضا في لعبة الشبكة الاجتماعية غير الرسمية للهاتف الجوال Play Together في عيد الميلاد هذا العام!

Haegin's Play Together in winter!

تبدأ لعبة Play Together تحديثها الرئيسي بجزيرة كايا المغطاة بالثلوج، حيث يقدم رجل الثلج أن بي سي وشجرة الأمنيات بجزيرة كايا في السوق الصغير.

قم بإلغاء المهام بواسطة رجل الثلج واستلم عملات Snowflake التي يمكنك استخدامها للحصول على عناصر متنوعة ذات طابع ثلجي.  ويتوفر زي رجل الثلج التينسي أيضًا كجائزة إضافية.

وسيجري حدث “الحضور الشتوي المجمد” خلال فصل الشتاء، مما يمنح أولئك الذين يسجلون الدخول إلى اللعبة فرصة للفوز بالعناصر الزخرفية والجواهر وتذاكر رسم السمات وغير ذلك الكثير.  أكد حضورك لمدة 14 يومًا متتاليًا واحصل على نسخة محدودة من بيضة “بالون دوغو” على هيئة سانتا.

وفي الوقت نفسه، ستضفي قاعة بلازا للحفلات الموسيقية في جزيرة كايا قدرا أكبر من الحيوية هذا الشتاء مع “مهرجان لالالا الموسيقي.”  ستقام عروض مفاجئة من الفرق المستقلة الكورية في أوقات معينة، وسيحصل من يأتون لرؤيتها على الجوائز.  سيتم الإعلان عن تفاصيل حول القائمة المحددة والمهام ذات الصلة قريبًا.

وستحتفل شركة كي بي باكوبن بافتتاح طابقها الثاني الجديد.  ستتم إضافة محتوى جديد، مثل اللعبة المصغرة “ Cash Or Not Cash” ، حيث تحتاج إلى معرفة ما إذا كان المال حقيقيًا أم مزيفًا، واختبار OX .  لدى مطبخ كورينو مجموعة جديدة من المهام المعدة أيضًا.  أخيرًا، حاول البحث عن تأثيرات متألقة “خاصة” منتشرة في جميع أنحاء البلازا واحصل على مؤثرات خاصة.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول المحتوى القادم لـ ” Play Together” ، يرجى زيارة المنتدى الرسمي ) أو صفحة الفيسبوك الرسمية ( ).

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Haegin’s “Play Together” Celebrates the Holidays with New Features

– Have fun on a snowy island in “Play Together”

– Winter Missions and Attendance Event added

– Surprise performances at the Plaza’s Concert Hall, and many more

SEOUL, South Korea, Dec. 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Mobile game company, Haegin (CEO Lee Young-il), announced that players could expect a white Christmas within the mobile casual social network game “Play Together” this Christmas!

Haegin's Play Together in winter!

“Play Together” starts its major update with a snow-covered Kaia Island, introducing NPC Snowman and the Kaia Island Wishing Tree at the Plaza.

Clear missions by Snowman and receive Snowflake Coins that you can trade in for various snow-themed items. The Teensy Snowman costume is also available as an additional reward.

And the “Freezing Winter Attendance” event will be happening during the winter season, giving those who log into the game a chance to win decorative items, Gems, Theme Draw Tickets, and many more. Check your attendance for 14 consecutive days and receive a limited edition Santa-themed “Balloon Doggo” egg.

Meanwhile, Kaia Island’s Plaza Concert Hall will liven up this winter even more with the “Lalala Music Festival.” Surprise performances from Korean indie bands will be happening at certain times, and those who come to see them will receive rewards. Details on the setlist and related quests will be announced soon.

“KB Bukopin” celebrates the opening of its brand new second floor. New content will be added, such as the minigame “Cash Or Not Cash,” where you need to figure out if the money is real or phony, and an OX quiz. Koreno Kitchen has a new set of missions prepared as well. Lastly, try looking for “special” sparkling effects spread throughout the Plaza and receive special effects.

For more information about the upcoming content for “Play Together,” please visit the official forum ( or the official Facebook page (

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CGTN: How China strengthens vaccine cooperation to battle COVID-19

BEIJING, Dec. 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the world has raced against time, battling the pandemic as it wreaked havoc across the globe. Developing safe and effective vaccines is one of the most crucial steps in the fight against the virus.

For the last nearly three years, China has made strides in its COVID-19 vaccine research and taken concrete steps toward fulfilling its commitment to making the vaccines a global public good.

China at the forefront of vaccine research

In January 2020, Chinese researchers quickly revealed the full genome sequence of the virus after the first epidemic outbreak at the end of 2019. The decision to make the data public was praised by global scientists.

Jeremy Farrar, a medical researcher and director at Wellcome Trust, a London-based charitable foundation on health research, described it as a “potentially really important moment in global public health-must be celebrated” in a tweet.

In March 2020, the adenovirus vector vaccine developed by a team led by Chinese military medical scientist Chen Wei became the first vaccine in China approved to enter clinical trials.

After the first phase of trials was completed, the second phase of trials started in April. At that time, China’s COVID-19 vaccine was the first in the world to enter the second phase of clinical trials, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Other COVID-19 vaccine research had been carried out concurrently, including the inactivated vaccine developed by the China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm) and the inactive one from Beijing-based pharmaceutical company Sinovac.

As the virus keeps mutating, China has continued to advance its vaccine research over the past three years. As of October 2022, at least 46 COVID-19 vaccines were being tested in human trials domestically and over 20 in overseas clinical trials.

