De la vie intérieure au monde extérieur : comment les femmes de la génération Z sont investies dans les études commerciales

Une enquête révèle que l’intérêt pour le secteur de la technologie stagne pour la carrière post-scolaire tandis que les États-Unis continuent d’attirer des talents mondiaux grâce à une mobilité qui rebondit 

RESTON, Virginie, 11 avr. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Les personnes qui réfléchissent à retourner vers les écoles de commerce sont plus intéressées par le fait d’enrichir leur vie plutôt que d’augmenter leurs revenus, selon une enquête réalisée auprès des étudiants potentiels du programme d’études supérieures en management (GME) publiée par le Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), une association mondiale représentant les principales écoles de commerce. Soixante-dix-neuf pour cent des étudiants potentiels dans le monde entier sont motivés pour poursuivre un GME afin d’améliorer leur vie et de développer leur potentiel (15 points de pourcentage de plus que le deuxième meilleur facteur de motivation, à savoir l’augmentation des revenus).

Par ailleurs, les femmes, la génération Y, les candidats américains sous-représentés et les étudiants potentiels de première génération sont tous statistiquement plus susceptibles d’indiquer une préférence de carrière post-GME pour le secteur public ou à but non lucratif, qui a tendance à être plus stable et socialement engagé, bien que moins lucratif que le secteur privé. La génération Z, d’un autre côté, est la plus intéressée à entrer dans le secteur de la finance et de la comptabilité et environ 10 points de pourcentage plus susceptible de citer l’augmentation de ses revenus et l’expansion de ses réseaux comme principaux facteurs de motivation pour poursuivre un GME que ses homologues plus âgés.

« En réponse aux demandes fréquemment reçues de nos écoles, nous avons posé d’autres questions dans notre enquête, car des changements significatifs dans la démographie des étudiants potentiels sont en cours. Il est essentiel de comprendre les candidats de la génération Z (à présent la plus importante génération à s’inscrire aux écoles de commerce), car les programmes prévoient d’étendre plus tard le pipeline », a déclaré Joy Jones, PDG du GMAC. « Nous souhaitons examiner de plus près les tendances parmi les femmes, la première génération et les candidats américains sous-représentés pour doter les écoles des connaissances qui assurent que chaque personne talentueuse puisse bénéficier pour elle des meilleures études commerciales. »

Les programmes de MBA à temps plein restent dominants, tandis que l’expérience en présentiel l’emporte pour la génération Z

Depuis 2019, le MBA sur deux ans a été le programme préféré parmi les candidats à l’échelle mondiale. Cette année, le MBA sur un an l’a surpassé en tant que choix de programme le plus populaire, bien que la différence reste dans la marge d’erreur. Ensemble, le MBA à temps plein de n’importe quelle durée continue de susciter plus d’intérêt que les programmes de MBA et de masters de commerce plus flexibles ou pour cadres.

La génération Z est très intéressée par le MBA sur deux ans, et la génération Y par le MBA sur un an. Bien qu’ayant grandi en tant que native du numérique, la génération Z montre aussi une forte préférence pour les études en présentiel, avec 80 % de la génération Z qui affiche une préférence pour ce mode contre 69 % de la génération Y. Cela pourrait être une indication de la situation de chaque génération dans sa carrière : les candidats plus âgés peuvent disposer de réseaux plus établis ou avoir plus de responsabilités au travail ou à leur domicile, tandis que les candidats plus jeunes sont plus intéressés par l’expansion de leurs réseaux et peuvent avoir plus de facilité à entrer et à sortir d’un GME.

La flexibilité parle aux candidats féminins alors que l’intérêt pour le secteur de la technologie stagne

Il est vrai que la préférence mondiale générale se maintient dans l’enseignement en présentiel. Toutefois, les programmes en ligne (et surtout hybrides) ont percé auprès de groupes plus susceptibles de bénéficier de la flexibilité qu’ils proposent, surtout auprès des candidats féminins, de la première génération et de la génération Y.

« Il ne fait aucun doute que ces programmes jouent un rôle important dans l’équité globale des études supérieures en management, attirant ainsi des candidats qui comptent sur la fourniture de programmes flexibles et ne pourraient autrement pas préparer un diplôme de commerce », a indiqué Anthony Wilbon, doyen de l’école de commerce de l’université Howard et membre du conseil d’administration du GMAC.

