‫شركة KlasJet تُضيف Boeing 737 BBJ2 إلى أسطولها الحصري

لندن، 24 نوفمبر 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – في عام 2021، بلغت قيمة سوق طائرات الأعمال النفاثة العالمي 25.87 مليار دولار أمريكي ومن المتوقع أن تصل إلى 38.34 مليار دولار أمريكي بحلول عام 2029، بمعدل نمو سنوي مركب قدره 4.06 ٪. قام مشغلو طائرات الأعمال النفاثة بتسيير 3.3 مليون رحلة جوية في جميع أنحاء العالم في عام 2021، وهذا هو الرقم الأعلى في عام واحد بزيادة تتجاوز 7٪ مقارنة بآخر أعلى رقم في عام 2019. وتُظهر إحصائيات الأعمال الخاصة أسطولاً عالميًا يضم 21,929 طائرة مسجلة.KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

وفي سبيل توسيع محفظة منتجات KlasJet، تقوم شركة الطيران العارض الكائنة في الاتحاد الأوروبي ومقدم خدمات الطائرات والأطقم والصيانة والتأمين “ACMI” بإضافة طائرات الأعمال النفاثة BBJ2، MSN 32971 إلى أسطولها. من المقرر أن تبدأ الطائرة عملياتها في منتصف أبريل 2023 وسيكون مقرها في دبي. وسيكون وكيل المبيعات العامة لهذه الطائرة هو مكتب Chapman Freeborn في إمارة دبي بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

تعد طائرة Boeing 737 BBJ2 إضافة رائعة لأسطول طائرات KlasJet الحصري حيث من المقرر أن تلبي الاحتياجات المحددة لكبار العملاء المسافرين في مجموعات أصغر. وفي معرض تعليقها على هذه المناسبة، قالت Rita Domkute، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة KlasJet “في حين أن طائراتنا الأخرى لكبار الشخصيات من طراز Boeing 737 التي تضم 56-68 مقعدًا تعد رائعة للمجموعات الأكبر، مثل الفرق الرياضية، ووفود رجال الأعمال والوفود السياسية، فإن B737 BBJ2 ستكون خيارًا رائعًا للعائلات الثرية، وممثلي الحكومات، والرؤساء، والأسر الملكية، ووفود رجال الأعمال المهمة. توجد الطائرة حاليًا في مركز مسابقات Avia Solutions Group “JetMS Completion”، حيث سيتم تجديد الجزء الداخلي من الطائرة بالكامل”.KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

ثمة طلب هائل على خدمات الطيران العارض لطائرات الأعمال النفاثة في جميع أنحاء العالم، حيث تستطيع المجموعات الكبيرة السفر والاستمتاع بكافة مزايا طيران الأعمال: وقت الطيران المرن، والخدمة الفاخرة على متن الطائرة، والمقاعد الخاصة وسعر المقعد المماثل لمقاعد درجة رجال الأعمال في شركات الطيران العادية. وأردفت قائلة: “نخطط أن تسمح لنا طائرة B737 BBJ2 المضافة حديثًا بتعزيز مراكزنا في سوق الشرق الأوسط سريع النمو لأن الطائرة النفاثة هي خيار مثالي لكبار الشخصيات ممن يعيشون في المنطقة أو يزورونها بانتظام “.

تعد الطائرة ذات الـ 23 مقعدًا مشروعًا مميزًا حقًا، مع ردهة فسيحة وغرفة نوم على متن الطائرة وحمام. وتواصل قائلة “لقد تم تصميم الطائرة لتلبي احتياجات عملائنا الأكثر رفاهة وتطورًا. لقد تم التخطيط لها مع وضع راحة الركاب ورفاهيتهم في الاعتبار، وقد تم وضع التصميم باستخدام مواد عالية الجودة”.KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

وفي وقت سابق من هذا العام، أضافت شركة الطيران قائمة خدمات ACMI للركاب، مُعززة أسطول شركتها الأم Avia Solutions Group المتزايد من مقدمي الخدمات.

إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على مزيد من المعلومات أو ترغب في تحديد موعد مقابلة مع أحد ممثلي KlasJet، يرجى الاتصال بـ Vilma Vaitiekunaite at vilma.vaitiekunaite@aviasg.com أو الاتصال بالرقم +37061112789

نبذة عن KlasJet
KlasJet هي شركة خاصة لتأجير الطائرات النفاثة الحصرية تشتهر بريادتها في توفير رحلات طيران جماعية مصممة حسب الطلب في جميع أنحاء العالم. تعمل KlasJet على تشغيل أسطول من الطائرات النفاثة ذات التصميم الفريد في فيلنيوس بليتوانيا، بالإضافة إلى المطارات في جميع أنحاء أوروبا الغربية والشرقية وأفريقيا والشرق الأوسط، وتوفر KlasJe الراحة والأمان والاهتمام بالتفاصيل من الصفر.KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

تُشغل KlasJe 7 طائرات أعمال نفاثة بالإضافة إلى طائرات BBJ Boeing 737 التي تضم 23 إلى 68 مقعدًا. كما تقدم خدمات تأجير الطائرات والأطقم والصيانة والتأجير “ACMI” لشركات الطيران ومشغلي الرحلات في جميع أنحاء العالم الذين يواجهون تحديات في جداول الرحلات وخطط التوسع وتوفير طائرات احتياطية. يتكون أسطول الشركة المتاح لخدمات تأجير الطائرات والأطقم والصيانة والتأجير “ACMI” من 6 وحدات من طراز Boeing 737-800 — سعة كل منها 189 راكبًا.

KlasJet هي عضو في مجموعة Avia Solutions Group، الرائدة في حلول القدرات الشاملة لشركات طائرات الركاب والبضائع في جميع أنحاء العالم. وتشمل محفظتها الضخمة من الخدمات المقدمة للعملاء الطائرات والأطقم والصيانة والتأمين “ACMI”، والطيران العارض لنقل الركاب والبضائع، وتأجير الطائرات وتجارتها، وخدمات الصيانة والإصلاح والعَمرة “MRO”، وطائرات رجال الأعمال ومشتريات شركات الطيران لكبار الشخصيات، وتدريب الطيارين والأطقم، وخدمات التوظيف، إلى جانب خدمات تكميلية متعددة تغطي مجموعة واسعة من العمليات ذات الصلة. تدير المجموعة أكثر من 100 مكتب ومرفق إنتاج على مستوى العالم.KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة: www.klasjet.aero و www.aviasg.com

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FusionSolar Smart String ESS Solution: Multi-Level Active Protection for Ultimate Safety

Introduction: An energy storage system (ESS) is not just batteries but a comprehensive system that integrates electrochemical, power electronics, digital, and thermal technologies. As the penetration of renewable energy keeps increasing, we are seeing an explosive growth in the energy storage market. With this expansion, safety has become a crucial industry issue.

SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 28, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — ESS plays a key role in new energy systems, prompting rapid market growth around the world. Wood Mackenzie’s report shows global energy storage capacity could grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 31%, recording 741 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of cumulative capacity by 2030. This being said, occasional safety accidents persist at battery energy storage plants, putting staff at risk and causing serious economic losses.

FusionSolar Smart String ESS Solution:Multi-Level Active Protection for Ultimate Safety

Lithium batteries are the core components of a battery energy storage system (BESS). Internal and external sources may quickly increase the temperature of battery cells, leading to thermal runaway. This can release flammable and explosive gases, causing fires or even explosions. Normally, there are several issues that may lead to safety accidents in lithium BESSs:

  • Manufacturing defects, short circuits due to lithium plating, and battery cell inconsistency
  • Circulating currents between lithium battery racks, accelerating battery cell deterioration
  • External short circuits caused by insulation failures, internal short circuits caused by abnormal currents and overheating
  • External environmental changes, such as high temperature and high humidity, accelerating lithium battery aging and causing insulation failures and short circuits, resulting in thermal runaway
  • Battery monitoring failure due to improper configuration & coordination, or incomplete information sharing between the Battery Management System (BMS), Energy Management System (EMS), and Power Conversion System (PCS)

To ensure the safety of the entire ESS, it requires refined monitoring and management of batteries not only from system level, but also from rack level, pack level, and even cell level. By leveraging decades of extensive R&D investment and practical application of in electrochemical, power electronics and digital technologies, FusionSolar has pioneered the Smart String ESS Solution which features innovative battery pack & rack level optimization, as well as multi-level safety protection with refined monitoring and charge/discharge management of the ESS, achieving higher available battery capacity and increased safety.

