A Graphenea lança a subsidiária de produtos químicos especiais KIVORO

Quality Control

Analysis of a specialty chemical

SAN SEBASTIAN, Espanha, Dec. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Graphenea S.A., líder mundial na produção de grafeno, lançou uma empresa subsidiária. A KIVORO é uma empresa química especializada, focada na criação de soluções para desafios industriais.

Vamos mais rápido! O slogan da KIVORO refere-se à agilidade e rapidez na colaboração com a empresa e, em conjunto com sua abordagem “keep-it-simple”, eles estão dando nova vida ao setor de produtos químicos especializados. Jeremey Shipp, Diretor de Vendas da KIVORO salienta: “Estamos trabalhando em desafios industriais complicados, mas não temos dificuldades para lidar com eles. Entendemos que nossos clientes estão em busca de soluções, não de problemas, e somos uma organização direta e ágil”.

Quality Control

Conducting quality control analysis

A KIVORO vai além do grafeno, comenta o CEO Jesús de la Fuente: “A KIVORO foi criada para podermos comercializar nossas soluções industriais atuais e irmos além do grafeno”. Naturalmente manteremos nossa experiência líder em carbono e nanomateriais, mas estamos firmemente focados no desenvolvimento das especialidades químicas corretas para os desafios industriais de nossos clientes, a fim de trazer eficiências operacionais e reduzir as emissões”.

Specialty Chemical Production

Head of Production, Xabier Ulacia overseeing production

A KIVORO trabalha com muitas indústrias de construção, revestimentos, filtragem, compósitos e outras. Eles desenvolveram vários aditivos de alto desempenho que vão desde seu aditivo para cimento até o armazenamento de energia, compósitos, adesivos, látex de borracha, revestimentos e muito mais. Uma das realizações de que eles mais se orgulham é seu status de emissões líquidas zero, comentou o CEO Jesús de la Fuente: “Somos implacáveis em nossa busca de melhorias para alcançar grandes resultados com um impacto positivo no desempenho e no planeta. Todos os nossos produtos são neutros em carbono e, na maioria dos casos, nossos produtos permitem que nossos clientes melhorem sua pegada de carbono e economizem dinheiro”.

Kivoro Plant

Specialty chemical production plant

Sobre a Graphenea
A Graphenea é uma empresa de tecnologia criada em 2010 especializada na produção de grafeno, tem clientes em mais de 60 países e escritórios em San Sebastián (Espanha) e Boston (EUA). A Graphenea auxilia seus clientes produzindo novas formas de grafeno, desde transistores de efeito de campo de grafeno até óxidos de grafeno, e mantendo sua liderança no setor de produção de grafeno em expansão.

Sobre a KIVORO
A KIVORO é uma subsidiária da Graphenea e é o resultado de muitos anos de trabalho no setor de aditivos e nanotecnologia, onde eles acumularam um extenso know-how e conhecimento intersetorial na área de produtos químicos especializados. A KIVORO foi criada para melhorar e agregar valor aos produtos dos clientes, projetando o melhor aditivo químico para sua aplicação.

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Kivoro Plant

Specialty chemical production plant

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Graphenea lance KIVORO, sa compagnie dérivée spécialisée dans les produits chimiques

Quality Control

Analysis of a specialty chemical

SAINT-SÉBASTIEN, Espagne, 18 déc. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Graphenea S.A., un des leaders dans la production mondiale de graphène, vient de lancer une entreprise dérivée. KIVORO est une société spécialisée dans les produits chimiques qui se concentre sur la création de solutions pour les défis de niveau industriel.