Après l’obtention du diplôme, le consulting reste la première industrie post-GME dans toutes les générations et les régions. Pourtant, le changement est peut-être à l’horizon dans le secteur numéro deux (l’industrie de la technologie), au moment où la génération Z montre plus d’intérêt dans la finance et la comptabilité que dans la technologie. Tandis que les données ont été collectées en grande partie avant la récente rétraction de l’industrie de la technologie, les résultats de cette année démontrent des défis sous-jacents avec le pipeline de candidats de l’enseignement diplômant du management intéressés par la technologie : la génération Z, les femmes et les candidats américains sous-représentés sont moins intéressés par ce domaine.

Les États-Unis restent au premier plan des considérations en tant que destination d’études

La COVID-19 a obligé les gens partout dans le monde à rester chez eux, mais les candidats envisagent de nouveau d’étudier à l’étranger. Les étudiants potentiels qui souhaitent étudier en dehors de leur pays d’origine sont en augmentation, surtout en Europe et en Asie/dans les îles du Pacifique comparé à l’année passée : 84 % des candidats provenant d’Asie cherchent à étudier à l’extérieur de leur pays d’origine contre 79 % l’année passée, et 81 % des candidats provenant d’Europe cherchent à étudier à l’extérieur de leur pays d’origine contre 77 % l’année passée.

Les tendances qui poussent les candidats à étudier dans des endroits comme les États-Unis et l’Europe de l’Ouest n’ont pas changé depuis l’année passée. Après avoir perdu la première place pendant un an en 2020, les États-Unis restent la destination d’étude préférée, portés par la réputation et la préparation de carrière perçue, avec 42 % des personnes interrogées indiquant un intérêt, suivis par l’Europe (37 %) et le Canada (9 %). Tandis que les candidats perçoivent les programmes GME aux États-Unis comme plus coûteux que d’autres en Europe, au Canada ou en Australie, les candidats croient également que plus d’aides financières sont disponibles aux États-Unis.

À propos de l’enquête auprès des étudiants potentiels

Depuis plus de dix ans, l’enquête du GMAC auprès des étudiants potentiels fournit aux écoles de commerce du monde entier des informations essentielles sur les processus de décision des personnes qui envisagent de s’inscrire à un programme d’études supérieures en management (GME). Le rapport de synthèse de cette année étudie les données collectées au cours de l’année civile 2022 auprès de 2 710 personnes interrogées dans 131 pays dans le monde entier. Parmi elles, 40 % sont des femmes, 44 % ont moins de 24 ans, 21 % proviennent de la population américaine sous-représentée et 55 % se sont spécialisées dans un domaine non commercial en tant qu’étudiants de premier cycle. L’enquête continue d’examiner les tendances dans le pipeline des candidats, les préférences de programme et les objectifs de carrière, avec de nouvelles questions ajoutées cette année sur les candidats de la première génération, les motivations pour poursuivre des études supérieures en management et les questions sociales, comme la durabilité et la responsabilité sociale des entreprises. Le rapport examine aussi la longévité des tendances de l’éducation en ligne et hybride et la mobilité des candidats dues à la pandémie de COVID-19.

À propos du GMAC

Le Graduate Management Admission Council™ (GMAC™) est une association de prestigieuses écoles supérieures de commerce du monde entier, au service d’une mission. Le GMAC fournit au secteur de l’enseignement supérieur en management des recherches, conférences sectorielles, outils de recrutement et évaluations de classe mondiale, ainsi que des outils, ressources, événements et services qui guident les candidats pendant leur parcours dans l’enseignement supérieur. Propriété du GMAC, qui assure sa gestion, l’examen du Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) est l’évaluation pour école de commerce la plus largement utilisée.

Plus de 12 millions d’étudiants potentiels par an font confiance aux sites Web du GMAC, y compris, pour en savoir plus sur les programmes de MBA et de masters de commerce, contacter les écoles du monde entier, se préparer et s’inscrire aux examens, et obtenir des conseils sur les procédures d’admission aux programmes de MBA et de masters de commerce. BusinessBecause et GMAC Tours sont des filiales du GMAC, une organisation internationale avec des bureaux en Chine, en Inde, à Singapour, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis.