FusionSolar Smart String ESS Solution:Multi-Level Active Protection for Ultimate Safety

FusionSolar Smart String ESS Solution adopts multiple levels of safety design for ultimate protection.

  • Structural Safety
    The solution design isolates the batteries, rack-level optimizers, and fire control cabins to ensure stable, ongoing monitoring and fire protection. The protection rating of the entire system reaches IP55, the anti-corrosion level of the container is C5, and the system can withstand earthquakes up to a magnitude of 9.
  • Electrical Safety
    Four-level active control and two-level physical isolation provide comprehensive overcurrent protection —— when detecting overcurrent, the system triggers the BMS to limit the current of battery packs and racks from the software side. If the fault is escalated, the battery pack & rack optimizers will shut down the system from the hardware side (‘four-level’). Finally, the circuit breaker and fuse will help prevent the fault spreading from system level (‘two-level’). In addition, when the ESS is not running, for example, during transportation or installation, the voltage of the battery pack terminals is zero, helping to protect construction and O&M personnel from accidents.
  • Fire Safety
    FusionSolar Smart String ESS Solution is equipped with multiple temperature, humidity, and smoke sensors. These sense warning factors in the environment. For example, if they detect flammable gas, the sensors automatically exhaust the gas to prevent fire and explosions. After the exhaust system is shut down, an extinguishant is immediately released to put out the fire and prevent the accident from escalating.
  • AI-based BMS Intelligent Alarming
     The solution uses an innovative patented AI-based short-circuit algorithm, which can intelligently detect internal short-circuits on the battery cell level, enabling early detection, early warning, and multi-level linkage protection.

Safety is always the top priority and is critical as we aim toward carbon neutrality. FusionSolar is committed to provide safer and more reliable ESS solutions by continuing to increase R&D investment and draw on the rich experience in power electronics, thermal, AI, and digital technologies, and will also continue working with customers and industry partners to accelerate carbon neutrality for a greener future.

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Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1955474/FusionSolar_Smart_String_ESS_Solution__0aMulti_Level_Active_Protection_Ultimate_Safety_0a.jpg

Full Steam Ahead: C-Pop Star Tia Lee’s “GOODBYE PRINCESS” Animation Series Continues Turning Heads

 DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES – Media OutReach – 28 November 2022 – Following the premiere of the first episode of her animation series “GOODBYE PRINCESS”, global C-Pop star Tia Lee Yu Fen expressed her gratitude and appreciation for all the support she has received as her video views approach a  record breaking 100 million. Since the first episode’s release on 11 November, the Asian pop singer, actress and fashion icon is eagerly anticipating the response to the second episode, “Stuck in Time”, which was unveiled on 15 November.

At the end of the first episode, the mermaid is seen sinking to the bottom of the ocean surrounded by an orb of light. She is then rescued and placed in the gentle care of a special fairy. Having transformed into a princess, she now finds herself travelling in a magical carriage to a magical palace with dazzling lights. Along the way, she tries on elegant dresses given to her by the fairy and enjoys revelling in the spotlight. But, once the light begins to dim, she discovers that the palace is disappearing over the horizon, and the carriage is moving in circles with no intended destination. Just as the clock strikes midnight, the princess takes a courageous leap of faith and jumps out of the carriage to escape. She runs into an uncertain future. Upon doing so, one of her shoes falls off and gets left behind.

The poster for episode 2 showcased many hidden easter eggs, including:

  1. The carriage appears to be transporting the princess to a brighter future, but on closer observation, it is actually a prison cell.
  2. The dresses worn by the princess are, in fact dresses Tia has worn throughout her modelling career.
  3. Beyond the dazzling lights that the princess yearns for lies a blurry castle. What secrets does the castle hold and how does it relate to “GOODBYE PRINCESS”?

Released with the second episode was another set of stunning motion and still images, along with an in-depth feature on Tia Lee Yu Fen from Vogue Hong Kong.

With so many questions unanswered, discover what fate awaits the princess in episode 3, which was released on 18 November.