Let’s go faster! (Avançons plus vite !) Le slogan de KIVORO fait référence à la flexibilité et à la rapidité des collaborations que propose l’entreprise. Avec son slogan et son approche « de simplicité », KIVORO donne un nouveau souffle au secteur des produits chimiques spécialisés. Jeremey Shipp, directeur commercial chez KIVORO, mentionne : « Nous travaillons sur des défis industriels complexes, mais nous ne sommes pas un partenaire compliqué. Nous comprenons que nos clients sont à la recherche de solutions, pas de problèmes, et nous sommes une organisation directe et flexible. »

Quality Control

Conducting quality control analysis

KIVORO ne se confine pas au graphène, commente Jesús de la Fuente, PDG : « KIVORO a été conçue pour nous permettre de commercialiser nos solutions industrielles actuelles et de proposer plus que du graphène. Nous maintiendrons naturellement notre expertise de premier plan dans le domaine du carbone et des nanomatériaux, mais nous nous concentrons résolument sur le développement de produits chimiques spécialisés adaptés aux défis industriels de nos clients permettant d’obtenir des gains d’efficacité opérationnelle et de réduire les émissions. »

KIVORO travaille avec de nombreuses industries telles que la construction, les revêtements, la filtration, les composites, et bien d’autres encore. La compagnie a développé plusieurs additifs de haute performance, de leur exhausteur de ciment au stockage d’énergie, en passant par les composites, les adhésifs, les latex de caoutchouc, ou encore les revêtements, et plus encore. L’une des réussites de la compagnie dont KIVORO est la plus fière est son statut net zéro, et Jesús de la Fuente, PDG, a commenté « Nous sommes infatigables dans notre quête d’améliorations permettant d’obtenir d’excellents résultats présentant un impact positif sur les performances et la planète. Tous nos produits sont neutres en carbone. Dans la plupart des cas, nos produits permettent même à nos clients d’améliorer leur empreinte carbone tout en économisant de l’argent. »

Specialty Chemical Production

Head of Production, Xabier Ulacia overseeing production

À propos de Graphenea
Graphenea est une entreprise de technologie créée en 2010 et spécialisée dans la production de graphène. La compagnie compte des clients dans plus de 60 pays et a des bureaux à San Sebastián (Espagne) et Boston (États-Unis). Graphenea accompagne ses clients par la production de nouvelles formes de graphène, que ce soit des transistors à effet de champ en graphène ou des oxydes de graphène, et conserve son leadership dans le secteur en expansion de la production de graphène.

À propos de KIVORO
KIVORO est l’entreprise dérivée de Graphenea, et est l’aboutissement de nombreuses années de travail dans le secteur des additifs et des nanotechnologies avec le développement d’un savoir-faire et d’une expertise croisés étendus de l’industrie chimique spécialisée. KIVORO a été créée pour améliorer et valoriser les produits de ses clients, et concevoir le meilleur additif chimique pour leur application.

Kivoro Plant

Specialty chemical production plant


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Kivoro Plant

Specialty chemical production plant


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‫إنوكين تبرز كأكبر فائز في جوائز إشيكليك 2022 

شركة إنوكين المصنعة للسجائر الإلكترونية تمثل نهاية قوية للعام 2022 بفضل الاعتراف بها في حفل جوائز الصناعة المرموقة

لندن، 19 كانون الأول/ديسمبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — تستضيف شركة إشيكليك أكبر وأطول حدث للجوائز عبر الإنترنت في صناعة السجائر الإلكترونية. جدير بالذكر أنه يُنظر إلى جوائز إشيكليك، التي بدأ تظيمها منذ العام 2013، على أنها مؤشر قوي على ثقة المستهلك في الصناعة وأصبح الفائزون السابقون بجوائزها من العلامات التجارية الرائدة.

حتى الآن، كان عام 2022 عامًا كبيرًا آخر لناحية الجوائزالتي فازت بها إنوكين، حيث فازت في ثلاث فئات في جوائز VapingPost 2022 ، وفازت بجائزة “أكبر ابتكار اختراقي” في حفل توزيع جوائز Golden Leaf للعام 2022 وحصلت على جائزة Best Pod في معرض فيب إكسبو بإسبانيا عن جهاز Klypse الأكثر مبيعًا.