Pour en savoir plus sur notre travail, rendez-vous sur

Contact auprès des médias :

Teresa Hsu
Cadre de direction, Relations avec les médias
Portable : 202-390-4180

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8805887

GlobeNewswire, Notified’s Newswire Distribution Network, Distributed a Record Number of Press Releases in 2022, Resulting in a 16% Increase Over the Last Two Years

Notified Sees Continued Momentum and Provides Best Practices for Press Release Distribution

NEW YORK, April 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Notified, a globally-trusted technology partner for public relations, investor relations, and marketing professionals today announced that GlobeNewswire has seen a 16% increase in press releases distributed by clients over the last two years. This growth is underscored by a recent study conducted in partnership with PRWeek, which found 79% of public relations professionals believe that press releases are a valuable part of the media mix, with 65% reporting that they work on release content ‘extensively.’

As one of the world’s largest newswire distribution networks responsible for securely and reliably delivering mission-critical communications on behalf of more than one-third of the world’s 2,000 largest companies, GlobeNewswire distributes press releases in 150+ countries and 35 languages to drive visibility for key company news and announcements. It consistently receives praise from customers for offering high-quality support, and earned five badges in the G2 Spring Report 2023, for being highly rated by current users.

Last year, in response to the evolving needs of global businesses, GlobeNewswire added three new Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) circuits – covering North America, Europe and the Asia Pacific region. Each circuit includes a comprehensive regional distribution network, plus a carefully curated list of journalists who have a special interest in ESG and corporate social responsibility, as well as trades covering environmental and philanthropic topics.

This year, GlobeNewswire is focused on advancing public relations technology by working hand-in-hand with those that will be using it. Just last month it introduced the first generative AI tool for press release creation offered by a newswire service. To learn more and apply for the GlobeNewswire AI press release generator beta, visit

“GlobeNewswire’s continued growth is proof that the press release isn’t going anywhere – in fact, it’s an absolutely critical communications tool in today’s dynamic business environment for companies to tell their stories,” said Jessica Brown, VP of Marketing, Notified. “For organizations of any size, a press release is an indisputable, single source of truth and is essential to corporate communications strategy. Public Relations pros can gain an advantage by understanding best practices for distribution that directly improve visibility, syndication, and earned media results.”

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by selecting the image or link below:

GlobeNewswire, Notified’s Newswire Distribution Network, Distributed a Record Number of Press Releases in 2022, Resulting in a 16% Increase Over the Last Two Years: Notified Sees Continued Momentum and Provides Best Practices for Press Release Distribution

The following tips, outlined in Notified’s latest eBook, “How to Improve Your Media Outreach in 2023” – provide guidelines for communicators to optimize ROI for press releases:

  • Understand SEO: improve search engine optimization by aligning keywords with messaging and target audience in a natural way. Remember that the first line presented in the press release is what will be viewed in Google search results.
  • Think Like a Journalist: be impartial and tactical with writing to create snappy, easy-to-read press releases – avoid jargon and be sure to lead with newsworthy facts, using quotes and data as proof points.
  • Use Multimedia to Improve Results: create a more comprehensive and engaging press release by including embedded (and downloadable) images, videos, audio clips, graphics, and other media. In the alternate text for images, add keywords or related search terms to increase search results. Use compressed images and standard file extension names such as .jpg or .jpeg and descriptive titles.
  • Leverage Your Online Newsroom: in a challenging media environment, the newsroom serves as a resource of up-to-date, easy to consume content and a source of information that journalists and stakeholders trust.

To learn more about GlobeNewswire, visit:

About Notified
Notified is committed to making it easy for brands to create and share powerful stories with the world. Our suite of world-class, award-winning solutions and our dedicated customer service team are relied upon by more than 10,000 global customers, from growing businesses and public companies to some of the world’s most recognizable brands.

Notified’s solutions help businesses effectively share and amplify their stories—to customers, investors, employees and the media. From press release distribution via GlobeNewswire to earnings calls, IR websites, social listening, media engagement, webinars and digital experiences, Notified has you covered. Notified is a part of West Technology Group, LLC (formerly Intrado Corporation) controlled by affiliates of certain funds managed by Apollo Global Management, Inc. (NYSE: APO). Notified is headquartered in New York, N.Y.