Tia Lee Yu Fen Official Channels:

Instagram @leeyufen: https://www.instagram.com/leeyufen/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@tialeeofficial/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leeyufentialee/

Weibo: https://weibo.com/u/1396928042/

KlasJet acrescenta o Boeing 737 BBJ2 à sua frota exclusiva

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

LONDRES, Nov. 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Em 2021, o mercado mundial de jatos comerciais era de US$ 25,87 bilhões e deverá atingir US$ 38,34 bilhões até 2029, crescendo a uma CAGR de 4,06 %. Os jatos comerciais realizaram 3,3 milhões de voos em todo o mundo em 2021, o maior número registrado em um único ano, e 7% a mais do que o recorde anterior em 2019. As estatísticas de jatos privados indicam uma frota global de 21.929 aeronaves registradas.

Para expandir o portfólio de produtos da KlasJet, um charter corporativo baseado na UE e prestador de serviços ACMI (avião, tripulação, manutenção, seguro) está acrescentando o jato Boeing BBJ2, MSN 32971, à sua frota. A aeronave deverá iniciar suas operações em meados de abril de 2023 e sua base será em Dubai. O agente de vendas geral desta aeronave será o escritório da Chapman Freeborn nos EAU em Dubai.

O Boeing 737 BBJ2 é mais uma excelente aquisição da frota exclusiva de aeronaves privadas da KlasJet, pois está preparado para atender às necessidades específicas dos clientes de alto poder aquisitivo que viajam em grupos menores. “Enquanto nossas outras aeronaves Boeing 737 VIP com 56-68 assentos são ótimas para grupos maiores, tais como equipes esportivas, delegações de executivos e políticos, o B737 BBJ2 servirá como uma opção incrível para famílias abastadas, representantes do governo, presidentes, famílias reais e importantes delegações de executivos. Atualmente, a aeronave está no centro de acabamento JetMS Completion do Avia Solutions Group, onde o interior do jato será totalmente renovado”, explica Rita Domkute, CEO da KlasJet.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

Os serviços de fretamento de jatos executivos são muito requisitados em todo o mundo, pois grandes grupos podem viajar desfrutando de todas as vantagens da aviação executiva: tempo de voo flexível, serviço de luxo a bordo, assentos especiais e preço por assento semelhante aos assentos de classe executiva em companhias aéreas regulares. “Pretendemos que o recém-adicionado B737 BBJ2 nos permita fortalecer nossas posições no mercado do Oriente Médio em rápido crescimento, pois o jato é uma opção perfeita para pessoas de alto padrão que moram ou visitam a região regularmente”, ela compartilha.

O avião de 23 lugares é um projeto verdadeiramente requintado, com uma espaçosa área lounge, quarto a bordo e chuveiro. “O jato é projetado para atender até mesmo as necessidades mais sofisticadas de nossos clientes. É planejado pensando na conveniência e conforto dos passageiros, e o design é criado usando materiais de alta qualidade”, compartilha a CEO da KlasJet.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

No início deste ano, a companhia aérea acrescentou a lista de serviços ACMI de passageiros, incluindo a crescente linha de fornecedores de capacidade de sua matriz, Avia Solutions Group.

Se você deseja mais informações ou gostaria de marcar uma entrevista com um de nossos representantes KlasJet, entre em contato com Vilma Vaitiekunaite por e-mail vilma.vaitiekunaite@aviasg.com ou pelo telefone +37061112789

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

Sobre a KlasJet
A KlasJet é uma empresa exclusiva de fretamento de jatos privados e corporativos, reconhecida como líder na oferta de voos de grupo personalizados em todo o mundo. Operando uma frota de jatos de projeto exclusivo com base em Vilnius, Lituânia, assim como aeroportos da Europa Ocidental e Oriental, África e Oriente Médio, a KlasJet oferece conforto, segurança e atenção aos detalhes desde o início.

