Spin Master Wins Landmark IP Protection Victories in China

TORONTO, March 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Spin Master Corp. (TSX: TOY) (www.spinmaster.com), a leading global children’s entertainment today announced several landmark IP protection case wins. The victories are a positive sign of China’s commitment to tackle counterfeiting and IP infringement in the toy industry.

The cases include financial compensation following a win for Spin Master in a patent lawsuit against a Chinese company, as well as the first criminal judgment obtained for its popular PAW Patrol® cartoon series. The outcomes send a clear message that malicious infringement of IP rights will cost counterfeiters.

The cases further represent a crackdown on counterfeit toy products, which don’t meet safety certification standards and could endanger children. The strong stances taken will have a lasting effect on the enforcement of IP rights in the region.

Spin Master also successfully protected its patent for the award-winning Bakugan® toys in a patent infringement lawsuit against a major local imitator. The infringer’s ‘Monster Hunter’ toys closely mirrored the Bakugan series and, despite the infringer’s attempts to delay the process of litigation over a number of years, Spin Master obtained a favourable final civil judgment. The patent related to Bakugan toys was also sustained.

Spin Master was awarded CNY 15.5 million (approx. 2.4 million USD) in damages, in a decision that demonstrated the Chinese Supreme People’s Court is willing to take strong action. It serves as a warning for local IP infringers that the rights of multinationals, whether toy producers or manufacturers of other products, will be upheld in China.

Spin Master also successfully sought criminal action against counterfeiters across China, who had produced fake, unsafe toy merchandise for children in the region, selling them under the guise of being part of Spin Master’s PAW Patrol line.

Several local counterfeiters were raided by police, resulting in product seizures and detention of suspects. Two individuals were sentenced to imprisonment and received monetary penalties. Prosecutions against other infringers are still undergoing.

“These wins strengthen our confidence in China’s IP protection environment and judicial regime,” said Chris Harrs, Spin Master’s General Counsel and Corporate Secretary. “Spin Master will continue exploring routes, including legal action, to protection our IP rights as well as consumers’ interests.”

Consumers may purchase the PAW Patrol series and other toys developed by Spin Master through authorized distribution channels in China, including Toys “R” Us and Spin Master official online flagship stores in Tmall and other platforms.

About Spin Master
Spin Master Corp. (TSX:TOY) is a leading global children’s entertainment company, creating exceptional play experiences through its three creative centres: Toys, Entertainment and Digital Games. With distribution in over 100 countries, Spin Master is best known for award-winning brands PAW Patrol®, Bakugan®, Kinetic Sand®, Air Hogs®, Hatchimals®, Rubik’s Cube® and GUND®, and is the global toy licensee for other popular properties. Spin Master Entertainment creates and produces compelling multiplatform content, through its in-house studio and partnerships with outside creators, including the preschool franchise PAW Patrol and numerous other original shows, short-form series and feature films. The Company has an established presence in digital games, anchored by the Toca Boca® and Sago Mini® brands, offering open-ended and creative game and educational play in digital environments. Through Spin Master Ventures, the Company makes minority investments globally in emerging companies and start-ups. With over 30 offices in close to 20 countries, Spin Master employs more than 2,000 team members globally. For more information visit spinmaster.com or follow-on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @spinmaster.

Sophia Bisoukis, Vice President, Investor Relations, sophiab@spinmaster.com

Les membres de l’association des natifs de la province Bujumbura se réunissent en assemblée générale

Le Président du Sénat burundais Emmanuel Sinzohagera a rehaussé de sa présence samedi le 12 mars 2022 à Mageyo en commune Mubimbi, la tenue de l’assemblée générale de l’association des natifs de la province de Bujumbura SOPADEBU( Solidarité pour la Paix et le Développement de la Province Bujumbura) sous le thème:”Ensemble pour le développement de notre province”.

Selon le Président de l’association des natifs de Bujumbura Pascal Ngendakuriyo, la SOPADEBU a contribué dans le développement de la province en général, l’assistance des orphelins et des veuves et l’organisation des visites pédagogiques pour renforcer les capacités.

L’association des natifs SOPADEBU a également contribué dans la sauvegarde de l’environnement en traçant les courbes de niveaux et len plantant des arbres fixateurs au moment où cette province est caractérisée par un relief accidenté qui surplombe la ville de Bujumbura.