Learn more at or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, or our blog.

Hannah Freedman
Director, Media and Communications

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8805308

[INVNT GROUP]™ and MSM Form Strategic Partnership to Enhance Global Marketing Power of Talent and Brands across Motorsport Industry

New York, NY, April 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — [INVNT GROUP] THE GLOBAL BRANDSTORY PROJECT™ and MSM, the global talent and motorsport agency announce a strategic business partnership offering best-in-class marketing and commercial solutions for talent, brands, and events across motorsports, entertainment and beyond.

With over 40 years of experience and a proven track record of building standout relationships between brands, drivers, teams, and championships at the pinnacle of motorsport, MSM has developed an approach that is tailor-made for clients to unlock their full potential across sponsorship, hospitality, and bespoke events.

MSM specializes in identifying, nurturing, and supporting partnerships for brands and racing talent, providing lifelong value across every facet of the motorsport industry.

Led by Scott Cullather, CEO of INVNT.ATOM and President and CEO of [INVNT GROUP], the GROUP represents a growing portfolio of complementary disciplines designed to help forward thinking brands everywhere, impact the audiences that matter, anywhere, including Lamborghini, Samsung, General Motors, Meta, PepsiCo, Rolls Royce and more. [INVNT GROUP] was recently named Best Global Media Agency by Autocar for the 2023 Automotive Marcomm Awards.

[INVNT GROUP] consists of modern brand strategy firm, Folk Hero; creative-led culture consultancy, Meaning; production studio & creative agency, HEVĒ; events and experiences for colleges and universities, INVNT Higher Ed; digital innovation and Web3 division, INVNT.ATOM; Hypnogram, the creative multimedia experience studio; and INVNT, the original Challenge Everything™ live brand storytelling agency.

“Our partnership with MSM is driven by our commitment to innovation-led brand storytelling across industries including automotive and motorsports, which continue to push culture forward. The MSM team brings a dynamic and historied expertise of the motorsport and entertainment sector. Our global [INVNT GROUP] team strategically leads brands and organizations towards the next frontiers of engagement and community building, activating impactful campaigns at scale. We’re excited to explore the boundless possibilities of this partnership, providing access to and opportunities with world-class experiences and brands,” said Scott Cullather, President & CEO of [INVNT GROUP] and CEO of INVNT.ATOM.

MSM take pride in their longstanding association with the prestigious SCUDERIA FERRARI, the most successful and the most legendary motorsport brand globally, as well as their role as a certified introducer for several teams across Formula 1™, the FIA World Endurance Championship and MotoGP™, granting unique access to next-level commercial opportunities with each brand.

Racing talent currently managed by MSM includes Ferrari stars Giancarlo FISICHELLA, Antonio FUOCO and Antonio GIOVINAZZI. Team partners also include AF CORSE, a leader in the world of Hypercar and GT racing with Ferrari.

“We are thrilled to partner with [INVNT GROUP] and fuse our expertise in motorsport with their innovative portfolio of disciplines, fueling our brand storytelling capabilities across strategy, culture, experiential, digital, and Web3. Combined with the group’s geographic spread across the world – which sync seamlessly with our key regional markets – this collaboration will undoubtedly strengthen our position as the go-to agency for all things motorsport, and we look forward to delivering even greater value and success for our clients,” noted Enrico Zanarini, Founder and CEO of MSM.


[INVNT GROUP] was established as an evolution of the founding global live brand storytelling agency INVNT in 2008, with a vision to provide consistent, meaningful, well-articulated BrandStory across all platforms.

With offices in New York, Sydney, London, Singapore, Dubai, San Francisco, Stockholm, Detroit, and Washington D.C.; headed by President and CEO, Scott Cullather, [INVNT GROUP], THE GLOBAL BRANDSTORY PROJECT represents a growing portfolio of complementary disciplines designed to help forward-thinking organizations everywhere, impact the audiences that matter, anywhere.