A KlasJet controla 7 aeronaves corporativas e BBJ Boeing 737 de 23 a 68 assentos. Também oferece serviços de locação ACMI para companhias aéreas e operadoras de turismo ao redor do mundo que enfrentam desafios com horários de voo, planos de expansão e o fornecimento de aeronaves de apoio. A frota da empresa disponível para os serviços de locação ACMI compreende 6 unidades do Boeing 737-800 – cada uma com capacidade para 189 passageiros.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

A KlasJet é um membro da família Avia Solutions Group, líder mundial em soluções de capacidade completa para companhias aéreas de passageiros e de carga. Seu vasto portfólio de serviços para clientes inclui ACMI, aviação charter e de carga, leasing e comércio de aeronaves, serviços MRO, aviação executiva e aquisição de companhias aéreas VIP, treinamento de pilotos e tripulação, serviços de recrutamento, além de vários serviços complementares que abrangem uma ampla gama de operações associadas. O Grupo administra mais de 100 escritórios e instalações de produção em todo o mundo.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

Para mais informações, visite: www.klasjet.aero e www.aviasg.com

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000769110

KlasJet intègre le Boeing 737 BBJ2 à sa flotte exclusive

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

LONDRES, 27 nov. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — En 2021, le marché mondial des avions d’affaires représentait 25,87 milliards de dollars US et devrait atteindre 38,34 milliards de dollars US d’ici 2029, avec un taux de croissance annuel composé de 4,06 %. Les avions d’affaires ont effectué 3,3 millions de vols dans le monde en 2021, le plus grand nombre jamais enregistré pour une seule année et 7 % de plus que le précédent pic enregistré en 2019. Les statistiques relatives aux jets privés font état d’une flotte mondiale de 21 929 appareils immatriculés.

Afin d’élargir le portefeuille de produits de KlasJet, un fournisseur de services d’affrètement privé et d’ACMI basé en UE intègre à sa flotte un jet Boeing BBJ2, MSN 32971. L’appareil devrait entrer en service à la mi-avril 2023 et sera basé à Dubaï. L’agent commercial général de cet appareil sera le bureau de Chapman Freeborn UAE à Dubaï.

Le Boeing 737 BBJ2 est un atout majeur pour la flotte exclusive d’avions privés de KlasJet, dans la mesure où il répond aux besoins spécifiques de clients haut de gamme voyageant en comité restreint. « Alors que nos autres appareils Boeing 737 VIP de 56 à 68 sièges au design unique sont parfaits pour les groupes plus importants, tels que les équipes sportives ou les délégations d’affaires et politiques, le B737 BBJ2 sera un choix idéal pour les familles fortunées, les représentants de gouvernements, les présidents, les familles royales et les délégations d’affaires importantes. L’appareil se trouve actuellement au centre d’achèvement JetMS Completion du Groupe Avia Solutions, où l’intérieur du jet sera entièrement rénové », précise Rita Domkute, PDG de KlasJet.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

Les services d’affrètement d’avions d’affaires constituent une demande importante dans le monde entier. Les grands groupes peuvent en effet voyager en bénéficiant de tous les avantages de l’aviation d’affaires : horaires de vol flexibles, service de luxe à bord, sièges spéciaux et tarif par siège similaire à la classe affaires des compagnies aériennes régulières. Et d’ajouter : « Nous prévoyons que le B737 BBJ2 récemment acquis nous permettra de renforcer notre position sur le marché du Moyen-Orient, lequel connaît une croissance rapide. Ce jet constitue une option parfaite pour les particuliers de haut rang vivant dans la région ou s’y rendant régulièrement ».

L’appareil de 23 places est un projet vraiment exquis, avec son salon spacieux, sa chambre à coucher et sa douche à bord. La PDG de KlasJet ajoute encore : « Ce jet est conçu pour répondre même aux besoins les plus exigeants de nos clients. Il a été conçu en tenant compte de la convivialité et du confort des passagers et en utilisant des matériaux de haute qualité ».

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

Plus tôt cette année, la compagnie aérienne a ajouté des passagers à sa liste de services ACMI, complétant ainsi la liste toujours croissante de fournisseurs de compétences de sa société mère Avia Solutions Group.

Pour plus d’informations ou pour fixer un rendez-vous avec l’un de nos représentants KlasJet, veuillez contacter Vilma Vaitiekunaite à l’adresse suivante : vilma.vaitiekunaite@aviasg.com ou par téléphone au +37061112789

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

La société KlasJet
est une compagnie d’affrètement de jets privés et d’affaires, réputée leader en matière de prestations de voyages de groupes sur mesure dans le monde entier. Exploitant une flotte de jets de conception unique basée à Vilnius, en Lituanie, ainsi que dans des aéroports d’Europe occidentale et de l’Est, d’Afrique et du Moyen-Orient, KlasJet garantit le confort, la sécurité et le sens du détail à chaque instant.

