Sissala West MP commissions eight boreholes for communities

Mr Mohammed Adam Sukparu, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Sissala West, has handed over eight boreholes, three of which are mechanised, to communities in the constituency.

The ultra-modern mechanised boreholes were commissioned for the Gwollu Konnala, Nadabala and Fielmuo communities through the funding support of the Qatar Charity.

The remaining five hand-pump boreholes were constructed for the Kusali, Puzene, Liero, Chetu, and Gumo communities, which were built through self-funding and Common Funds at the cost of GHS25,000.00 per community, totalling GHS125,000.00.

Mr Sukparu, at the handing over ceremony, said: ‘One of the major challenges facing Gwollu is inadequate potable water, which affects livelihoods, and this is one way of ameliorating the situation to make water accessible to the people’.

He said upon a request by the chief, elders, and the youth to intervene, he made frantic efforts and got the two mechanised boreholes with overhead poly tanks to conserve water to help remedy the situation

The people were elated by the kind gesture of the MP and expressed the hope that his support for the communities would continue as promised.

Source: Ghana News Agency

FAKE: Clinton Njie has not announced his resignation from Cameroon National Football team

A blog page on Facebook called ‘Le Dehors 237’, with about 10k followers posted an article on Monday 24 January 2024, that Clinton Njie, a Cameroonian footballer playing for the men’s senior national football team, has announced his resignation from international football. This information is fake by the time we completed our verification.


Clinton Njie is a Cameroonian Footballer who plays for the Cameroon National football team, The Indomitable Lions. On the eve of the AFCON2023 last group C qualification match between Cameroon and Gambia, information about Njie’s resignation from the national football team of Cameroon circulated on Facebook and WhatsApp. Specifically, the page named ‘Le Dehors 237’, with about 10k followers published an article that said that Clinton Njie announced his resignation from the Cameroon national football team, citing Super Sports as source.


To check the authenticity of this information, we visited the Facebook page of Super Sports https://www.facebook.
com/SuperSportFootball?mibextid=ZbWKwL as stated by Le Dehors 237, but we did not find this information there nor on other official news and football sites.

To further check the veracity of the claim surrounding Clinton Njie’s resignation, we got into contact with Njie’s PRO, René Katche, who said that the claim is fake. Furthermore, it was also said that Njie was approached and insulted by the President of the Cameroon Football Federation, Samuel Eto’o, who allegedly said Njie should go and olay in Bamenda. This too is fake!


After verification of the claims as to whether Clinton Njie has announced his resignation from the Cameroon National football team, with his PRO’s confirmation that Njie has not announced his resignation, we can assert with certainty that the information is fake.

About CNA Fact-Check

This project is aimed at scrutinizing claims, statements, and evidence, holding journalism to a high standard of accuracy and accountability. At Cameroon News Agency, we are committed to fact-ch
ecking information and also helping society make decisions based on trustworthy information obtained from the media.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Transport ministry presents vehicles to 14 MMDAs for monitoring

Mr Hassan Tampuli, the Deputy Minister of Transport, has presented fourteen (14) vehicles to 14 Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies for monitoring and patrol.

The Mitsubishi L200 Sportero Mivec vehicles are to aid in maintaining fish landing sites and fishing ports across the coastal areas of the country.

Presenting the vehicles to the Assemblies, in Accra, on Tuesday, Mr Tampuli said the vehicles would go a long way to contribute to the achievement of national coastal fish landing site protection.

He said it was also to ensure compliance and draw the attention of the ministry for any defects in the cause of their monitoring.

The Minister said the landing sites had brought up some health centres, schools, roads, toilet facilities markets, fishing sites, fish mongering sites in the districts, hence, there must be a watchdog committee to maintain and keep the facilities in good shape to be beneficial for future generations.

He said it would be sad to return to the landing site in five years se
eing it dilapidated, that was why these vehicles would enable the assemble monitor these facilities across the country.

He said the ministry would collaborate with the ministry of local government and with the local assembly when needed and advised them to use them for monitoring and not for any other purpose.