Among them, three inactivated monovalent vaccines for Omicron variants were being tested for sequential immunization on the Chinese mainland, in Hong Kong and in the United Arab Emirates.

Efforts to strengthen global vaccine cooperation

China’s vaccines have played a crucial role in the global response to the pandemic, offering countries more choices amid the vaccine divide across the globe.

In May 2021, the WHO listed the Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use. It was the first Chinese vaccine officially recognized by the WHO and the sixth vaccine approved for emergency use globally.

The WHO included the vaccine on the emergency use list for its “safety, efficacy and quality,” said the WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, at a press briefing.

In the following month, another inactive vaccine produced by Sinovac got approval from the WHO for emergency use.

Compared with other vaccines made by Moderna and Pfizer during that time, the inactive vaccine from China had an advantage: It can be stored and transported in a standard refrigerator at 2-8 degrees Celsius. It is particularly suitable for developing countries with inadequate vaccine storage and transportation facilities to store large amounts of vaccines at low temperatures.

In May 2022, the CONVIDECIA COVID-19 vaccine developed by Chinese developer CanSino Biologics was given the green light by the WHO for emergency use. It was the third Chinese vaccine after Sinopharm and Sinopec certified by WHO Emergency Use Listing.

“The world desperately needs multiple COVID-19 vaccines to address the huge access inequity across the globe,” said Dr Mariangela Simao, WHO assistant director-general for access to health products, in a news release in June 2021.

She also urged manufacturers to participate in the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) scheme, a worldwide initiative that aims to ensure equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines for rich and poor countries alike to bring the pandemic under control.

Since China joined COVAX in October 2020, it has continuously offered vaccine aid to less developed countries. In August 2021, China pledged to provide 2 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses to the world throughout 2021 and offered $100 million to COVAX.

“We welcome this contribution from China, which will enable further access to COVID-19 vaccines for the most at risk in low- and middle-income countries,” said Dr Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.

Other measures include $ 2 billion in international aid from China to help developing countries respond to the impact of COVID-19 and building a cooperation mechanism for Chinese hospitals to pair up with 30 African hospitals.

As of May 2022, China had provided anti-epidemic materials to 153 countries and 15 international organizations, including 2.2 billion doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. The country also sent medical expert groups to 34 countries and shared its experience in epidemic response with more than 180 countries and international organizations.

People-first in China’s anti-pandemic strategy

Since the onset of the pandemic, China has regarded protecting people and their lives as a top priority, no matter whether they are at home or abroad.

As of December 7, 2022, approximately 3.45 billion vaccine jabs had been administered nationwide. Over 228 million people over 60 received full vaccination, accounting for 86 percent of the total population in that age group.

Overseas Chinese nationals were also offered COVID-19 vaccines. Within three months after China rolled out the “Spring Sprout” vaccine program in March 2021, more than 1.18 million overseas Chinese in over 150 countries had been inoculated with Chinese or foreign vaccines.

The Chinese government extended the coverage of the inoculation program to foreign citizens living in China by giving Chinese vaccines to foreign nationals of eligible age and providing timely treatment to those infected with COVID-19. The country also adjusted the prevention and control measures for foreign nationals entering China.

The First All-Civilian Mission to Fly Around the Moon Aboard SpaceX’s StarShip

Yusaku Maezawa Announces Eight Crewmembers aboard Starship Lunar Mission

NEW YORK, Dec. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Yusaku Maezawa (CEO, Start Today, Inc.) announced that 8 crew members and 2 backup crew members have been selected for “dearMoon,” the first all-civilian project to fly around the Moon aboard Starship, a rocket being developed by SpaceX.

In March 2021, Maezawa, put out a call on the official dearMoon websitefor the opportunity of going to space to more diverse talents, and received more than 1 million applications from 249 countries and regions.

The 8 crew members will fly around the Moon for approximately 7 days with Maezawa and return to Earth.

The primary crew is:

  • Steve Aoki: 2x-GRAMMY nominated music producer, artist, fashion designer and entrepreneur
  • Rhiannon Adam: Photographic artist
  • Tim Dodd: Content creator, photographer, videographer, and musician. Host of YouTube Channel “Everyday Astronaut”
  • Yemi A.D.: Multi-disciplinary creative force, social innovator, and choreographer
  • Brendan Hall: Documentary filmmaker
  • Karim Iliya: Photographer and filmmaker
  • TOP / Choi Seung Hyun: Musician, award winning film actor, and avid art collector
  • Dev D. Joshi: Professional actor and social media influencer

There are two backup crew members, US Olympic gold medal snowboarder Kaitlyn Farrington and Japanese dancer and choreographer Miyu.

Maezawa fulfilled his dream of going to space by staying on the International Space Station (ISS) in December 2021. His next challenge is this first all-civilian trip around the Moon in the history of mankind.

“We received applications from about one million people from all around the world… [The crew] are all fantastic people,” shared Maezawa.  “There isn’t a set task for each of them, but I hope each crewmember will recognize the responsibility that comes with leaving the Earth… They will gain a lot from this experience, and I hope they will use that to contribute to the planet, to humanity.”

“The entire SpaceX team is excited for these extraordinary people to join the dearMoon mission,” said Jessica Jensen, SpaceX Vice President of Customer Operations & Integration. “We look forward to flying this crew of artists, content creators, and athletes from all around the world who will travel within 200 km of the lunar surface as they complete a full journey around the Moon before safely returning to Earth.”