KlasJet exploite 7 Boeings 737 d’affaires et BBJ de 23 à 68 sièges. La compagnie offre également des services de location ACMI aux compagnies aériennes et aux voyagistes du monde entier confrontés à des difficultés liées aux calendriers de vols, aux plans d’expansion et à la disponibilité d’avions de remplacement. La flotte de la compagnie disponible à la location ACMI comprend 6 appareils Boeing 737-800, chacun d’une capacité de 189 passagers.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

KlasJet appartient au Groupe Avia Solutions, leader dans les solutions de capacité de bout en bout destinées aux compagnies aériennes de voyageurs et de fret dans le monde entier. Son vaste portefeuille de services proposés aux clients englobe l’ACMI, l’aviation privée et de fret, la location et le négoce d’avions, les services MRO, l’aviation d’affaires et l’approvisionnement des compagnies aériennes VIP, la formation des pilotes et des équipages, les services de recrutement, ainsi que de multiples services complémentaires couvrant un large éventail d’opérations associées. Le Groupe gère plus de 100 bureaux et sites de production dans le monde entier.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter les sites : www.klasjet.aero et www.aviasg.com

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

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J&T Express announces Lionel Messi as Global Brand Ambassador

SHANGHAI, Nov. 28, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Global logistics service provider J&T Express today announced football star and global sports icon Lionel Messi as its first global brand ambassador. Known for his relentless pursuit of excellence and resilience, the seven-time Ballon d’Or winner understands the continuous commitment to improvement that is at the heart of J&T Express.

Same as J&T Express who is committed to continuously benefiting the local communities it operates in, Messi is a strong believer of giving back to the society as evidenced by the forward’s contribution as the top scorer. Messi attributes his performance, both on and off the field, in large part to the collaborative effort of his team. This is aligned with J&T Express’ efforts to bring the best technology-enabled solutions to customers in all its global markets through collaboration with local network partners.https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1955884/J_T_Express_names_Lionel_Messi_Global_Brand_Ambassador.jpg

As part of his partnership with J&T Express, Messi will promote greater awareness of J&T Express, not only as a prominent logistics provider, but also as a one-stop e-commerce specialist across each and every touchpoint in the supply chain, as well as a true champion and practitioner of the “better together” spirit.

Commenting on this announcement, Rachel Liu, Global Branding Director of J&T Express said, “We are honored and excited to collaborate with Lionel Messi as our global ambassador. He is a generational athlete whose work ethic, humility and dedication align with the values that we imbue at J&T Express. Through his grit and accomplishments, Messi is an inspiration to many. This resonates deeply with our values of building a caring, responsible and sustainable business.”

“J&T Express has made remarkable achievements since its launch. We share many similarities in our passion and determination to never stop improving. Just as the sport of football unites millions across the globe, J&T Express seeks to develop logistic solutions to connect its customers to the world. I look forward to being part of this journey,” said Messi.

J&T Express and Messi will together elevate the brand’s popularity and promote greater awareness of J&T’s offerings as it seeks to contribute to the transformation of the logistic service value chain.

Messi’s addition to J&T Express launches a series of social media and marketing campaigns under the theme of #JTBetterTogether, among other activations, that the logistics service provider is planning in conjunction with the festive season and the new year ahead.

About J&T Express

J&T Express is a global logistics service provider with leading express delivery businesses in Southeast Asia and China, the largest and fastest-growing market in the world. Founded in 2015, J&T Express’ network spans thirteen countries, including Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore, China, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Mexico, Brazil and Egypt. Adhering to its “customer-oriented and efficiency-based” mission, J&T Express is committed to providing customers with integrated logistics solutions through intelligent infrastructure and digital logistics network, as part of its global strategy to connect the world with greater efficiency and bring logistical benefits to all.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1955884/J_T_Express_names_Lionel_Messi_Global_Brand_Ambassador.jpg
Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1721319/JT_Express_Logo.jpg