The President of the Senate Emmanuel Sinzohagera joined the faithful of the Pentecostal Church of Mugara in Rumonge commune and province in the celebration of Pentecost on May 5, 2022. In his greetings, Emmanuel Sinzohagera wished Christians a happy Pentecost day . He called for brotherhood, love of work and patriotism to develop the country.

Preacher of the day, the President of the Senate referred to the word of God written in the epistle of Luke chapter 3 verses 7-14, he recalled how John the Baptist told the Pharisees to flee the wrath of God in other words, to flee from sin. Emmanuel Sinzohagera took the example of Joseph in Egypt who fled Potiphar’s wife who invited him to sleep with him. Likewise, Daniel and his companions refused to eat the food sacrificed to the idols, preferring the threat of death.

The President of the Senate took this opportunity to urge the faithful to flee from sin, recalling that he who sins voluntarily attracts the pangs of death.

Emmanuel Sinzohagera warned Christians against hypocrisy. For him, some false Christians sin deliberately in secret without realizing that nothing is hidden from the eyes of God.

According to the President of the Senate, God sees everywhere even in the heart of man. He thus called on the faithful to seek to be guided by the Holy Spirit, inviting them to regularly read the word of God, to pray without ceasing, to repent and to ask forgiveness in case of sin. He called on Christians to bear fruits worthy of repentance and made it clear that only the righteous will inherit the kingdom of God.

After the prayer, the President of the Senate made a guided tour of a construction site of a new building under construction which will house the Mugara Pentecostal Church. Emmanuel Sinzohagera made a contribution by pledging a donation of cement. Source: Radio Television Burundi

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