وكانت جوائز إشيكليك 2022 أكثر مراحل الترشيح نجاحًا لـ إنوكين حتى الآن، حيث حصلت على ترشيحات في 12 فئة، مما يشير إلى وجود قاعدة عملاء متفاعلة.

والآن، أنهت إنوكين العام برصيد قياسي من ثماني جوائز إشيكليك بصورة إجمالية، بما في ذلك أربع جوائز للمركز الأول. فقد حصلت إنوكين على المركز الأول في فئة Best Pod Vape على جهازها Klypse ، والمركز الأول في فئة Best Tank : MTL على Zlide Top tank ، والمركز الأول في فئة Best Vape Pen على Endura T18X والمركز الأول في فئة أفضل RBA على Ares 2 RTA .

بالإضافة إلى مرتبة الشرف الأولى، تم منح إنوكين المركز الثاني في فئة “الأفضل للمبتدئين” على جهاز Klypse ، إلى جانب “أفضل علامة تجارية للتدخين الإلكتروني” بشكل عام. تعكس جائزتان فرديتان لإنوكين على Klypse في فئتي Best Pod Vape و Best For Beginners نجاح الجهاز في الأسواق العالمية الكبرى.

وفازت إنوكين أيضًا على جوائز المركز الثالث في فئتي Best Pod System و Best Vape Mod على Scepter 2 و Coolfire Z60 على التوالي.

تعتبر هذه النتائج بمثابة دفعة لـ إنوكين، التي حصلت على تقدير كبير في العام 2022. فقد أصبح نظام إنوكين Klypse pod من أكثر أجهزة التدخين الإلكتروني مبيعًا على مستوى العالم منذ إطلاقه في وقت سابق من العام، وقد أشاد به المستهلكون لكونه موثوقًا، ويباع بأسعار معقولة، فضلا عن كونه جهازا صديقا للمستخدم.

رداً على الفوز بالجوائز، قال المؤسس المشارك لـ إنوكين، جورج شيا: “إنه لشرف كبير أن أتلقى هذا المستوى من التقدير من مثل هذا الحدث المرموق. مكانتنا كأفضل مبتكر تقني في صناعة السجائر الإلكترونية هي الدافع وراء كل مشروع من مشاريعنا.”

مع اقتراب العام الجديد، تحتفل إنوكين بالانتصار في العام 2022 بإصدار نسخة خاصة من جهاز Klypse الأكثر مبيعًا. تخطط علامة التدخين الإلكتروني التجارية أيضًا لزيادة الاستثمار في البحث والتطوير لابتكار تقنيات تدخين إلكتروني على مدى العام 2023.

 يمكنك معرفة المزيد عن منتجات وحملات إنوكين https://www.innokin.com/?utm_source=press+release&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=Ecigclick+Awards+2022

  رابط الصورة: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1970394/178e5fc9b2071af346db6b4df26c7bf.jpg

CGTN: China to continue promoting the adoption of ‘post-2020 biodiversity framework’

BEIJING, Dec. 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The high-level segment of the second part of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) concluded in Montreal, Canada, on Saturday.

The meeting has played a very important role in promoting the negotiation process of the COP15, said Huang Runqiu, COP15 president and China’s minister of ecology and environment.

“China will continue to play its role while holding the COP15 presidency to help form synergy from all parties, close gaps and build consensus to reach an ambitious, realistic and balanced framework that the international community has been expecting,” he added.

“We must work together to promote harmonious co-existence between man and Nature, build a community of all life on the Earth, and create a clean and beautiful world for us all,” said Chinese President Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the high-level segment earlier on Thursday.

According to Huang, the address made by Xi is inspirational to the negotiators. A total of 190 representatives made active contributions to the development of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. They expressed a strong political will to reach an adoption and implementation of it.

China has promoted ecological progress and biodiversity protection. “We have found a path of biodiversity protection with Chinese characteristics,” Xi said.