En dépit de toutes les réalisations de l’association SOPADEBU, des défis n’ont pas manqué entre autres l’indisponibilité de certains membres du comité exécutif qui exercennt d,autres fonctions du pays.

Dans les perspectives d’avenir l’association des natifs de Bujumbura SOPADEBU compte renforcer le comité exécutif, la solidarité dans la province, contribuer dans le développement et la construction des infrastructures en cours notamment les écoles, les hôpitaux et le stade provincial.

Dans son allocution, le Président du Sénat Emmanuel Sinzohagera a demandé aux natifs d’exploiter au maximum les atouts dont dispose la province et de continuer à relever les défis auxquels cette province fait face.

Emanuel Sinzohagera a demandé aux natifs de Bujumbura de mettre leurs forces en commun pour entreprendre de gros travaux comme la création des industries de transformations agroalimentaires car l’union fait la force.

Le Président du sénat Emmanuel Sinzohagera a aussi demandé au gouverneur de Bujumbura de rassembler les natifs de tous les secteurs pour contribuer au développement de la province.

Revenant sur l’éducation, le Président du sénat Emmanuel Sinzohagera a exhorté les natifs de Bujumbura à s’impliquer davantage dans l’éducation en contribuant pour que les élèves aient des bancs pupitres et les manuels scolaires, fondement d’une éducation solide.

En marge de l’assemblée générale de l’association des natifs de Bujumbura,la SOPADEBU a assisté à 62 ménages dont 2 patients alités au CDS Mageyo. Chaque ménage recevait 10kg de haricots, 5kg de riz, 1kg de sucre, du sel et du savon avac les échangesde meilleurs vœux de l’an 2022.
Des certificats d’honneur ont été décernés aux natifs qui se sont fort investis pour le développement de la province et celui de l’association des natifs SOPADEBU.

Source: Radio Television Burundi

Olucome/Parcem : La police suspend leur conférence de presse

La police a suspendu dans la matinée de ce 14 mars une conférence de presse conjointe animée par les organisations Parcem et Olucome. Ces derniers demandent la suspension provisoire de la mesure limitant l’espace de circulation des deux-roues et tricycles.

A peine quelques minutes après le début de cette conférence de presse, le commissaire de police de la région Ouest Arthémon Nzitabakuze s’est introduit dans la salle pour l’interrompre : « Je vous demande de suspendre cette activité. Vous n’avez pas de permission de faire cette conférence de presse ».

Après des discussions entre les organisateurs de cette conférence de presse et ce commissaire de police, ce dernier a demandé aux journalistes de quitter les lieux avec leur matériel.

« Pourtant nous sommes en train de féliciter le Ministre Ndirakobuca pour ses décisions même si nous avons quelques appréhensions sur la façon de le faire », s’est justifié Gabriel Rufyiri, président de l’Olucome.

Une mesure prise à la va-vite

« Nous avons participé aux séances d’explication de la mesure limitant l’espace de circulation des motos, vélos et tuk-tuk, mais certaines questions sont restées sans réponse. Cela explique que la mesure a été prise à la hâte », indique Faustin Ndikumana, directeur national de l’association Parcem (Paroles et actions pour réveil des consciences et le changement des mentalités).

Pour lui, les conséquences de cette mesure sont énormes. « Cela va entraîner l’augmentation du chômage, du banditisme et de la pauvreté dans le pays ».
D’après lui, plus de 100 mille familles seront touchées par cette mesure. « Les propriétaires de ces moyens de transport tomberont dans l’incapacité de rembourser les crédits contractés dans les banques », explique-t-il. Et de souligner qu’un capital avoisinant 50 milliards BIF investi par les propriétaires de ces outils de transport risque d’être perdu.

Il rappelle que ces moyens de transport étaient en train de contribuer au développement du pays : « Les vendeurs et les propriétaires de ces motos, vélos et tuk-tuk payaient des taxes et des impôts. Il y aura, donc, des pertes dans les caisses de l’Etat ».