According to the Minister, the vehicles for the MMDCEs inspired great hope that the districts would be able to render services on the field to improve the facilities.

Mr Tampuli urged them to put the vehicles to effective use, saying, ‘it is your obligation to develop a strict maintenance regime, it is important that you take measures to prolong the life span of the vehicles in order to achieve the desired results.’

Mabel Sagoe, Chief Director of the ministry of transport, speaking at the event, said it would enable the ministry to achieve its vision of ensuring that all districts have quality, timely and comprehensive fish landing sites.

Elizabeth Naa Kwatsoe Tawiah Sackey, Metropolitan Chief Exec
utive of Accra, assured the ministry that the vehicles would be put to use and would help them to monitor the facilities.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Metro Public Health Department to intensify intersectoral collaborations

Mrs Florence Kuukyi, Director, Metro Public Health Department, Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), says this year, the department will be intensifying its intersectoral collaborations.

She said the department had realised that they could not do it alone, hence, the need for collective action involving more than one specialised agency, performing different roles for a common purpose.

‘You have seen climate change, well-being, resilient cities, and hunger and poverty reduction all as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), all these are interconnected and the Environmental Health Officer is in the middle of all, so, we need to intensify collaboration,’ the Director said.

Mrs Kuukyi said this during the year in review of the Metro Public Health Department of the A.M.A held in Accra.

The Director said environmental health played a critical role in achieving SDGs by influencing and contributing to various dimensions of sustainable development.

She said they acted as a foundational element that underpinned multi
ple SDGs, ensuring that the goals were interconnected and addressing the complex web of factors that influenced human well-being and sustainable development.

‘Improving environmental health is not only a goal in itself, SDG 3, but it is also a catalyst for achieving a broad spectrum of sustainable development objectives,’ Mrs Kuukyi added.

She said the public health department was responsible for the health, education, organising of trainings, community durbars, awareness creation and inspections of public institutions such as schools, and to receive complaints from both internal and external publics.

The Director said at the year, the department inspected and assessed over 850 public places such as hospitality industries, market places, both public and private health facilities, and issued 238 sustainability health and safety certificates to deserving facilities and institutions upon inspection

She said the department inspected 63 per cent of all premises as compared to 86 per cent in 2022, 62 per cent o
f residential premises as compared to 84 per cent in 2022, 63 per cent of residential premises with toilets as compared to 89 per cent in 2022.

Mrs Kuukyi said, however, there was an increase in premises registration on waste collation of 83 per cent as compared to 53 per cent in 2022, adding that 477 environmental and sanitation offenders were successfully prosecuted as compared to 519 prosecutions in 2022.

She said in the year of review, the department received 176 sanitation and hygiene complaints from the public through the three sub-metros and the department.

‘These complaints were concerning a series of public nuisances such as indiscriminate dumping of refuse, noise nuisance, smoke nuisance, ferocious dogs, stray animals and many more,’ she stressed.

The Director said upon receipt of complaints, officers were assigned to visit the premises or the vicinity of the complaint for investigations and its resolution.

She said 136 complaints had been resolved and that the rest were pending due to duration
given to offenders to abate the said nuisance and some were being processed to court.

Mrs Kuukyi said lack of uniforms and ID cards to aid in compliance, inadequate office space for the department, irregular availability of funds to fuel vehicles for prompt enforcement, and many more were challenges the department encountered.

She added that procuring uniforms and ID cards for staff to help in visibility, regular provision of fuel and prompt payment of vehicle maintenance and allocating additional office space to enable prosecution units to join the department would enhance their operations.

Source: Ghana News Agency

We need commitment, desire to transform spheres – Apostle Nyamekye

Apostle Eric Nyamekye, Chairperson of the Church of Pentecost (CoP), has called on all and sundry to demonstrate degrees of commitment and desire to effect transformations in various spheres.

He said, ‘Christianity is a way of life, we are the light of the world and the salt of the earth, and so, we are not the light and salt of the church, the church is just a disciplining arena, so once we are raised as salt and light, our lights should shine in the world.’

The Chairperson added that the government could not do it alone and encouraged members of the CoP to get into their spheres and bring transformation.