On December 13, the United Nations has recognized China’s “Shan-Shui Initiative” to restore 10 million hectares of ecosystems across the country as one of 10 pioneering projects to preserve the nature. The initiative honored as World Restoration Flagship. This ambitious initiative combines 75 large-scale projects, from mountains to coastal estuaries, across the world’s most populous nation.

Since the beginning of the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020), China has implemented 44 projects of “Shan-Shui Initiative,” and completed ecological protection and restoration of more than 3.5 million hectares.

According to the white paper on Biodiversity Conservation, China has set up 10 pilot programs for the national park system since 2015, covering an area of 2.2 million hectares. A variety of endangered species, such as giant pandas and Tibetan antelopes, are well protected in the area. Besides, China has established nearly 10,000 nature reserves, accounting for about 18 percent of the total land area.

So far, nearly 200 botanical gardens and 250 wildlife rescue and breeding bases were established, with approximately 23,000 plant species and over 60 endangered animal species preserved.

In the future, China will continue to advance ecological progress, and plan its development in the context of promoting harmonious co-existence between man and Nature, Xi said.


Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1970844/image_1.jpg

Hisense Global Partner Conference: To Be the Top Player

QINGDAO, China, Dec. 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — On December 18th, the final day of FIFA World Cup 2022™, Hisense Global Partner Conference successfully landed in Qatar. Its global partners joined together for this event to prepare for their journey to a new stage of development. Meanwhile, Mr. Jian Zhou, Chinese Ambassador to the State of Qatar and Mr. Nick Brown, FIFA SVP-Commercial Partnerships, also attended the event, and each sent their warmest wishes for the success of the conference.

Dr. Lan Lin, Chairman of Hisense

Hisense Struck Gold in Global Markets

Dr. Lan Lin, Chairman of Hisense, delivered a speech entitled To Be the Top Player at the conference. In his speech, Dr. Lin delightedly announced Hisense’s unprecedented visibility as an official sponsor during this tournament and spotlighted its steady growth in the past four years.

According to Dr. Lin, Hisense’s overall strength and competitiveness have reached a new level, with its sales revenue preliminarily estimated to increase from US$18.1 billion in 2018 to US$27 billion this year. Besides, the B2B industry has also gradually become a new growth sector for Hisense’s international business, which has increased Hisense’s brand awareness at a compound annual growth rate of 10%, according to Ipsos. Another highlight of Hisense’s achievements lies in its enhanced operation capability. By incorporating the local culture and Hisense management philosophy, Hisense has successfully built 66 overseas companies, 23 R&D centers and 31 production bases, striking gold in the global markets.

Hisense Upholding its Dedication to Globalization

To further stimulate Hisense’s global development, Dr. Lin also presented three visions for Hisense’s future in the next years. One of its major goals is to bring Hisense’s brand image to a much higher level by increasing its global brand index above 100 within three years. As Dr. Lin said, only by enhancing its brand image can Hisense grow as a name brand and secure its sustainable development. For this, Hisense will strengthen its investment in products to polish their functionality and performance.Hisense, Official Sponsor of the FIFA World Cup 2022™

Besides, to better follow the trend of the world, Hisense will also be determined to consolidate its global growth by setting a second growth curve, and as Dr. Lin emphasized, this business should focus on two words: smart and green, which signifies that Hisense will move forward with its “Smart Home” Strategy and advance their sustainable and low-carbon development.

Last but not least, Dr. Lin proposed that Hisense would improve itself to be the best company it can be. Hisense will develop a new growth strategy by attracting the best talents to produce the best products.

The Global Partner Conference looked back on Hisense’s path of globalization, demonstrated its latest display technology, and shared its goals with all partners. For the years ahead, Hisense will step up its effort to establish itself as an international brand by increasing its brand price index, advancing its sustainable development, and continuing its restructuring, with an aim to be the top player in this field.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1970799/Dr_Lan_Lin_Chairman_Hisense.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1970800/Hisense_Official_Sponsor_FIFA_World_Cup_2022.jpg