
ACO HAC US$26.6M funding requirement funded by 40 percent

218,430 children aged 6 to 59months screened for wasting of which, 52,112 with SAM admitted for treatment in UNICEF-supported nutrition treatment centres, reaching 93 per cent of the 2022 target.

337 health facility staff trained on nutrition practices for the prevention and treatment of malnutrition.

214,449 people with access to safe water

Situation in Numbers

3.9 million children in need of humanitarian assistance

7.3 million people in need

214,449 People reached with access to safe water

218.430 Children under 5 years screened for malnutrition

Funding Overview and Partnerships

Inadequate humanitarian funding continues to significantly impact on UNICEF’s ability to upscale its humanitarian interventions in Angola and to address increasing nutrition, WASH, and education needs. Currently, ACO humanitarian interventions are funded by close to 39 percent, of which a significant proportion of the funds arrived in quarter 2 of 2022 with the remainder 3.7 percent being carry forward from 2021. Major funding contributions to the humanitarian action for children (HAC) in 2022, include Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance, USAID, Banco Fomento de Angola, Government of Japan, Global Humanitarian Thematic, and UNOCHA-CERF. However, critical funding gaps continue into quarter 3 of the year limiting both scalability of humanitarian interventions in the south and timeliness. Drought conditions in Angola are deteriorating and protracted, particularly in the South-Western provinces of Cunene, Huila, Namibe. Timely, flexible, and adequate funding remains critical to an effective humanitarian response in the south. Without additional funding, UNICEF’s ability to provide time-critical and life-saving interventions to the most vulnerable children, and implement multisectoral, with nutrition, water, sanitation and sanitation, health, education, and child protection, including gender-based violence services will continue to be constrained. Currently, ACO has partnership agreements with the World Food Programme and CSOs, including World Vision, MENTOR, AfriKare, JAM, people in need (PIN) and ADRA, with whom we continue to implement key HAC interventions in 2022.

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs

The worst drought in 40 years and rising food prices in Angola have resulted in high acute food and nutrition insecurity in southern provinces. An estimated 3.81 million people are currently reported to have insufficient food consumption in the six southern provinces of the country, namely Cunene, Huíla, Namibe, Huambo, Benguela and Cuanza Sul. This figure represents an increase of 138 per cent compared to 1.6 million people who faced food insecurity in 2020/2021.

The FEWSNET Angola Repot Monitoring Update (https://reliefweb.int/report/angola/angola-remote-monitoring-updatejune-2022) found that in southwestern Angola, most poor households in the region have limited, or no access to selfproduced crops and are relying entirely on food purchases, with food prices in these areas above the national average due to limited supplies in markets. With lower-than-normal purchasing power, an expected normal start to seasonal rains, and the lean season, poor households in Cunene, Huila, and Namibe will continue to face Crisis (IPC Phase 3) food security outcomes from August 2022 through January 2023. While UN CERF UFE interventions have converged geographical and programmatically in Huila province to optimize resources and improve the outcome of humanitarian interventions, food and nutrition insecurity expands beyond and affects other provinces in the south, including Huambo, Bié, Benguela and Cuanza Sul.

Drought has forced families into internal displacement and cross border migration to Namibia. At its peak the Government reported there were 1,823 returnees living in temporary accommodation camps of whom 747 children under 5 and 365 children between 5 and 10 years. In addition, there were 16,000 IDPs including 8,000 children who settled 2 km away from the camp. The drought continues to have a negative impact across sectors. Data collected by UNICEF from provincial education authorities in June 2021 suggest that 8.3% of students in Namibe, 20.1% of students in Huila, and 69.1% of students in Cunene have experienced reduced access to schools due to the drought. In focus group discussions with school communities in Ombadja, Cunene in June 2021, caregivers and teachers consistently noted that the lack of food and access to water made it difficult for many children to attend school.

Source: UN Children’s Fund

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