Et d’ajouter que ladite mesure risque de décourager la population en général et la jeunesse en particulier à faire des initiatives d’auto-développement.
« On est tous convaincu qu’il y a un problème de sécurité. Nous ne sommes pas contre les initiatives du ministère de l’Intérieur. Nous comprenons leurs préoccupations », indique Gabriel Rufyiri, président de l’Observatoire de lutte contre la corruption et les malversations économiques (Olucome). Et de préciser que le problème réside dans la méthodologie de l’exécution de cette mesure.

Dans leur déclaration, les deux organisations proposent la suspension provisoire de la mise en application de cette mesure en vue d’éviter des conséquences néfastes sur la vie des citoyens.

En outre, elles recommandent la mise en place d’une commission technique d’experts multisectorielle pour approfondir tous les enjeux et les conséquences liés à cette mesure.

La mesure limitant l’espace de circulation des motos, vélos et tuk tuk en mairie de Bujumbura a été prise le 23 février dernier. Elle entrera en vigueur le 21 mars.

Source: IWACU Burundi

VSBG : un grand frein pour l’élimination du VIH Sida

Dans le cadre de la célébration de la journée internationale des droits des femmes, la Swaa-Burundi a réuni, ce lundi 14 mars, les leaders communautaires bénéficiaires du projet Gir’iteka qui lutte contre les violences sexuelles basées sur le genre, une barrière pour l’élimination du VIH Sida.

Ces acteurs communautaires ont été formés sur les différents aspects des VBG et les techniques de sensibilisation. Il s’agira d’évaluer leurs actions dans les communautés et les défis auxquels ils font face.

Jeanne d’Arc Nzeyimana, agent de santé communautaire de Ruziba, zone Kanyosha, affirme que les cas de VBG sont nombreux dans sa localité surtout les violences sexuelles sur les enfants.

Elle affirme qu’elle rencontre pas mal de difficultés dans sa mission. Notamment les victimes qui sont réticents à lui prêter oreille. De surcroît, elle fait face à des victimes de violences sexuelles ou physiques pauvres, qui ont besoin de soins de santé. « Souvent, j’utilise mes moyens alors que nous ne sommes pas payés. Nous le faisons volontairement. »

De ces formations, cet agent de santé communautaire indique avoir gagné de nouvelles techniques de convaincre les victimes à oser dénoncer les différentes violences.

Quant à Pacifique Muzaneza, père éducateur de Swaa-Burundi qui opère dans la zone Ngagara, il affirme avoir eu de nouvelles connaissances sur les différentes formes de VBG, leurs causes et les techniques d’approche et de sensibilisation des victimes et auteurs.

Il affirme avoir résolu trois cas compliqués de VBG dans sa communauté depuis le début de ce projet en 2020.

Les grands défis auxquels il fait face dans sa mission, l’incompréhension de la société de leur rôle. « Ils ne veulent que l’on entre dans leur vie privée, ils n’écoutent pas ».

L’autre défi est le manque de moyens pour résoudre certains problèmes liés aux soins de santé dont certaines victimes de violences physiques ont besoin.

La Swaa-Burundi affirme que depuis le début ce projet, les cas de VBG enregistrés dans leur zone d’intervention ont augmenté car les victimes osent les dénoncer.

Au début du projet en 2020, les cas de VBG enregistrés dans la zone de rapportage du projet (six districts sanitaires de six provinces) étaient autour de 100. Aujourd’hui, ils sont autour de 2.000.

Sweegen Expands Signature Stevia Footprint in Mexico

Mexico has adopted the Codex international food safety authority’s specification for steviol glycosides

Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., March 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sweegen’s entire Signature Bestevia® portfolio of nature-based sweeteners and sweetener systems is now accessible to brands in Mexico after the country’s food safety authority adopted the Codex Alimentarius (Codex) specifications for steviol glycosides produced by different technologies. This includes Sweegen’s bioconversion method for producing clean and non-GMO stevia sweeteners, such as Rebaudiosides B, D, E, I, M, and N. Codex is the international food safety organization under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO).

“Mexico’s Codex adoption is a step in the right direction for tackling obesity and diabetes in adults and children stemming from high sugar in products,” said Luca Giannone, senior vice president of global sales. “Streamlining the regulatory process for introducing new generation zero-calorie stevia sweeteners contributes to the improvement of overall health and wellness for consumers.”