The GROUP consists of modern brand strategy firm, Folk Hero; creative-led culture consultancy, Meaning; production studio & creative agency, HEVĒ; events for colleges and universities, INVNT Higher Ed; digital innovation division, INVNT.ATOM; creative multimedia experience studio, Hypnogram; and the original live brand storytelling agency, INVNT.

For more information visit:



MSM is a leader in the world of motorsport and has been fostering standout relationships between brands, drivers, teams and championships for over 40 years.

The team specialises in individual and corporate management, offering clients their expertise across the marketing mix. MSM is active in sponsorship facilitation, commercial opportunity development and execution, client representation, tailored hospitality offerings, and managing bespoke events on and off track.

Having spent four decades in the most innovative sporting environment, MSM has developed an approach that is tailor-made for partners to unlock their full potential.

MSM’s deep insight and unparalleled know-how enable their partners to connect with both new and existing audiences in an authentic way, while also delivering measurable commercial impact.

For more information,


For MSM Inquiries
Blake Martinelli

For [INVNT GROUP] Inquiries:
Jhonathan Mendez de Leon

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8805728

Call for Nominations: 2023 Global Citizen Award®

LONDON, April 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Leading international residence and citizenship advisory firm Henley & Partners, in partnership with the Swiss non-profit humanitarian Andan Foundation, is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2023 Global Citizen Award.

Created in 2014, the Global Citizen Award is a tribute that honors remarkable individuals working to advance any one of the global challenges affecting humanity today – challenges that transcend national boundaries and cannot be resolved by any one country acting alone.

The 2023 laureate will be selected by a distinguished, independent committee and honored at the Global Citizen Award ceremony, the concluding event of the annual Henley & Partners Global Citizenship Conference – taking place this year in Dubai from 9 -10 November.

Henley & Partners Chairman and Founder of the Andan Foundation, Dr Christian H. Kaelin, says the awardee’s work needs to demonstrate a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable social groups, particularly with a connection to migration-related issues. “The Global Citizen Award is open worldwide to those working in a field with a direct link to the issues they are looking to affect and excludes political figures, opinion leaders, and celebrities. The committee is looking for remarkable and inspirational individuals who demonstrate vision, courage, and innovation in driving global change, and whose actions and outlook contribute to a more just, peaceful, connected, and tolerant world.”

The selection process is confidential and is based on a majority decision of the Award Committee. The award itself consists of a bespoke sculptural medal designed by leading Italian artist Antonio Nocera, an award certificate signed by the Chairman of the Global Citizen Award Committee, and a monetary prize of USD 20,000, which goes towards supporting the awardee’s humanitarian efforts. In addition, Henley & Partners commits to working closely with the awardee for a period of one year, raising awareness of their work and supporting the selected project through the firm’s network of more than 40 offices worldwide.

Since its inception, the Global Citizen Award has honored many remarkable individuals. The first laureate was German entrepreneur Harald Höppner, who set up the refugee humanitarian aid project Sea Watch. Another recipient was Dr. Imtiaz Sooliman, Founder of the Gift of the Givers Foundation, Africa’s largest disaster relief organization, and Monique Morrow, Co-Founder of The Humanized Internet, a digital identity project that aims to bring hope to the estimated 1.1 billion individuals in the world who cannot prove their legal identity. Diep Vuong, Co-Founder and President of the Pacific Links Foundation, was awarded for her work in Southeast Asia campaigning for the rights of those enslaved by human trafficking, and Prof. Dr. Padraig O’Malley received his Global Citizen Award in recognition of his work on conflict resolution and reconciliation in Northern Ireland, South Africa, and Iraq.

Commenting on the award’s history and significance, Dr Kaelin says global citizenship ideals are a founding principle of Henley & Partners, and through its partnership with the Andan Foundation, the firm is able to provide support to those global citizens displaced by war, conflict and climate change. “All of our Global Citizen Award laureates have inspired us with their willingness to act in confronting a problem that many see as simply too vast to address. The issues that we face today transcend the family, the tribe, the village, and the nation. It’s more critical than ever that we do what we can to support those working on initiatives that directly change the lives of vulnerable people around the world.”

Nominations close on Friday, 30 June 2023. For more information on how to submit your nomination, please contact Tina Savic at

About the Andan Foundation 

The Andan Foundation is a non-profit humanitarian foundation based in Switzerland. It is regulated by the Swiss Federal Authority for the Supervision of Foundations and audited annually by BDO.