Apostle Nyamekye said this at the Global Ministers and Wives’ Conference by the Church of Pentecost at the Pentecost Convention Center (PCC), Gomoa-Fetteh in the Central Region.

The event which was on the theme, ‘A People of God Unleashed to Transform Their World’ was focused on equipping the church to possess the nations.

It also sought to unleash the whole church to transform their world with the va
lues and principles of the Kingdom of God.

He said this year’s global conference marked the beginning of the second phase of the ‘Possessing the Nations’ agenda, Vision 2028.

Apostle Nyamekye said the Church always remained God’s hope for the transformation of the world, adding that, however, ‘we have shirked this responsibility to a needy world and have turned inward, ministering to ourselves.’

He said if the Church refused to unleash its members, it would risk becoming self-serving rather than a conduit of divine grace to transform its world.

‘Our success as a church should not only be measured by how many new souls are brought into our fold each year but also by how many of our members positively impact their communities’

‘Thus, we should not measure our success only by our seating capacity but also our ‘sending’ capacity, that is, by how many of our members are unleashed into the world to transform their spheres with the values and principles of the Kingdom of God,’ the chairperson stressed.

He said
in doing all that, ‘we must also acknowledge that since sin would persist till Christ’s return and that perfection could only be attained at His appearance, we would struggle hard now to erect signs of the coming wholeness as we act as the conscience and inhibitors of evil in society’.

He stressed that it would take only Christ-like believers to transform the spheres and while God’s ultimate plan was to make people to become like His Son Jesus when He returns.

He said the country needed a ‘shared moral vision’ to spur development, adding that without a moral vision, ‘the nation will be lost.’

Apostle Nyamekye said during a time when the nation embraced a collective moral perspective, its leaders could guide with a focus on the well-being of the upcoming generation.

The chairperson of CoP said a common moral vision should foster an inhospitable atmosphere for corruption.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Coca-Cola Foundation, NEWIG roll out $200,000 economic programme for women

The Coca-Cola Foundation and the Network of Women in Growth, (NEWIG) Ghana, a non-profit, women-focused skills-development organisation have implemented a $200,000 economic programme for marginalised women in urban centres.

The two-year economic project dubbed ‘Economic Inclusion of Marginalised Women Living in Urban Centers’ targets communities in the cities of Accra, Sekondi-Takoradi, Kumasi, and Tamale.

The programme is aimed at training and supporting 300 young women, including women living with disabilities, to gain skills in Mushroom and Snail farming, and Soap making.

It also aims to help beneficiaries create and manage their enterprises by educating them on key business management skills such as customer service, record keeping, time management, packaging, and entrepreneurship.

Reverend Dr Joyce Aryee, Founder and Executive Director of Salt and Light Ministries, who launched the programme in Accra, said the project reflected the country’s need for transformation.

‘The economic empowerment of wom
en is not just a goal; it is a catalyst for positive change that reverberates throughout society. When women are equipped with the skills and knowledge to contribute meaningfully to their communities, the entire nation reaps the rewards,’ she said.

Madam Saadia Madsbjerg, President of The Coca-Cola Foundation, said in a statement that the project demonstrated the company’s commitment to economically empowering women, particularly those living in metropolitan areas who require additional assistance to make a sustainable living.

‘By partnering with NEWIG, we aim to provide these women with the necessary resources and entrepreneurial skills, in order to contribute to the growth of the local economy and enhance the socio-economic status of these women,’ she added.

Ms. Mawulawoe Awity, Executive Director of NEWIG Ghana commended Coca-Cola for funding the project, which she said was a crucial step in addressing unemployment and empowering women in Ghana.

‘Leveraging our expertise in women and youth development,
and with the backing of The Coca-Cola Foundation, we are confident in creating lasting impact and opening new doors of opportunity for these women through this project.

‘This initiative aligns seamlessly with our commitment to advancing technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Ghana. Our collaboration underlines the important role TVET plays in creating sustainable livelihoods that engender economic inclusion,’ she said.

Source: Ghana News Agency