Giannone further said, “We are eager to share with brands in Mexico our expertise and high-quality ingredients for creating great-tasting, better-for-you product innovations.” He said, “Our robust portfolio of Signature sweeteners and sweetener systems featuring our proprietary Bestevia products is unparalleled; it demonstrates our commitment to investing in new technologies for offering the very best natural sweeteners to brands for tackling the challenges of sugar reduction and replacement in the formulation of food and beverages.”

Adopting the rigorous Codex framework for stevia technologies provided a streamlined approach for reviewing and approving Sweegen’s clean and sustainable bioconversion process. This approval by Mexico will provide greater access to less common and better-tasting steviol glycosides at scale and a more sustainable supply of zero-calorie ingredients with a taste closest to sugar.

Before the adoption, Sweegen’s Rebaudiosides M and D were approved in Mexico through the standard regulatory process. The new regulatory development opens doors for Sweegen to introduce unique Signature sweetener systems to brands, in addition to its Rebs D and M, further expanding product developers’ sugar reduction toolkits.

“With more sugar reduction tools for brands to explore, they can rapidly develop great-tasting and healthy food and beverages, sparking and inspiring new innovations and product launches,” said Giannone.

Sweegen’s LATAM Innovation Studio is located in Mexico City and serves the entire region. It is one of many global creative centers home to product developers exploring sweet taste solutions, local consumer insights, and collaborating on new or reformulated products with Sweegen’s expert food and applications team.

“The Codex framework sets a good regulatory example on welcoming better ingredients for supporting health and wellness,” said Hadi Omrani, senior director of technical and regulatory affairs. “As more countries follow suit, Sweegen’s global stevia footprint will rapidly expand into more countries, providing brands better options in sugar reduction solutions where they are under government pressure, like Mexico, to produce healthy food and beverages.”

Obesity, diabetes, and associated diseases are prevalent in Mexico and are leading public health concerns. Adult obesity increased by 42.2% from 2000 to 2018. Childhood obesity is linked to high sugar consumption and saturated fats. In 2016, Mexico declared an epidemiological alert as a result of high rates of diabetes and obesity after a WHO report published in 2015 raised awareness on serious health issues and supported Mexico’s sugar tax on all nonalcoholic beverages with added sugar in 2014. UNICEF reports that Mexico is the largest consumer of ultra-processed products, including sugary drinks, in Latin American countries.

Mexico’s beverage sugar tax resulted in fewer people buying sodas, with an overall decline of just 7.6%. “Behavioral conditioning through a beverage tax only goes so far,” said Giannone. “Introducing better ingredients into the food and beverage space can breathe new life into product offerings and stimulate new trends, such as plant-based products or functional beverages.”

In 2020, food and beverage producers in Mexico felt more pressure by a government mandate to present new front-of-package labels warning consumers of excess calories, sugar, sodium, saturated fats, and trans-fats, as well as caffeine and artificial sweeteners.

With the Codex adoption, brands have new opportunities to connect with consumers by delivering a full sugar-like taste in food and beverages without the calories. This would be a significant advancement from several years ago when the first generation of stevia was introduced.

Unlike first-generation stevia sweeteners like Rebaudioside A, new generation rebaudiosides made by bioconversion produce clean new generation sweetener molecules like Rebaudiosides B, D, E, I, M, and N, which are originally found in small quantities in the stevia leaf. They impart a clean sugar-like taste with a better sensory profile and are highly sought-after by food and beverage manufacturers in countries with regulatory approvals.

“Brands in Mexico can look to Sweegen as a resource of expertise and as a committed partner for creating zero to low-calorie new product innovations that will delight consumers while supporting the country’s journey on health and wellness goals,” said Steven Chen, Sweegen’s chief executive officer. “We commend the food and safety authorities in Mexico for demonstrating leadership by taking action on adopting the Codex specification.”

About Sweegen

Sweegen provides sweet taste solutions for food and beverage manufacturers around the world.

We are on a mission to reduce the sugar and artificial sweeteners in our global diet.  Partnering with customers, we create delicious zero-sugar products that consumers love.  With the best next-generation stevia sweeteners in our portfolio, such as Bestevia® Rebs B, D, E, I, M, and N, along with our deep knowledge of flavor modulators and texturants, Sweegen delivers market-leading solutions that customers want and consumers prefer. Be well. Choose well.

For more information, please contact info@sweegen.com and visit Sweegen’s website, www.sweegen.com.

Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements, including, among other statements, statements regarding the future prospects for Reb M stevia leaf sweetener. These statements are based on current expectations but are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and are beyond the control of Sweegen, Inc.

Relevant risks and uncertainties include those referenced in the historic filings of Sweegen, Inc. with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These risks and uncertainties could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by the forward-looking statements, and, therefore, should be carefully considered. Sweegen, Inc. assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements due to new information or future events or developments.


Ana Arakelian

Conagen Develops Novel High-Performing Debondable Adhesives From Natural Ingredients

Sustainable hot melt adhesives resolve manufacturers from traditional hurdles in bonding

Bedford, Mass., March 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A new era for adhesives has arrived for manufacturers seeking debondable structural adhesive solutions to avoid waste and save costs in manufacturing. Today, Conagen, the biotechnology innovator, announced the development of highly sought-after debondable hot melt adhesives made by high-performance materials from sustainable and natural bio-molecules.

“Conagen has solved the challenges manufacturers face in seeking strong structural adhesives that are long-lasting, perform strongly, and have the valuable option for breaking the adhesion before final finishing operations to deliver perfect products,” said J. McNamara, vice-president of chemical applications.

The advantages of high-strength debondable adhesives benefit multiple industries. For example, smartphones and electronics can be repaired effortlessly, and deconstructed at the end of their life without damaging components for recovery and recycling of valuable parts currently in land refills.

“Conagen’s patented debondable hot melt adhesive are incredibly stronger than what is used in the market now and can outperform petroleum-based products with a sustainable advantage that saves time, cost and reduces waste,” said McNamara.

McNamara further states, “The unexpected boost in performance comes from Conagen’s fermented ingredients already at full industrial scale.” And, “Conagen is open to discussing commercialization opportunities with manufacturers who are interested in a new era of performance materials.”

Adhesives offer many advantages in joining materials, including the ease of use compared to welding, sealing, distributing stress, and environmental resistance. Currently, manufacturers glue two pieces together and wait for a day to cure the bond. If there are imperfections in the bond, the glued products are thrown away because they cannot be unglued, resulting in time and material waste.

Today, most reactive hot melt adhesives rely on post-curing chemistry to develop adhesive strength. A downside to this approach is the curing process is irreversible and, as such, hinders or prevents de-bonding almost entirely.

While the ingredients of Conagen’s hot melt adhesives are commonly found in nature, to develop sustainable debondable adhesives, Conagen leverages its precision fermentation technology to engineer a synthetic pathway independent of plant source materials, creating more efficient and sustainable bio-based ingredients than what can be achieved with chemically-synthesized versions.

Conagen’s inspiration is self-healing materials, using sustainable and natural ingredients, turning them into high-strength debondable hot melt adhesives. “The process is as simple as cutting the plastic that reheals itself in less time than the conventional way,” said McNamara.

The Conagen adhesive is unique as it is a cross-linked material designed with reversibility in mind that exhibits the strength of traditionally cured adhesives with the added benefit of transitioning to a flowable material after heating.

Conagen’s debondable adhesive formulation is ideal for cars, boats, planes, transportation, consumer electronics and appliances, and military and industrial applications. And Adhesives in electric vehicles (EVs) are more widespread than conventional automobiles.

The adhesives market stood at $729.11 billion in 2019 and is projected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.3% between 2020 and 2027, making Conagen’s adhesive formulation lucrative in the original equipment manufacturers (OEM) market.

Conagen’s hallmark in the specialty and industrial space is discovering applications from the platform of natural bio-compounds and bio-materials for a new era of materials that are both high-performing and sustainable.

“Our adhesive formulation continues to show promise for bonding a wide array of materials, such as metal, plastic, and glass,” said McNamara. “We’re making it easier for companies to adopt a more natural position in manufacturing while staying true to the performance of their products.”

About Conagen

Conagen is a product-focused, synthetic biology R&D company with large-scale manufacturing service capabilities. Our scientists and engineers use the latest synthetic biology tools to develop high-quality, sustainable, nature-based products by precision fermentation and enzymatic bioconversion. We focus on the bioproduction of high-value ingredients for food, nutrition, flavors and fragrances, pharmaceutical, and renewable materials industries. www.conagen.com


Ana Arakelian