Andan leads private sector initiatives to support families fleeing their homes due to war, internal conflict, and climate change. It identifies and develops innovative, sustainable solutions promoting refugees’ self-reliance, boosting their resilience, and fostering their inclusion in their new countries. Andan prioritizes projects that expand economic, financial, and political opportunities for both refugee populations and the communities that welcome them. Andan facilitates and propels partnerships between the private sector and UN agencies, governments, NGOs, and academic institutions concerned with refugees and migrants.

Andan’s main, long-term project is the Andan Global City, which will completely upend and reform how we deal with the growing global refugee and migration crisis.

About Henley & Partners

Henley & Partners is the global leader in residence and citizenship by investment. Each year, hundreds of wealthy individuals and their advisors rely on our expertise and experience in this area. The firm’s highly qualified professionals work together as one team in over 40 offices worldwide.

The concept of residence and citizenship planning was created by Henley & Partners in the 1990s. As globalization has expanded, residence and citizenship have become topics of significant interest among the increasing number of internationally mobile entrepreneurs and investors whom we proudly serve every day.

The firm also runs a leading government advisory practice that has raised more than USD 10 billion in foreign direct investment. Trusted by governments, the firm has been involved in strategic consulting and in the design, set-up, and operation of the world’s most successful residence and citizenship programs.

Media Contact

For further information, please contact:

Sarah Nicklin

Group Head of Public Relations

Mobile: +27 72 464 8965

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000803210

Akere Muna files complaint against SONARA, two other companies for corruption, money laundering

Barrister Akere Muna has filed complaints against three companies in Cameroon for alleged corruption, money laundering, tax fraud and custom frauds.

In a press release signed by the Barrister’s spokeperson, Paul Mahel, he reveals that workers of the National Oil Refinery Company of Cameroon, SONARA, Glencore Exploration Cameroon limited and the National Hydrocarbon company, SNH, were involved in lots of scandals between the years 2011 and 2018.

He has submitted three separate complaints at the Wouri high court in Douala, the Mfoundi high court in Yaounde and at the Senior State Council of legal affairs department Limbe, urging the government to investigate the cases.

“In accordance with Article 145 of the Cameroonian criminal procedure code, law no 2005 of July 27, 2005, Akere Muna has filed a written information with the three legal authorities mentioned above, disclosing facts that constitute offenses committed between 2011 and 2018 by agents and or employees of SONARA, SNH and Glencore,” a section of the press release reads.

The press release further states that Glencore has admitted to being involved in corruption following their conviction by the courts of the United Kingdom and the United State of America.

The Barrister has added that he is ready and available to give details and information concerning the cases.

This is coming at a time when a document surfaced on social media, allegedly revealing that the monthly salary of the Director General of the National Hydrocarbon company earns F CFA 25.000.000.

The same document which CNA got from social media reveals that the least worker at the company earns F CFA 900.000.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

PGR confirms lawsuits involving Exalgina Gamboa, Joel Leonardo

Attorney General Hélder Pitta Groz confirmed Tuesday in Luanda the progress of the lawsuits for alleged corruption involving the former president of the Court of Auditors (TC) Exalgina Gamboa and the president of the Supreme Court (TS) Joel Leonardo.

Pitta Groz confirmed this on the sidelines of the opening ceremony of the III Training Course for Deputy Attorneys General, which also gathered the public prosecutors from Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique.

The magistrate assured that, in due time, the results of the processes will be known.

“The proceedings are taking a normal course, the work is being done and, in due time, we will have the results. I cannot go into details, because they are secret of justice, but the work is being done”, he clarified.

The former president of the Court of Auditors (TC) Exalgina Gamboa was accused of crimes of embezzlement, extortion and corruption by the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) on February 28 this year.

The presiding judge of the Supreme Court Joel Leonardo has been accused of being allegedly involved in acts of corruption, nepotism and mismanagement of the body.

The Attorney General of the Republic added that the body he heads is also working on the cases involving the Angolan businesswoman Isabel dos Santos and the former Vice-President of the Republic, Manuel Vicente, both residing abroad

Source: Angola Press News Agency